• March 10, 2025

Curtis says he’s 100%

Kevin Curtis was back in his home state of Utah recently for a charity golf tournament and gave an interview to the local ABC 4 station in Salt Lake City.

They asked him about his sports hernia injury and he said "I'm feeling good now and should be ready to roll." 

The part I found intriguing is where he said "I'm 100% this year."  100% now?  Or you will be 100% when the season starts?  I'm curious because as we've said before here, he's been out on the field pushing himself perhaps a little harder than someone who didn't have a first-round pick trying to take his job.

It's very important for Curtis to get healthy.  Whether he catches passes in shorts or not in May, he's a valuable addition to this offense.  Personally, I would love to see Curtis back in the slot.  That would mean Maclin is NFL ready and Curtis would be in his natural home.  

You can check out the video of the piece here.


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