• March 1, 2025

Rosenhaus: “Terrell.. Interested In Playing With Donovan”

Terrell Owens’ agent Drew Rosenhaus isn’t going to let the report of Donovan McNabb encouraging Mike Shanahan and the Skins to sign Owens, go to waste.

He’s trying to throw gasoline on the fire, in order to turn the campfire of this report into a bonfire.

Rosenhaus went on ESPN’s Sporscenter show and made it clear that Owens want to be a Redskin.

“I know that Terrell would be very interested in playing with Donovan,” Rosenhaus said. “… Terrell would very much like the opportunity to play for the Redskins.”

The agent says Owens wants to be back in the NFC East, so he can play against the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys two times a year.

“Every team could use a Terrell Owens,” he said. “Certainly Terrell would love to play in the NFC East against his former teams.”

I don’t think this is going to happen unless the Redskins are unable to find any veteran wide reciever help.¬† Shanahan knows Owens could be productive but he also knows that he’ll be bringing his baggage along as well.


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April 20, 2010 2:21 pm

I hope TO does go to the Skins and him and Mcnabb go on to win a SB or at least be productive and entertaining

April 20, 2010 2:33 pm

If this happens it’s going to make the Eagles look so bad. I don’t even think that Terrel Owens is a Top 10 receiver anymore, but because he still has flashes every once and a while the attention he would command would be enough to make the other WRs a lot better. I don’t think the Redskins WRs are as bad as most people think though, so with a franchise QB an improved O-Line and successful play calling they probably will be contenders with or without Owens.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
April 20, 2010 4:04 pm

Donovan..T.O.?..Thats SOOO 2004. Who gives a rats ass?

April 20, 2010 4:51 pm

Got to post it again. Cause I really want to see this happen

I would love to see it happen. When the shit hits the fan and it will with T.O and McNabb. DMac will finally smack his name out of T.Os mouth. GET YOUR POPCORN READY

April 20, 2010 10:23 pm

I would love to see it happen. Instead of stinking separately, they could stink to the second power. I wish only air guitar and situps on the Washington Redskins.

April 20, 2010 11:45 pm

This would be great. Remember when T.O. came to philly and it was no room during practice based on the media frenzy? You’ll be hearing echos this year at Lehigh Valley while a passionate front office in Washington D.C. gets the attention they sorely needed compliments of the Eagles. Obama will have his popcorn ready, and I believe the Morale alone will catipult the redskins to the Super Bowl. If we learned anything within the last 10 years is a little retooling in the offseason can lead to a Superbowl appearance in the new NFL. We’ll be in the basement with our young gunz claiming they are still getting use to corn on the “Kolb” while the Redskins bathe in Confetti. “TIMES YOURS”

April 21, 2010 12:18 am

They will stomp our Eagles….First the Giants get a Superbowl,then the Cowboys stomp a mud hole in our behinds, now the Redskins with that very good defense, and an Elite quarterback compliments of the “COPPER STANDARD”, now Terrell Owens going up against who? Oh, Asante “can’t tackle a manoquin” Samuel”. Santana Moss and those runningbacks there are elated. Philly, this is what we get every time. WAKE UP!!!!! The only thing the Eagles understand is Money….tear up your tickets and refuse to support this farce of a team until they commit to something other than their wallets!!!!!

April 21, 2010 7:47 am

funny how Donovan comes out with this statement right after his first mini-camp with the ‘skins…..maybe he realizes that the ‘skins receivers are worse than Thrash and Pinkston??? just a thought