• March 6, 2025

Investment Group Decides To Drop Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh A group that is trying to buy the St. Louis Rams that included conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, has decided to drop Limbaugh from their group because his presence has created so much controversy.

I thought I should weigh in on it.

I’ve been reading articles all week about why Oakland Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell hasn’t been doing well in the league and why he won’t be able to change his results until he changes his attitude and his work habits.

They have basically called him lazy and unprepared.

If you were to take those articles and take Russell’s name out and put in the names of many of the minority youngsters who are failing to get their school work in the urban schools throughout our country you would be called a racist.

You would be accused of blaming the victim.

You see the great thing about sports in our society is you can come out and tell the truth and openly be critical of the players regardless of your ethnicity and their ethnicity.

In far too many other parts of our society that isn’t true.  You can think it and talk about it privately but you can’t come out and say it publicly without being called a racist.

Russell That brings us to Rush Limbaugh.  For the most part, all Limbaugh does is say things which people are thinking and saying behind closed doors but refuse to say out in the open.

Years ago he made a mistake about Donovan McNabb by assuming that the same politcal correctness that rules in so many other parts of our society rules in sports and it doesn’t nearly as much.

He was right that some sports writers might have been rooting for McNabb’s success because he was black, but most of them could care less.  They criticize McNabb as much or more than other quarterbacks regardless of his ethnicity.

In other parts of our society where political correctness rules, Limbaugh is right.  You can say certain things about white people that you can’t say the same things about black people.

Still, I can understand why the NFL doesn’t want to let him be amongst the league ownership because he brings too much baggage.

The league is so rich that they don’t need his money.  The NFL doesn’t have to tarnish its brand by bringing in rich owners who made their money in gambling, pornography or any other way which is considered a public relations risk.

Unfortunately Limbaugh falls into this category even though I personally don’t have a problem with a lot of things that he says and believe that there’s a lot of truth in many of his comments.

For instance I can tell you that the main reason that minority children in the city of Philadelphia are so far behind in school is same reason that JaMarcus Russell is heading to being a bust.  It’s because of their poor attitudes and work habits, but it’s not politcally correct to say that.

These kids would be helped by somebody telling them the truth.  One of the things I do during my free time is go into the schools and tell the kids the truth.  

The only reason I have been able to enjoy the success I have had in my life is because my parents told me the truth. 

Now you have a lot of kids walking around with bad attitudes and poor work habits, yet people are telling them that racism is their problem.

You and I know that if they don’t change their attitudes and work habits they’re headed toward a tough and difficult life.

There are many people who want to shelter these youngsters from the truth, as they destroy any chance they might have for success in their futures.

There are areas of Philadelphia where trash and garbage are laying on the street and nobody bothers picking it up.  I would call those people lazy who don’t pick up trash in their community.

If I weren’t black I would be called a racist for saying what is obviously the truth. 

I have no problem calling somebody a racist who is indeed a racist but I don’t like wrongly labeling people because they say something I don’t like.

I think a lot of people are being called racists who aren’t.


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