• February 28, 2025

Dawkins Says Trading McNabb Was A Mistake

One of the Eagles all-time greats, now Denver Broncos Pro Bowler and former Eagles Pro Bowl safety Brian Dawkins didn’t have anything good to say about the Eagles decision to trade Donovan McNabb to the Redskins. Philly.com reports that Dawkins feels it’s a mistake and one that they will pay for in due time.

When asked about his reaction when they found out McNabb had been traded to the Skins.

“I was very shocked,” said Dawkins. “When you have a guy that’s playing at a level he’s still playing at, to me, you don’t get rid of the guy.”

“He finally gets the receivers on the outside, and a tight end – the weapons everybody’s always talked about – and then, the next year, they send him off,” Dawkins said. “And it’s not that he ‘used to be’ anything. He’s still playing at a high level. What is he, 34? That’s young for a quarterback.” (He turns 34 in November.)

What about whether he thinks the Eagles will eventually regret making this move.

“I think they will,” Dawkins said.

How do you feel about Dawkins comments? Do you agree with them or do you disagree with them?


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April 5, 2010 8:05 am

There’s a growing list of good players that are critical of the Eagles. Dawkins is 100% correct and he would know.

April 5, 2010 8:08 am

Dawk is my favorite Eagle of all time, but he is mistaken. We weren’t going to win with McNabb. It has been proven. We could have won with him if Reid is not here. It is time for a change and this might blow up IF Kolb sucks and McNabb has another 5 good years. I doubt it.

April 5, 2010 8:21 am

No looking back,
the time to make this move was this off-season, (it could have been handled a lot better)
but this was the plan set in motion last year by not extended D-Mac’s contract..
He’s had 11 years and a very good career, but it is time to move forward with the younger players
and build the next solid nucleaus for the next 6-8 years or (this is what good teams do..(colts,Pats,Steelers) You don’t get old and then take 3-5 years to regroup, you retool as you go and every few season, you make some unpopulatr moves by letting the older veterans (who are on the downside and probably overpaid) go…. It’s is the NFL in todays world…I think the F/O has done a great job so far this off-season (some of these calls and releases I wanted to happen last year like
Curtis,Howard,Clemmons,Shawn Andrews, R Brown, but there were cap-hit consequences

April 5, 2010 8:44 am

what happened to all the “trade mcblow/mcpuke/mcchoke” people? maybe they are in shock now that it has happened and they’ll come around in a few days? Kolb will be fine…I mean seriously…did you really want to see Dmac under center for another season? Time to move on…all the success this team has had rests soley on the success of the FO/head coach.Hey I get it…you gotta win the SB but when a team assends to 5 NFCC games you gotta assume the team is good enough to win a SB.The team has been a bit snakebitten there…oh well.Please move on from BDawk…he played on the worst team in the league down the stretch (2-8) not the same player he was…

April 5, 2010 9:08 am

So…. On Easter Sunday, with nothing else to do, Brian Dawkins decided to call in to Philly.com to offer his opinion? No… depsite writing for weeks of the ‘pending trade’ the news decides to generate a story and call a guy that plays for the Denver Broncos and ask his opinion – so how many other teams players have now offered their opinions, the Giants, Cowboys and the Broncos – nice to know.
The F/O is clearly executing a plan to make the team younger and stronger and prepare for the next 5 years. We all were stunned when Trotter walked away the first time, when Hugh Dougless walked away, Vincent, Mike Lewis, Duce Staley, Bobby Taylor – they all seemed to work out.

April 5, 2010 9:36 am

Dawk had a microphone shoved in front of him, so he said what’s politically correct.
No biggie.

April 5, 2010 9:38 am

We will regret this …..for the next 10 yrs……paulman sucks by the way

April 5, 2010 10:08 am

Bye bye Donny, Donny Bye bye Thanks for the 11 years of Almost. How could we possibly regret this for the next 10 years? Unless 5 was getting into a time capsule we were losing him at some point in time sooner then that. he’s got 3 seasons left in him, if he came back then walked to Minny at then end of next year we get nothing. For all the McNabb sucklers the truth was it was just time, one way or another regardless of our feelings on Kolb.

April 5, 2010 10:33 am

I agree we should have gotten receivers a long, long, time ago. but who listens to the fans… nobody. i agree we should have never traded mcnabb in our division for the next 5 years. i also agree that we might regret this but mcnabb wasn’t a west coast qb, any way you slice it. the dude had no ability to take anything off his passes. i’m not glad he’s gone, but i think it was the right thing to do… if the 3 eggheads would have sent him across the country.

p.s. while we’re at it, why don’t we trade desean jackson to dallas, and leonard weaver to the giants… just a thought

April 5, 2010 10:33 am

Paulman, the common thread in the three teams you named is that they have kept the same star quarterback throughout their successful years. QB is really the one position on the field where “good enough” just doesn’t cut it, especially if your offense is built around good play from the QB. The Eagles are built to win by throwing the ball, and if Kolb keeps throwing interceptions the way he has been, it’s going to go very poorly. The next few years could be a constant scramble to find a QB who won’t screw everything up for us.

April 5, 2010 11:11 am

Horatio, if you think about it, though, all those teams listed won with their QB’s very quickly. Brady won with the Pats in his second full season as a starter, as did Roethlisberger. Manning had been there a little longer … I think he was in like his 7th season maybe? Point being, NONE of them had been with their team for 11 seasons before they won.

I’d also TOTALLY disagree with your assesstment that being “good enough” at QB doesn’t work. That’s baloney. Do you have any idea how many teams have won Super Bowls with QB’s who were just “good enough?” Even in the last decade you have Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Eli Manning … even Roethlisberger isn’t really a GREAT quarterback. He’s above average, but that’s about all I’m willing to say.

You need a balanced team, with a top caliber defense, and a top caliber offensive line to win Super Bowls. QB’s CAN lose you games and great QB’s CAN win you games, but if you have all the other pieces in place they’re not a necessity.

April 5, 2010 11:14 am

Kolb is going to have some growing pains, and he’s gonna have some bad games, but the kid deserves a chance. He can’t be any worse that Matt Cassel (sic, idc). I’ll reserve my opnion until after the season is over.
Paulman, we are in desperate need of another silly Mock Draft to break us out of this McMadness!

April 5, 2010 11:33 am

I do agree with B-dawk, but it is time for McNabb to go. I was one of the most critical people of his inability to perform late heroics when it was not popular. But make this day and my words we will feel this when we play them. Remember we have a tough time without him and he is an upgrade for them. I have never seen a city or fans rally behind a guy who has never proved himself like Kobb.I would understand Vick but really Kobb.How much film has he shown to prove to the fans he is the one? Not much! But if he is Aaron Rogers I will eat prezels from the street vendors under the bridge.

April 5, 2010 12:25 pm

I could just as easily state that it was a mistake for Dawkins to take the $9 million and play for the Broncos when everyone knows they are rebuilding and have a remote chance to win a Super Bowl any time soon… You do what you feel you have to do and if it’s good for Dawkins than why is not good for the Eagles Front Office… I hate Hypocrites….

April 5, 2010 12:34 pm

for Might as Well…
Paulmans 2,946th mock Draft…

#1) Rams – QB S Bradford
Then lightninght strikes Radio CIty Hall and the entire building catches on fire trappping most players,team executives and the Executive team of the NFL….
Mitt Romney is called in the next day to oversee the Draft at undisclosed location,,,
This is all I can report on at this time …. (just the Eagles luck, they get all these draft picks to use,
but the draft gets suspended until investigation is complete by the CIA,FBI,National Security and by the NFL postponing the Draft by at least 2 months or so…

April 5, 2010 12:58 pm

Sounds like Pauly needs a coffee. I’ll throw out my stone cold lock of the draft. With their last pick in the 4th round, the Philadelphia Eagles select…John Skelton, QB, Fordham University. I don’t know why…I just know…

April 5, 2010 2:06 pm

Revised 2010 Draft Selections by the Eagles
1st – #24 Pick CB K Wilson from Boise State (starter by 2011 and will see action in 2010)
2nd- #37 Pick FS N Allen from South Florida (starter by 2011 and will see action in 2010)
2nd- #55 Pick DT L Houston from Texas (starter by 2011 over M Patterson,will see action 2010)
3rd- #70 Pick ILB S Lee frmo Penns State (starter by 2011, S Bradley moved to OLB)
3rd- #87 Pick C JD Walton from Baylor (starter by 2012)
4th- #105 Pick DE B Lang from Troy (rotational player to spell Cole and Trapp)
4th- #121 Pick QB J Skelton from Fordham (back-up to Kolb by 2012)
5th- #137 Pick WR J Webb from UAB (6’3″ 225lbs runs a 4.5 40, Basketts replacement 2011)
6th- #200 Pick CB J Moore from Kansas State (special teamer and nickle back)
7th- #243,#244 picks — highest rated O/L and a Tight End

April 5, 2010 4:30 pm

I think it is very unlikely that the Eagles draft that many players that will be starters by next year. Lets be realistic Paulman. If you are really counting on the birds to have a stellar draft for them to be good in 2011, then you will be severely disappointed. Everything depends on Kolb and McDermott, whether our team will be good next year or years after. We have enough quality D players to be competitive, JJ would make them work, McDermott doesn’t seem like he can handle the job just yet, but who knows. And before you start rambling on about JJ, remember, the year before last, we had a top 5 ranked D, and that was with the same unit that faltered last year. It had nothing to do with the players being so bad. It was injuries and McDermott, hopefully being unprepared.

April 6, 2010 4:39 am

I’m still in shock . . . to the Redskins?

April 6, 2010 8:03 am


Nice read and tackle there BDawk.