With a Thursday Eagles game on the horizon tonight we can’t help but dip into the past with news of Donovan McNabb’s release from the Vikings today. I was one of the individuals that originally thought McNabb to the Vikings would be a perfect fit for him. With Adrian Peterson as the vocal point of the Minnesota offense McNabb wouldn’t need to be the one to carry the team.
Turns out it wasn’t such a great fit after all and the Vikings are finding their way with rookie quarterback Christian Ponder. McNabb lost his job to a rookie quarterback which says a lot about where he is as an NFL quarterback. His career has been in free fall mode ever since he left the Eagles and it’s a shame.
The former Pro Bowler had this town in the palm of his hand early on in his career. The early part of his career was filled with amazing highlights. If he could have just won that Superbowl against New England he would most likely still be here in Eagle green playing out the string of his hall of fame career. But instead the storybook career took a bad turn during that Superbowl. McNabb threw up all over the field in that game and that hall of fame career never came to fruition.
McNabb’s story will also be one of what could have been. The year after the superbowl showed us all what kind of a man he is. McNabb is a me first kind of guy. He could have taken the Tom Brady/Peyton Manning route and asked management to restructure his contract to make T.O happy. Clearly his best year as a quarterback in the NFL came at the expense of T.O.
He should have stepped up and told the front office they need to do whatever it takes to make him happy. I firmly believe to this day if T.O was paid the Eagles would have had a Superbowl by now and looking back McNabb is to blame for that entire debacle. That offense was a juggernaut with T.O in the mix and McNabb chose to be selfish and play the role of company man instead of doing what was best for the team.
The sad part of it all is that McNabb is such a huge part of Eagle history and because of that it’s hard to ever fully turn away from him and any news he creates whether good or bad. I still find myself cheering for the guy after all the torment and aggravation he put us through towards the end of his Eagle tenure. Sure he could have done more but when you look back he also did a lot to resurrect this franchise.
Let’s not forget before McNabb came to town we had no franchise quarterback. He was a special player for a long time and unfortunately the story didn’t end the way it should.
Rumors are already swirling of where Donovan will end up or if he’ll end up anyplace at all. The early news is that the Chicago Bears could try to pick him up off waivers which would make sense for both parties because the Bears need a quarterback with Jay Cutler injured and McNabb is from Chicago.
He always thrived when playing at Soldier Field. I don’t believe he has anything left in the tank and whatever confidence he had left is completely shot after the Redskins and Vikings both threw him out the door with no ifs, ands, or buts but he does have big game experience. Of course most of that big game experience turned out to be losses but he can provide the Bears with what they need until Jay Cutler is ready. Maybe going home will be just what McNabb needs and right now maybe the Bears need him just as much.
I’ll root for Donovan wherever he ends up because as an Eagle fan I can’t deny the man brought us a ton of great memories to go along with the negative memories and the positive will always outweigh the negative. If McNabb somehow has anything left in the tank and can lead the Bears to a long playoff run I’ll support him because let’s face it McNabb’s old team the Eagles are playing exhibition football the rest of the way.
There is no “now what’, His Career is over, plain and simple..
Wish him the best, but his playing days are behind him.. I can definitely see him going the ESPN or the NFL Network Pre-Game Shows for the Playoffs Coverage and next Year..
I give him credit for helping to turn around the team. He may have been a jokester and kept things loose in the locker room, but he was no leader. Leaders absorb the criticism and take responsibility to keep their teammates out of the eye of criticism.
This is what makes coach Reid such a players person. A game day-make-changes-on-the-fly he is not, but you cannot say Raid doesn’t protect his players in public. If only McNabb had that quality he would never have been ridiculed the way he was.
I had a college professor tell us all the time, “Just take full responsibility. What are they going to do, fire you? That’s the worst they can do.”
This may be more of McNabb’s doing, seeking his release so he can start somewhere else, maybe with the bears
two things:
air guitar
dione sanders called the trade to the redskins ” the stupidist trade in the history of the NFL”
I disagree with the OP with the statment that “McNabb should have restructured his contract to keep TO happy”? Does that mean that Vick should go to management and ask them to restructure his deal to make Jackson happy? Is Vick just a “me-first” player as well? BS–plain and simple. Owens signed his contract knowing full well what he’d be getting and when he would get it. And really, it wasn’t Owens who made McNabb’s star shine brighter–it was the other way around. What’s he done since he left Philly? Has he played in another SB since? As far as McNabb goes, it saddens me to see how his career is ending. The guy, along with Reid, reinvigorated Eagles football, similar to what Vermeil and Ryan did. And the irony here is that Vermeil lost the SB with the Eagles, then quit, saying he was “burned out”; Ryan never even won a playoff game with the Eagles–despite having more talented teams than the ones he played those years in the playoffs–yet Reid is vilified for not winning the big game.
I hate to say this but who could run this offense better? McNabb, Young or Vick?
If Eagles used the run game Mcnabb could win here.
I’ll tell you what…..If I would have known we were getting Nate “Toast” Allen in return for Mcnabb, I would have begged to keep him in Philly.
Was a borderline great player early in his career when he used his mobility. Big and strong, he had the ability to shed guys and make plays.
Never accurate, he made up for it by rarely turning the ball over (his biggest plus). But I believe it was the injuries that really did him in…especially to his legs. Broken leg, ACL, sprained ankles took their toll. Once he couldn’t run what was left was an innacurate inneffective QB. I know it wasn’t a “real” game but does anyone remember the last pro bowl he played in? I’ve never seen a worse QBing display. Something like 3 of 10 with 2 or 3 picks…one pick 6 mercifully taken away on penalty. It was a painfully display that proved without his athleticism, he was finished.
Thanks for the good run from 1999-2006 though.
Oh and McNabb was 32-33 when injuries started taking his career away leaving an innacurate, and extremely limited QB. VIck will be 32 next year and basically has the same litany of injuries McNabb had. And he was always more turnover prone. I don’t see next year working out well.
Freedom in 2013!
Now what????….who cares
bobby…Vick is the biggest me-first guy the Birds have, with Jackson right behind.
Songs I blew up that bullshit comment of yours last night – back when the eagles were 11-5 and 12-4 and going to the NFCC game and losing Andy Reid had a decently balanced run/pass attack – and then got flamed for not ‘valueing the WR’ – it wasn’t until we got TO here that the run/pass ration went out of whack – and then McNabb was hurt what – 2 of the 3 following years and never returned to near where he was before the 2005 debacle –
Allen bites on pumps like a 1 year old puppy.Boom.
McNabb never had that “fire” elite qbs like Elway, Montana, Marino had.
He was good the first couple years then mediocre.
He could not handle Mike Martz complicated offense….. I think hes done.
The Eagles should tank and grab a stud linebacker after they kick Reid, Castillo and Roseman out the door.
If you want him fired. Stop going to the games, drinking theur beer, buying their merchandise and make them lose money….
Mcnabb had a pretty good year in 08′ Navy. But i agree….the balance was there early in Andys time,he become addicting to passing around 04′ once he got on the good stuff(T.O.).
Mikes injuries are far different then 5’s. Sports hernia….torn acl…sternum.Ribs…concussed…finger.
Vin…that Probowl was horrible.word dun.
I hear you goes with the ’04 stuff. But to me, the real playcalling downturn started when Marty was given the reings. I want MM gone
good stuff guys – I am off – ref’n tonight – Div III county semi finals – hope the game goes well for the birds – make for a more relaxing weekend –
I’m going to miss about 1/2 the game too….’cause I’m going to be….call it Paulman…..curling! From 9 till 11….so going to miss the 2nd and 3rd.
There’ll be a TV in the bar, but hard to see from the ice, and I’m skip, so have to pay attention…..not sure if I’m going to miss much though. What’s the point watching VY tryout for other teams?
27 tagets for riley cooper tonight
Good luck Navy and Vinnie
Navy, i will be going to the Town Tavern Tonight to watch the game.. Wife will be dropping my off shorty.. Hopefully I can hitch a ride from one of the cute ASU Co-Eds that frequent the Bar… ha
Vinnie.. don’t forget your back-up ice cleats… Sources of mine tell me your going against a pretty rough team who trear up the ice..
As far as the Game goes, I am calling Seabags 23- Eagless 16 where the Eagles actually dominate the game but only go 1-6 in the Red-Zone with 1 TD, 3 short FG, 1 Turnover and 1 missed 4th Down CAll (to Chad Hall) that turns the ball over back to the Seahawks… I can’t make this stuff up anymore..
Not to be Debbie Downer, but anyone check out next years Schedule (2012)
6 usual games versus the NFC East (Giants,Cowboys,Skins)
4 Tough games versus the NFC South (Saints,Falcons,TB Bucs,Panthers)
4 Tough Games versus the AFC North (Steelers,Ravens,Bengals,Browns)
2 Easier games versus the 3rd or 4th Place teams from the NFC North (Bears or Vikings) and NFC West (Seahawks,Cardinal Rams)
Paulman is calling a 3-3 split in the weak NFC East
1-3 versus the NF C South, 1-3 versus the AFC North and a Split versus the 2 lower NFC Con
ference games for a 6-10 Record in 2012, Then Coach AR will get the boot.. “So let it be written , so let it be done” (Ramses from the 10 Commandments)
paulman you need to diversify your interests, euphemistically telling you to get a life, first publicizing the 2012 schedule, then being foolish enough to predict the outcomes of each game, without knowing the yet to be determined personnel of any of the teams, injuries, and a myriad of other factors that make predicting outcomes week to week for the current year a dicey proposition, paulman you are certifiable, a fool, a nerd, get to the gym, try this workout, thousand push ups in sets of 25 every thirty seconds, then get back to me
The first half of McNabbs career with the Eagles was fun, exciting and often showed promise. Like the team, the second half became increasingly frustrating as the need for increased accuracy, due to Reid’s change in his offense philosophy, McNabb kept falling short. Because Reid’s offesive philosophy and McNabb’s skills kept growing further and further appart, I was thrilled by the time they traded him. At the time, given a choice of one over the other, I much preferred dumping Reid over trading McNabb becasue I felt then that the Eagles failings were more Reid’s failings than the players which I believe has become even more evident today.
Funny how even now, knowing how bad McNabb’s skills have degraded, I’d still rather have McNabb as an Eagle QB than Reid as an Eagles coach.
I know the Script, Coach AR is back for 2012 , which will be his final Season,
and I have stated this for about 2 years now.. I stand by my 6-10 Prediction for the Eagles Team versus a pretty tough Schedule next year.. 2013 will be easier since the EAgles will play the AFC West and NFC North Divisions and have a good shot at 8-8 but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself…
LOL! That ball was sooo underthrown it was a tough catch for the underneath coverage!
Vince, thank you for pushing the owner even more towards displeasure with Reid’s choices on your first play of the game!
Even though I have no doubt Reid will complete his contract with the Eagles…
Interception and loss of a challange & timeout on the first offensive play….C’mon man!!!!
Hahaha Cooper is your future. Enjoy Philly.
Im so embarrased to be a eagle fan right about now this is disgusting
No doubt Cooper should’ve caught that ball BUT, it was a tough catch where Young underthrew the ball AGAIN.
Maybe there is no BUT he should of caught the ball. period. DJax gets no passess. NOBODY gets a pass.
Don’t give me that DJax crap! DJax has been catching less than 50% of the balls throws to him this season and I’ve never seen Cooper aligator arm a catch which DJax has done more times this season than I have fingers on my hand!
DJax is fast but a pussy that has NO HEART and unwilling to improve on the skills he was born with.
yeah he sucks he cant do anything. should be out of the league
Maybe I dont think DJax has ever even scored a td. He shouldnt even be in the NFL. Maybe you should play WR for us.
Are we in the “suck for luck” sweepstakes ?
Hey Maybe I just googled Jacksons highlight reel. Its pretty damn extensive. Hmmm . Since your calling him a Pussy that means you can back that up. Now Im about to google your highlight reel. hold on be right back.
Cant stop tavaris jackson. Just awful
I didn’t write he sucks or that he should be outta the league. I wrote he’s a pussy and is unwilling to improve on the skills he has
I’ll add that, like others have written, if the guy put some weight on added some upper body strength, like TO worked very hared at, he could probably take hits better and stay healthy longer.
Marshawn lynch like jim brown on us
Somebody needs to be fired immediately !
Dag me n u could ply linebacker or safety for us tough guaranteed
Dag – He’s a pussy compared to other WRs in the league and you know what, there’s a whole bunch of highlights out there of players that only made highlight reels. Ever hear of Michael Vick? He has more than few of them and still hasn’t won anything. You know what quite a few highlights from Donovan McNabb as a Philadelphia Eagle too. I’ll trade the individual highlights for a Team Lombardi Trophy.
PW…couldn’t agree more..feeling embarrassed of this performance too
Don’t give up on Vince, it ain’t always pretty but he wins
Damn, it looks like Allen is getting worse as we watch.
We are the only defense in the league that can make Seattles offense look prolific.
Jake – A W is all the pretty that’s needed.
why does chad hall even get on the field?
dag – you can say that again!
Vince Young is soft.