• February 23, 2025

Replacing Dawkins, Runyan and Thomas

Over the last six or seven years the Philadelphia Eagles have gotten great Pro Bowl performances out of their offensive tackles William Thomas and Jon Runyan, and one of their defensive safeties Brian Dawkins.  Now the Eagles must find replacements for all three.

The question the Eagles must focus on in this draft is which guy is going to give out the soonest.  Which prosptect to replace each of these pillars to the Birds success over the seven or eight years, makes the most sense?

I've told you before that the Eagles place a higher priority on the offensive tackle spot as compared to the safety position.  Unfortunately the scouts say this year's draft is very lacking at the safety position. 

Everyone is eaglerly waiting to see if Dawkins can get back to his Pro Bowl level of play.  It seemed that the burst and accelleration needed to close on receivers and running backs wasn't there in Dawk's game a year ago.  

I know you have seen Brian Dawkins' video when he starred as Weapon X. 


Is he still Weapon X or is he now Weapon Q?  The Q stands for quesiton mark.  If he can't get the job done any more then that could force the Birds to play Sean Considine or J.R. Reed at one of the safety posiions. 

The Eagles think they have Jon Runyan's replacement in offensive tackle Winston Justice but I'm not so sure.  Does Justice play with any of the fire that you see in Runyan?  




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