• February 3, 2025

More E-Mails From Angry Fans

The E-mails have continued.  This is the angriest I've seen Eagles fans in a long time.  They''re having trouble letting go of the fact that they Birds gave that game to the Packers.

From Tom McGee,

Garry:  I have been on your web site for two days reading all the responses to this dismal loss. All of the comments have validity, but no one has gotten to the root of the problem. Here it is, and you can post it!!!  Andy Reid. Andy, Big Red, Coach, whatever you want to call him can't think and did not think to put Brian Westbrook in the game in a crucial situation because if he's human, his family problems have overwhelmed him. Is it not time for the MAN to say, enough is enough and I need to spend time with my family?

You, or noonelse can convince me his family problems are not affecting his coaching. I can almost see it on his face at the conference yesterday when Howard Eskin asked the crucial question. It was if he was saying…Damn Howard what do you expect from me. I also heard Hugh Douglas on 610 setting up a lame ridiculous excuse that Andy had a lot to consider in Sundays game and that is why he did not think of Westbrook. Crap!  He is getting paid millions to remember.

Just do the right thing Andy, Big red, Coach, and step down. Let marty, or me coach. I am tired of everyone making excuses for Andy Reid. He has sucked for a long time and it is time to fess up and move on.  tom mcgee

From Fred Pagani,


Did Tony Hunt even sniff the field on Sunday?

All preseason, they used him on short down yardage and in goal line.  I didn't see him on the field at all.

How many times are we going to have to watch that same play action pass on 3rd and one?  Sick of it.  Just once in a while can we put some faith in the guys up front and run the ball (with Hunt, not Buckhalter) on third and one?


Gary Warren,

Mr.G, As a casual fan ( not technically astute) I noticed , besides the obvious problems, that there is nothing terribly new in the Eagles scheme ( aka: Playbook) I found myself calling the next offensive play time after time …" 2nd and 9, run Westbrook up the middle for 1 0r 2 yds." this, in the 4th quarter when you haven't been able to do it for the previous 3…..they are so predictable it is sad. There isn't an imaginitive thought anywhere on that sideline…as much as I guess Reid is a good coach, I think a less complicated playbook with more room for adjustments would do wonders for what is a pretty talented group of offensive players.

Gary Warren

From Stephen Staedtler, 
I agree that the offensive line didn't play well on Sunday, but I think the bigger problem was Mcnabb.  The Packers have a very good pressure defense, and when you have a defense like that, you have to make quick decisions and be very accurate on short routes.  For years, Mcnabb has held onto the ball too long and taken too long to drop back into his passing stance.  Thus, decisions are made too slowly and the plays that do work are slow developing.  When Feeley and Garcia ran the offense, they made some plays that Donovan doesn't make passing-wise, even though Donovan is the overall better quarterback.  And on Sunday, Mcnabb started at one receiver and didn't look off the defense like a rookie quarterback, he threw off his back foot, he threw a bad interception and he also missed Curtis on a wide open deep ball that he threw out of bounds.  Spadaro says Curtis was open a lot, which means Mcnabb didn't hit him.
Think about the plays Mcnabb does make.  Most of them are broken plays when he is running towards the line of scrimmage and the defense doesn't know what to do.  That only works for so long.  Mcnabb has used his athletic ability, determination, and good work ethic in the past to lead this team to so many wins, but I wonder with this knee injury, if his athletic ability no longer can make up for the deficiencies in his football game.  It's only going to get worse.  Seeing Kolb in the preseason, it was evident just how accurate he is on short to intermediate throws, much more so than Donovan.  Obviously Kolb is not ready, and Donovan is still the QB this year, but if Mcnabb regresses and his knee gets worse in the next game or two, when do you bring in Feeley?
From Bill Winton,
These fans are some of the most whiny, ridiculus girls I've  ever had the misfortune to listen to. The Eagles are a quality organization (the only one in Philly), with a quality veteran staff and a quality roster which will bounce back and have a sccessful season.  One game does not a season make.  Grow up and enjoy the season and the playoffs.  Sixers won't get there, Phillies won't get there, and I doubt the Flyers will either.  If all you want is a Super Bowl victory, and nothing short will do, turn off the TV, don't buy tix and wait until Feb to see if they make it.  That way you won't have to make reservations at the nut house between now and then.  Have a Great Day!


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