• March 4, 2025

Eagles Fans Sound Off Abolut QB’s

From Jerel, G, I saw many things in AJ last night why it time to make a change at QB.  I feel we have no chance to win a Super bowl with McNabb and that's what it's all about.  The 3 big things that AJ did last night that I love are

1) 3 or 5 step drop and throw downfield.  Not all the little dump off passes that Donovan does to keep his completion % up and interceptions low.  The screens to BWest last night were the called to slow down the Pats rush.  2) Andy's offense looked dangerious last night with an accurate QB leading the show.  The Patriots could not just focus on BWest to stop the Eagles.  There where no worm burners or air balls on 10 yard outs.  AJ wasn't perfect, but it was fun to watch the offense move the ball and put the pressure on the defense from the start off the game.  3) Thank God for an honest answer in the post game interview with AJ.  He took responsibility for his interceptions and said it cost the team the game.  Without AJ the game would have never been close, but this guy will stand up in front of the media and take the bullets because he knows all QB's get too much praise for wins and too much blame for the losses.  A man with some thick skin that is accountable for his actions, how refreshing! Kevin Kolb better be taking notes on how AJ acts because he will be getting plently of bullets coming his way next year in 2008 AD (After Donovan). 

Jerel,  There's no question that some of the things you're saying are true.  A.J. did play well for most of the game but you disregard, the three interceptions especiallly the one which was run back for a touchdown and the one that cost the game, the muffed throw and fumble, the underthrow to Curtis who had beaten the Pats deep.  A.J. did some good things, but you and I both know that if McNabb had played the same exact game, Eagles fans and media would be trying to burn him before the stake.  As for A.J. taking responsibility, you don't think he's been listening to the radio and reading the paper over the last couple of months.    

From Marlon, Hey G. Whats up, why are the eagles so predictable.  While I am watching the game, on some plays and formations I can tell you what play is coming.  Two for example is when the eagles call a adauble and the quarterback taps his left or right thigh it is a run to the side he tapes.  Or the on that really gets me is every time Hank baskett is in the game and goes in motion we all know it is going to be a running play.  Oh yeah one more when the quarter back calls another audible and the running backs split in the backfield and they are close to the endzone, I dont know why teams dont know it is a shovel pass.

Marlon,  You're probablly right on those keys but they will suck you in and try  to give you the same look and trick you.

From Charles, G,  I have 2 things for you today, first the McNabb stuff.  Again, as I've said to you before, I can't believe how correct you've been with things that you see and hear about the Eagles organization and players.  I guess I need to face the fact that McNabb is pretty much gone.  I've been a diehard fan for my whole life, but it seems things are changing.  I guess because I've spent 20 yrs in the military, loyalty means something to me.  It seems the Eagles organization lacks that.  I will miss D.Mac when he's gone.  Kevin Kolb and AJ Feeley, yeah right… I bet they go out and get top flight receivers when McNabb leaves… can you say CONspiracy.

2nd thing, I'm down here in the DC area and this Sean Taylor thing has hit this town hard.  Although that guy was different and a real introvert, he was a heck of a football player.  At safety he was one of those guys you say the Eagles lack.  He would knock your head off.  It's sad to see him go like this, know one deserves that.

From LP,  G,  Having been a long time McNabb supporter, I am going to concede that it is time to move on.  I know all that he has done for us but I am now convinced that he's not playing in the right system.  He absolutely needs great wide receivers that are not only wide open but wide open 20 & 30 yards down field. I think he will flourish in a non westcoast offense. It is too late for anyone to expect him to throw the short pass with touch and accuracy.  Feely, someone that is presumably half the QB that McNabb is, tends to do better than McNabb because he can consistently complete the short and intermediate passes.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to crown Feely the franchise QB but someone like him will do much better in this system.

And My god why was JR Reed running after a dog.  This guy was going to be a serious player.  He's one of few non-man purse draftees by AR.  Our defense was outstanding.  And this Gocong can seriously rush the passer. I like what I see now.  I always wondered if this team with Gocong could transform into a hybrid 3 – 4 team.  I think we may have just seen a glimpse.

Also, just when you think this coaching staff is washed up, they pull out some magic tricks.  AR & Jim did some of their best coaching in years.

Today is a day to praise this team all around.  I can't complain at all about yesterday.  Clearly the best game (relative to the competition) I've seen in 3 years.

L.P., It's common knowledge that McNabb has problems with accuracy and holding the ball too long.  Still I think that Sunday night was the Eagles Super Bowl.  Many of those guys played over their heads and I'll think that might come down to earth on Sunday.  There's no question that A.J. ran the offense better than Donovan for most of the game. 

From Chris, Why does Dawkins get a free ride?  He played a horrible, and I mean horrible game.  He dropped and interception in the endzone, pulled back on a sack (even Madden commented on) and continually gets beat due to his lack of speed.  People can talk about McNabb all day, but I feel B Dawk was a huge factor in losing last nights game.

Chris, B Dawk isn't what he used to be but I thought he played well on Sunday night.

 From Mark, Gary,  You have been wrong about Mcnabb not getting good receivers and Eagles getting rid of him too soon. Team is way better with Feeley or Garcia. Its not just Mcnabb's poor play last 3 years, with team espirit d corps. D played way better with Garica and Feeley, with some real violence that was missing. Keep in mind they took the wood to the Cowboys last Christmas. Ike Reese said Mcnabb lost a lot of support in the locker room due to not standing up to TO, and that is exactly right. Then his crying about black on black crime and discrimination against black qb's has hurt his support with a predominately black team. They don't want to hear that; they want to win. The only color on the Eagles is green,just like the Army.

Mcnabb knee is now healed and he still made some brutal mistakes againt the lowly Dolphins. He has to start over in a new setting, hopefully with the Vikings. Its obviously over here.    

Mark, I agree with some of what you said but don't believe everything everybody says.  Many times guys say one thing in public and something else by the scenes.  I've talked to many black players and media people who agree with what McNabb said but don't want to be criticized for saying it.  As for all that lost the lockeroom stuff it's a bunch of garbage.  If the defensive players are so immature that they don't play because of who's playing quarterback then you've got the wrong players on the team.  How can you say that then talk about what great leaders Brian Dawkins and Jeremiah Trotter are and were.  You're on the everything is McNabb's fault and that's not the way a team functions. 

From Frank, G-  I loved what I saw on the field Sunday night.  I knew that they wouldnt let us get punked by the national media with there love affair with the Pats and the disrespect that they gave the Eagles.  I thought the game plan on both sides of the ball were great and the players brought the wood with them .  I liked everything until late in the 4th when Andy couldnt resist himself.  Pass pass pass …blah blah blah.  With 4 minutes to go and deep in Pats terriory we should of slowed it down and ran the ball a few times.  I understand the aggressive game plan was the reason we were in the game (Where is this aggression all the time) but at some point as a head coach you have to know when to adjust but Andy wants to throw and that trumps all. 

Another thing that Andy does that drives me crazy is we never have timeouts at the end of the game.  If we had all 3 timeouts we might of had a shot 
I really hate being negative with the way we played last night but I keep seeing the same mistakes by Andy during games and I think he is getting a pass and it might of cost us a HUGE win.

From Bill, G,  I’ve been a McNabb fan for a long, long, long time and believe McNabb doesn’t get the same opportunities as his backup to run a balanced attack.  I believed, until now, that’s the reason we weren’t seeing the staunch offensive line and offensive efficiencies we saw last year.  Clearly, Sunday night’s game plan wasn’t tailored for a balanced attack and there’s little doubt the game plan would’ve been the same regardless of who was under center.  What we saw was a sudden return of the staunch offensive line play and efficiencies we saw last year with Garcia!  I’ve no doubt everyone stepped up their game but you can also give credit to Feely, like Garcia, for not making the O line pass block long enough for him to run all over the place looking for a 5th option that’s 7 yards away from the closest defender or taking a sack while still looking.  I can’t remember the last time we saw the Eagles QB run a 2 or 3 step drop and immediate throw!  Actually, I can.  It was during the second half of the season last year.  I know this all sounds as though I’m a D’Mac hater but I’m not.  I think he’s an outstanding, not great, QB that’s in the wrong system.  In the right system, he may become great.  I also can’t ignore the sudden return of the offense clicking with Feely either.  If D’Mac doesn’t play this Sunday and we continue to see the offense click it will be very telling.  If that happens, it will certainly reinforce the opinion of many that next year; either the offensive scheme or D’Mac should go.  Personally I’d much, much rather see the scheme go  however I can’t imagine Reid going and he’ll never change the scheme leaving the only logical option.  If it continues to click, it’ll seal McNabb’s fate.



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