• January 22, 2025

Selig And MLB Should Let Rose In Hall

 I agree with Hank Aaron and would like to see Pete Rose made eligible for the MLB Hall of Fame.  He's been given the cold shoulder by Major League Baseball for about 20 years.  That's long enough for me. 

I know he did the unpardonable sin in baseball by betting on the game, but I think it's time to give him a pass.  He's going to have to live with what he did forever but it's time to cut him some slack, especially this commissioner who isn't guiltless himself.

Baseball can't look itself in the face when it let's players who cheated the game for years and years, be eligible for the Hall and continue to keep Rose out.

So far Aaron's public comments haven't swayed the MLB commissioner Bud Selig.  Of course he hasn't done anything wrong during his tenure as commish.  Ha! Ha!

Nothing but look the other way as steroid use nearly destroyed the game.  He celebrated Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa as their steroid induced home run assault brought the game back from the brink after the strike.

I haven't seen him step forward and take any responsibility for what happened even though he was in charge.  Instead he has pointed fingers at everybody but himself.

As far as I'm concerned Peter Rose was responsible for a scandal in baseball and Bud Selig is responsible for a much bigger scandal in the game.  


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