• February 23, 2025

Bad Behavior By Athletes, Not Unique

I, like you are sickened by the behavoir of so many NFL players and for that matter the poor behevoir of players from other professional sports.

There's no excuse for much of it, but I can't help but shake my head when everybody wants to string up the players but give a pass to everybody else.

Let's start with the funeral of Steve McNair.  Ray Lewis went too far comparing him to Jesus, but he's not the first public official to get caught cheating on his wife.


According to history books, President John Kennedy was cheating so much it was a wonder he had enough time to be the President, yet the whole country grieved for years after he was shot.

We will also grieve when his brother Ted dies, despite the fact that he left the scene of an accident and left a young lady to die in a car in a lake.  He was probably drunk and drove the car off a bridge, but didn't report the accident until the next day.  


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