• March 6, 2025

Assistants Tell DMac He’s Benched

This is the kind of coach Andy Reid is, he didn't have the guts to bench McNabb to his face.

He had his assistant coaches do the benching rather than tell McNabb to he was benched.  Players on the team now and former Eagles players have told me how he cowers from dealing with his players face to face. 

This is one of the major problems with this football team.  Reid is intimidated by his players.  It's one of the reasons that he will get rid of any player who stands up to him.  You need players who will stand up to you.  You need strong-willed players to have a good football team.

It took months for Reid to get face to face with Jeremiah Trotter and Terrell Owens and tell them how he felt about their situations.  The man has no guts.

When Trotter left the Eagles the first time, it burned him up that Reid didn't have the guts to tell him ot his face that he wasn't going to sign him.

When Owens started going off, Reid didn't have the guts to get in his face and get him in line. 

Reid used to let Brad Childress reprimand McNabb rather than doing it himself face to face.   

If McNabb is set to leave town, he needs to take Reid with him.  That was pathetic leadership.

He hasn't made a decision about which quarterback is going to start on Thursday. 

He said the job he did was unacceptable and he's right.

McNabb has to feel betrayed by Reid, who could have given him the second half to rally the football team.  You could see that Kevin Kolb was not ready to play against the Baltimore Ravens.

He looked like a "fart in a windstorm" out there in the second half. 


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McNabb Is Hurting The Birds

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Reid Has Lost McNabb Forever