• February 25, 2025

Inequality In Andy Reid Coverage?

From JR, Hello Garry, I'm normally not the one to react to what goes on in the media, but when I see all of the noncoverage the Andy Reid situations is getting compared to what I saw when A.I. got in his domestic dispute with his wife,

and even the media circus TO had on his front lawn, I have to ask myself is there a double standard going on here?  AI had helicopters flying over his house, for a week, and TO had the media camped out on his front lawn, but Andy Reid just gets a cursory glance, as if to say poor Andy. 

I just heard that they found a virtual drug store in his home, and to top it off, one of his sons had drugs up his behind.  Where is the media frenzy?  If Allen Iverson's son was found with drugs up his behind, and drugs found in his house, they would want to lynch the man.

Also, I have to ask myself, where are the saints of Broad Street, the Philadelphia Eagles?  Are they not this no nonsense, take no crap, intolerable to embarrassing situations organization?  Where are they at while all of this is going on?  I don't hear one peep from them. 

This city should be calling for Andy Reid's head, and his job.  Again I ask, where is the equality. 610 WIP is no better when it comes to this situation, the man on at 3 PM wanted Allen's head, T.O. banished for asking for a few more dollars, but because some are afraid of not being granted an interview from Andy Reid, that they shy away from this story. Something is terribly wrong in this city, and its time all of this is exposed for what it is, favoritism.  It's sad.  JR

From Charles, Great points JR.  I'll take it a little further even, and I hate to go there because it crosses racial lines.  BUT, the city is taking a pass on Andy Reid, even after the Judge called his house a darn "CVS".  All I can say is there is a double standard going on here and it's just not right.  A.I. would've been crucified in this situation.  I think Andy is actually being selfish in this situation.  He needs to be home taking care of this family crisis…  His boys really need him, way more than the Eagles do.  I'm going to pray for the Reids


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