• February 24, 2025

NFL Shows Its Hypocrisy

You got a good look at hypocrisy in America.  It's the reason many youngsters don't trust adults.  The adults are harder on youngsters who break rules, but they're willing to cut other adults slack when they break the same rules.

The biblical principle which says, "To whom much is given, much is required".  That means people in positions of authority should be held to a higher standard.  They should be dealt with more severely for breaking rules than their underlings. 

I think it's a good thing that players are suspended 4 games without pay, if they violate the league's banned substance policy.  That's the loss of 4 games checks.  You can believe Bill Belichick is making much more than $125,000 per game.  Do you think the Patriots are making more than $250,000 in 4 games?   With free agents available the Pats can make up for the lost draft pick. 

That penalty given him by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is a joke. All of that talk about being tough on people, who hurt the league's reputation , sounds like empty words now. Players getting in trouble with the law hurts the league's reputation, but having people who are in positions authority cheating hurts the reputation of the league even more.  When workers are cutting being dishonest, that says someting about an organization, but dishonest by the adminstrators says something far greater.

The hypocrisy I hear from media people makes me feel like throwing up.  Many of the people who rightfully scorned Barry Bonds and how his cheating was detrimental to the children of America, now say that Belichick's cheating is no big deal.  Hello.  Hello.  Have you ever heard of kids having to have character and not cheat on their tests in school.  I guess we tell all of them now that it's okay to cheat on their test in school since, everybody else does it.  I heard many media people call Barry Bonds evil for his cheating and breaking the Major League Baseball home run record, because it's the greatest record in sports. 

Although MLB was bigger for people my age, the Super Bowl and the NFL are bigger with youngsters than anything having to do with MLB.   Now three Super Bowl Championships are tarnished because of Belichick's lack of character and the same people who were all over Bonds, now say it's no big deal. Right now the NFL has much greater influence than MLB, yet some of these same people, who like to climb all over Bonds and other players who have cheated, use excuses for Belichick like everybody does it.  What ever happened to the character we need from role models? 

This is more behavior of the good old boy club.  Most of the guys on the microphone who are connected to the league will be easy on the cheating coach, but they wanted to throw the book at any players who viiolated league rules.  One thing character exemplifies is adherance to principles and consistency.  I see double standards.

I've seen 18 year olds who were caught cheating in college sports, by getting a free phone call.  I've seen this cost these youngsters their careers.  Then the media types go on the air and talk about these youngsters like they're the lowest form of life.  Here you had poor kids getting a free car or some chump change money like a few thousand dollars to get a suit or a plane trip home to a dieing parent.  I heard the calls into the radio station and hosts nationwide climbing all over these young people who cheated.  I heard all of that lack of character stuff, yet I hear some of the same people saying that we're making too much out of this now.

I don't say this often but It smells of bigotry. 


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