• March 4, 2025

Why Does Bill Belichick Get A Free Pass?

I checked out the media day at the Super Bowl yesterday and could hardly believe my ears, as everybody failed to ask Bill Belichick and his players about being caught cheating.  What would be the focus of a World Series with Clemens or Bonds in it, right now?

Maybe I didn't get the memo about letting Belichick off the hook for cheating but make a big deal of it, if a player is caught using steroids or HGH.  I don't understand.  Could you imagine if a lesser coach, like say Tom Coughlin had been caught putting a camera on the sideline to tape the signals sent in by the opposing team's coaches.  He would have been stewed and fried.

This Is A Picture of New England head coach Bill Belichick

I've seen the media boil guys for silly things like dancing after scoring a touchdown, yet these same guys who make it immoral to celebrate after a touchdown have looked the other way for Belichick.  They fry poor 18-year old athletes who are caught using a university telephone to call home, but have given a cheater like Belichick a free pass.


Does he get a free pass because he's great at his job?  If so, why are we making such a big deal about the cheating of Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.  Shouldn't coaches also be good role models for the kids?  Or do we just make a big deal about that when it's certain types of athletes.

It's a laugh for the media when they talk about Belichick's cheating, but it's life and death when Bonds and Clemens are mentioned.  It makes no sense.  Could you imagine if Bonds or Clemens were in the World Series right now.  What would be the focus? 

The media are quick to call anybody who expresses their religious faith a hypocrite but the media is full of hypocrites, who would punch their mother if it meant making more money.  They scream about the players being money-hungry despite the fact that they are just as money-hungry.


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