• January 23, 2025

McNair Case – Murder-Suicide?

 As additional evidence comes out in this case involving the killing of Steve McNair, it’s starting to look more and more like a murder-suicide.

The family of the young lady, Sahel Kazemi, whose body was found in the condiminium with McNair has made some starements and they’re quite illuminating.

Although Kazemi’s niece, Sepidah Salmani says her aunt wasn’t capable of killing someone and then herself, she reveals what could have been a motive.

Salmani told a reporter that McNair had told Kazemi that he was in the process of divorcing his wife and mother his four boys, Mechelle McNair, who lives in the McNair family home in Mississippi.

 “That’s why she was like, ‘OK, now you’re divorcing.  We can date,'” Salmani said.  “He told her, it was going to be finished, the whole divorce was going to be done, two weeks from yesterday. . . .

There are other things that have come to light.

McNair co-owned a vehicle with the young lady.  They had been dating for a number of months and McNair was practically living at her condominium.

He was talking to her about divorcing his wife, which might have given the young lady the impression that they had relationship which was going to last.

If McNair had talked about changing his mind about divorcing his wife, it could have set Kazemi off on a deadly rampage.

We won’t know for a while whether that is exactly what happened because they’ve got to do all types of tests on the evidence in the case.

The fact that the police aren’t looking for a suspect or suspects means they think it was a murder-suicide.  They could be wrong but you have to take into account that these guys check out these types of cases all the time. If you’ve been arrested for murder charge, you might as well contact a bondsman you can fully trust.


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