• February 26, 2025

Readers Sound Off On Eagles

From Tom,  Great point that the Eagles should have spiked the ball after the first play.  The annoying thing is that on the telecast, they did a close-up of Donovan as he was running up field, and he clearly was signalling "spike,…….

" he looks over to the sideline, and then starts signalling to run another play.  That CLEARLY came from Andy or Marty.

If there's a minute and a half left, you can do that sort of thing, but with under a minute, you HAVE to spike it after every play in bounds.  The clock is your biggest enemy, not the down (they got a first down) and not the distance (they only needed a field goal).

I know this sort of thing is the least of our worries (we need lots more playmakers), but this gets so annoying.

Keep up the great work.  Thanks,
"Tom H."

From Mike,  I can't believe that I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but did anyone else notice that it was Darren Howard who jumped offsides and gave the Giants an extra play at the goal line after B-Dawk's TD saving tackle?

Team needs in the off-season (in no particular order): CB, WR, DE, S, LB

Hi Garry,

I'm a McNabb supporter but I've reached my limit after watching the Eagles vs. Giants game.  I'm tired of the offense spinning it's wheels with McNabb at the controls while the previous 2 weeks AJ Feeley moved the team up and down the field.  With the exception of the interceptions Feeley can move the team.  The offense looked sharper and more cohesive with AJ at QB and it hurts me to admit it.  Curtis and Brown were catching balls and the ball was being released in 2 to 3 seconds.  This is the NFL, McNabb can't expect receivers to be open by 10 yards.   It's time for the Eagles to pull the plug and for McNabb to move on.   What a terrible season!



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