• February 24, 2025

Vick Agrees To A Guilty Plea For Dogfighting

Michael Vick has agreed to a plea agreement in his dogfighting case.  Vick will be facing anywhere from 18 to 36 months in jail.   In lieu of Vick's situation, Eagles QB Kelly Holcomb's name has come up as a replacement candidate for Vick. 

The Atlanta Falcons quarterback had no choice since all his codefendents had all already pleaded guilty. Adam Schefter of the NFL.com is now coming out to say that Vick is looking at 10-12 months in jail.   He also said that the NFL refused to consult with Vick about how long they plan on suspending him.

Earlier today the Virginia-Pilot reported  on what was said by one of Vick's defense attorneys,Lawrence Woodward.  "Mike's accepting full responsibility," Woodward said. "He's going to do everything he can personally and professionally to make this situation right."

Here's the statement released by Vick and his attorneys.

"Michael wishes to apologize to everyone who has been hurt by this manner," a statement from lawyer Bill Martin said Monday.

"Mr. Vick has agreed to … accept full responsibility for the mistakes he has made."

I just heard Ray Buchanon a former teammate of Michael Vick's, on ESPN and all I could do was shake my head.  Remember Ray Buchanon origianally came clean about Mike Vick and said, " You don't know that Mike Vick is into dogfighting.  He's been into it for years and he pays for it.".  Those were the words of Ray Buchanon when all of this first came out but of course he denied all of that once he saw how big this thing was nationally.  

Joe Horn who is currently a member of the Atlanta Falcons said he would still like to see Mike Vick come back and play for the Falcons.  We all know that's not going to happen.  Horn was strong in his support of Vick saying, " I'm not going to abandon Michael Vick just because he's having problems in his life.  I'm his friend regardless of the troubles he is experiencing. 


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