• February 24, 2025

NIKE Has To Drop Vick, Pronto

There is a report on ProFootballtalk.com as reported by Michael David Smith, that PETA now plans to protest outside of Niketown stores across the country which also have products available in online stores like Shoppok.

That’s a bad thing.  These people are ruthless and their protests do not go unheard. According to the report:

“We want to send a message to Nike that they should drop all ties with Michael Vick based on the facts that are already lined up at this point,” PETA spokesman Dan Shannon tells the Los Angeles Times. “There’s the fact that 66 dogs were retrieved from his property, truckloads of dogfighting paraphernalia were taken away, and dogs’ bodies were dug up…. We feel there’s enough evidence for Nike to end their relationship with him.”

Nike says that the charges are “serious and highly disturbing” but that “Vick should be afforded the same due process as any citizen; therefore, we have not terminated our relationship.”

My point here isn’t to mimic PFT, but to look at this closely.  Why on Earth is Nike waiting to drop him? The idea of waiting until he’s found innocent or guilty makes zero sense to me from a marketing perspective. Due process of law has absolutely nothing to do with whether a guy is marketable or not.  Want proof?  Here you go:  If you were a brand manager, would you solicit O.J. Simpson to endorse your product?  C’mon, why not? He was found not guilty in a criminal court, right (forget the civil case)?  He was guilty in a far more important court when it comes to marketing:  The Court of Public Opinion.

Look, judges and juries aren’t the court that determines whether Nike sells 10 million of Vick’s shoes next year.  The public court decides that.  Even if he’s found innocent, the fact that he was remotely involved (and most everyone believes he is) turned the public off to this guy like a bathroom faucet.  As many media outlets have stated, he is “radioactive” right now, and no brand should want anything to do with him.

If Nike has any sense, they will cut bait immediately.  Their advertising and marketing have been nothing short of brilliant over the last 25 years or so.  Why would you screw this up now?  The idea of having someone endorse your brand is to sell the “cool” factor, to entice the public to buy a piece of their superstar. If he’s found innocent, I still say the only people that should want his endorsement would be his attorneys:

“Have you been injured in an accident?  Are you the victim of medical malpractice?  Have you…say…I don’t know, been caught with mountains of evidence and indicted on two counts of federal felony conspiracy? Then call Billy Martin today for a free consultation!  He doesn’t get paid until he gets you results!”

Or something like that.  Throw in some Michael Vick highlights and I think you are good to go.  I could see that as a commercial during an afternoon running of “Judge Judy.”  If you’ve got ideas for Billy Martin commercials with Vick as the spokesman, please send them along.  



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