• February 26, 2025

Eagles Slowly Moving Away From McNabb

You can hear and see the Eagles slowly moving away from Donovan McNabb.  Did you notice how Andy Reid was so much more willing to tell about what went wrong with the offense in his Monday news conference?

The murmuring campaign has begun.  I talked to a veteran and highly respected media person and he told me that the campaign has definitely begus in earnest.  The bunch over at the Nova Care Complex have started blaming any and everything that goes wrong on Donovan McNabb.  You would think McNabb should have been covering Terrell Owens when he caught that in route and took it to the house.

There's no doubt that McNabb didn't play well against the Cowboys and he hasn't played well for most of the season.  I just don't like the way the Eagles are so concerned about getting everybody to think they're right about every decision.  We know they haven't been right many times in recent history, yet they always seem to want everybody to think they're right about everything.  If they want to get rid of McNabb, that's fine..  They don't need to start a behind the scenes campaign to belittle Donovan McNabb.  If they want to get rid of him then just do it.

I think it's disgusting that the Eagles would be out to belittle McNabb despite all the positive things he's done for this organization.  It's dishonorable to smear players when the team decides to move on. 

The Eagles throw players under the bus in a slow and subtle fashion.  They don't do it quickly or loudly.  They work behind the scenes and let the negativity slowly leak out, so it doesn't look like the organized campaign that it is.   So when you hear detail of screwed up plays starting to become public over the rest of the year, remember what I said about the campaign  that going on to prepare Eagles fans for Donovan McNabb's exit. 


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