• February 24, 2025

Decision On Vick By Tuesday Night

Things don't look good for Michael Vick's chances of playing football this season.  According to SI.com's Peter King, Blank will disclose his discipline for Michael Vick by this Tuesday night. 

Blank who had been devastated for a couple of days by the news that his superstar quarterback was indicted on charges that he had been involved in and running a dogfighting enterprise out a Virginia property which he owned. It didn't sound good because you could sense the anger Blank and colleagues have toward what Vick has been alledged to have done.  They fear serious consequences if they let him practice with the team.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has stood back and let the Falcons organization make the first move. According to King, Goodell can still come in and increase the punishment.  I think they're going to throw the book at Michael Vick and if he's found guilty he could looking at a multiple year ban from the league.  Of course, Vick faces the possibility of being sent to jail so his troubles are many.


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