• March 9, 2025

Howard Asks For $18 Mill, So What

I'm tired of all the crying about the money athletes make.  Who else in America are berated for making a lot of money?

It smells.  There are millions of people in America making crazy money. There are executives who got over $20 million dollar bonuses even though their company was failing and was bailed out by tax payer money.

If a rich business man or woman decides to pay me millions of dollars why should you get mad at it.  If a rich business man or woman decides to pay you millions of dollars why should I get mad at it.

Who lives in all of these mansions throughout the country?  Athletes?  Who is that is flying around in private planes? Athletes?  Who buys all of these diamonds in all these jewelry stores?  Atheltes?

CBS's Katie Couric, ABC's Charlei Gibson and NBC Brian Williams are all making $10-20 million dollars a year for reading the news, but nobody is is mad at them.  David Letterman and Jay Leno tell jokes that somebody else writes for $15 to $25 million dollars a year, but nobody is mad about it.

I'm still waiting to see people standing out in front of a movie theatre cursing the actors who just made a terrible movie but walked away from it with $20 million dollars.

Everybody who makes millions of dollars in America is celebrated other than athletes.  Why is that?

What abut that local dude, M. Night Shyamalan, who makes those scary movies?  He should be strung up by his thumbs for months because his movies suck.  Nobody has a problem that he's made $40 and $50 million dollars per movie.

Ryan Howard is asking for $18 million dollars a year.  Will he get it?  I don't know but he's going to get about that much because the the Phillies offered him $14 million.

Despite his poor fielding and strikeouts, Howard has had the greatest start to a career as a power hitter of anybody who has ever played the game.  That's not a bad start.

With the season on the line last year, he put the team on his back in September and broke the month RBI record for the Phillies.  Honestly I don't really care whether he gets his money or not.  I wonder why it bothers people so much.

If the Phillies wind up having to pay him only $14 million they're not going to send you or me the remaining $4 million.  There's no surety they're going to spend it on other players either. 

Why do people get so angry about it?  Why does the media write about athlete's money but they don't wirte about anybody else's money?

I have my suspicions but I can't look into somebody's mind and heart to know why it upsets people so much, but I do know that with all of the billions and billions of dollars that are made in America, the only people who are hated because of the money they make are athletes.

I don't get it.


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