• February 3, 2025

Reporter In Fatal Accident

A serious automobile accident occurred today by the Lehigh Football field and it involved Courier Post reporter Sean McCann.  The vehicle he was driving collided with a man riding a motorcycle and the man has died.

The Courier Post reporter is now at the hospital having toxicology tests and being treated for the most common injuries of someone who got injured from a truck accident.  Onlookers have said the motorcyclist was speeding at the time of the accident. A number of the reporters say that McCann was getting ready to make a turn and had barely started making the turn when the accident occurred.

A number of McCann’s colleagues say he is distraught by the death of the motorcyclist.  Sean was on his way back to practice after writing his daily article.  I had spoken to him moments ago when I walked by him in the hall way of the media center dorm.  I said I wished I had bicycle out here to ride and get a workout on.  He was sweating and in his workout gear with his bicycle on his side.  He told me he had just done a few hills in the Lehigh mountains in between the dorm and the Lehigh Football fields.

The accident was on the corner where two streets intersect that run right next to the field.  I don’t know the severity of it but it looked rather serious.  All the traffic which was inside had to stay inside the parking lot and all the traffic that hadn’t gotten into the parking lot had to stay out.  The practice started at about 2:45pm and this accident occured in the middle of practice at about 4pm or thereabouts.


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