• January 22, 2025

Chat With G. In The Forum

Dogs use steroids, also.  Look at this dog.  

As much as I would like the Phillies management to make a bigger commitment to winning, I'm not celebrating them losing 10,000. I don't think Philly sports fans should be rooting against their teams.  I do hope this ownership group will sell the team. 


Tony La Russa's is a nut.  Why would he disrespect Albert Pujols , a guy who has carried the Cardinals for nearly a decade?  I'll bet you La Russa's Dad must have treated that way when he was growing up. He will treat his best players like garbage sometimes.

Can you believe all of the hype about the Beckhams?  I think there's a chance they could increase the popularity of soccer in the U.S. by hyping both of the fashion level looks of David and Posh .  They're going to be trying to create a soccer buzz with their sexy look . It's not going to get me into soccer.

Are you into all the Poker on ESPN?  They're going to increase Poker coverage if you can believe it. 


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