• February 23, 2025

Did Eagles Learn From Signing Injured Players?

A year ago, the Eagles first free agent signing was a player who was coming off of a serious knee injury.
The Eagles were confident that Stacy Andrews would be healed in time for the regular season, that he would be able to play a new position, and that he would be a serious contributor to the team.

It didn’t work out that way. Andrews never had confidence in putting his weight on his knee, and struggled learning the guard position.

A year later, the Eagles first free agent signing is once again a player coming off of a serious knee injury.

The Eagles are confident that Marlin Jackson will be healed in time for training camp, and that he will be able to play a new position and be a serious contributor to the team.

Andrews I’m concerned that the Eagles will rely too heavily on Jackson, and that they therefore won’t feel the need to address the safety position in the draft with one of their higher draft picks.

This isn’t to say Jackson can’t play; before his injuries he was once a very promising player for the Colts. He could cover and tackle well, traits that the Eagles surely could use.

However, what does it say about Jackson and his health when the Colts chose to let him walk without even the lowest possible qualifying offer?


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