• February 22, 2025

Should Big Ben Seek A Cash Settlement ?

Mike Florio of PFT says Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger should give the young lady who accused him of sexually assaulting her a sum of money to settle this case.

He says it will take all of the life out of the case because it’ll be public knowledge that the accuser settled the case for a sum of money.

According to Florio, a financial settlement would be Roethlisberger’s quickest way to get these accusations and the case itself behind him.¬† He says the fact that the accuser has hired a lawyer shows that she plans on suring Ben at some point in the future.

Florio may be right that about a settlement helping him with the case but his name would be dirt if he approaches her now with a settlement.¬† Everyone would assume that he’s guilty.

Do you agree with Florio that Big Ben should seek a financial settlement with his accuser?


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