• March 6, 2025

Pay BWest Close To What He Wants

The Eagles should pay Brian Westbrook close to what he wants.

They have little chance of having a big year without him at his best.

I think former Cowboys head coach Jimmy Johnson said it right when he talked about treating his superstars differently than the rest of the guys on the team.¬† Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin are the reasons he’s working part time for Fox Sports and making $5 to $10 million dollars a year.

Personally, I think football teams are like doing a $100 million dollar movie production.¬† If Will Smith or Tom Hanks shows up late for a shooting you wait.¬† If one of the extras shows up late he’s fired.

If they had invested $5 or $10 million dollars in Terrell Owens a few years back, we would be a Super Bowl favorite and the Cowboys would be used to the basement.

There are certain guys worth paying.  Westbrook is one of them.

Give him $25 million more in guaranteed monies and get this situation right.

G.Cobb on July 22nd – I slept on this overnight and feel Westbrook should be willing to accept $10 to $15 million additional dollars.¬† You can’t give a guy who only has three to four few years left $30 million dollars.¬† Westbrook deserves more money but he has to be reasonable.


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