• February 3, 2025

Myers/Hamels incident never happened?

There was a rumor making the rounds that Brett Myers made a snide comment to Cole Hamels after Game 3 regarding Hamels comments about wanting this all to be over.  But according to Myers and a Phillies official, nothing occurred. 

“There was no confrontation whatsoever,” Myers told Andy Martino of Philly.com.

Martino relays this version of events based on separate conversations with Myers and Phillies director of baseball communications Greg Casterioto:

“Myers was ready to leave last night, and was looking for Hamels¬†in the locker room,” Martino writes.¬† “A common inside joke when¬†a Phillie is looking for a teammate¬†is to say, ‚ÄúHe quit,‚Äù¬† (as in,¬† “where’s so and so?”¬†”Oh, he quit,” or “hey, there you are. I¬†thought you quit”–and as someone who has been around that team all year, I’ve heard that joke many times.)¬†and Myers dropped the line on Hamels when he saw the lefty at his locker. Hamels¬†responded with a lighthearted expletive.”

“I had no idea there was even a story going around about this,” Myers said. “We’re friends. There is no problem.”

Casterioto called the notion that there is tension between the two, “ludicrous.”

It would seem to me that this is a complete non-issue. 

Micah Warren

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