• March 1, 2025

Eagles Draft Another DE, This Time Daniel Te’o-Nesheim Of Washington

The Philadelphia Eagles are following the model of New York Giants’ general manager Jerry Reese, because they can’t seem to get enough pass rushers.

They already selected Michigan defensive end Brandon Graham with their first pick. Now, they’ve surprised us again.

With a third-round pick, the Birds have drafted another defensive end, this time it’s Daniel Te’o-Nesheim of Washington in the third round.¬† He is supposed to be a guy who plays a punishing style of football.

He is undersized, which is a usual thing for the Birds.¬† He stands 6’3″ and weigh 263 pounds.

I have no idea whether he’s going to play the left side or right side defensive end spot, because I have no idea why they drafted him.


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April 23, 2010 6:48 pm

WHY? i guess DE was our biggest hole…this organization has had me scratching my head too many times this offseason.

April 23, 2010 6:54 pm

I’m sitting here scratching my nuts wondering what this team is doing. Daniel Whatever his last name is taken and Everson Griffen was still on the board. WTF is going on?

April 23, 2010 6:54 pm

We need help everywhere so why a lame DE graded as a 7th rounder???

April 23, 2010 6:56 pm

How does New England trade down and get second rounders in 2011 and we trade down for fourth rounders and this clown? I would have been happier staying put and tacking a middling interior lineman.

April 23, 2010 6:56 pm

PS – Colt McCoy’s sister if f-ing hot. We should have drafter her instead at #86.

April 23, 2010 6:57 pm

Another good pick, (like the last one) to replace Victor Abiamiri who is hurt much too often to be here.

April 23, 2010 7:01 pm

This one confuses me. The other two picks I liked. Face it we needed pass rush big time because we blitzed a lot last year and still didn’t touch the QB. No maybe we’ll won’t have to blitz so ofter. We got a good DE who may be special and a good FS. Then we traded down a lot and got this guy. Who is kind of meh…

IDK I wouldn’t be surprised to see them use a couple of those picks from tomorrow to trade for guys already in the NFL like they did Hobbs last year. And speaking of Hobbs I guess this explains the 1st round RFA tender. They must like him and think adding a FS and better pass rush will make the secondary look better.

Tech Triumph
Tech Triumph
April 23, 2010 7:05 pm

I admit, I laughed at your comment Garry.

This franchise continues to try and act like they’re the smartest people in the room. And they have alll those rings to show for it.

April 23, 2010 7:07 pm

Parker will be gone soon tho that still doesnt justify this pick. Seems like a waste with all else that is needed. All in all, except for this last pick, I’ve loved everything the birds did this year. Mcnabb gone, Simms for free, strong de even tho the mass public didnt know his name. Hate to say it but I like what AR is doing

anderson silva
anderson silva
April 23, 2010 7:07 pm

Well at least he is Samoan. Everybody knows Samoan = Superman

April 23, 2010 7:15 pm

The problem with Reid is he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. This pick looks like a real reach. Hard to believe the the Eagles couldn’t use a guy like Sean Lee. We haven’t had a good Sam linebacker in years.

April 23, 2010 7:20 pm

I read somewhere his was projected to go in the 7th round and that he would be good in a 3-4 defense.
Guy is durable played in all 79 games in college. Only God knows what’s on the Eagles minds.

April 23, 2010 7:38 pm

They drafted him because he has a high motor but doesn’t move well laterally and he has trouble keeping on weight.

April 23, 2010 7:43 pm

Nothing like the stench of premature negativity on draft night. How many times have people said they need to get to the QB without blitzing? And Allen looks sick. Sacks, down the field tackles and picks sounds good to me. 9 picks should be interesting tomorrow.

April 23, 2010 8:00 pm

This is my favorite quote of the night:

“While Allen exhibited passion during his conference call, Te‚Äôo-Nesheim sounded like he was half asleep. In fact, he wasn‚Äôt even watching the draft.

‚ÄúI was just lying down and looking at the ceiling,‚Äù Te‚Äôo-Nesheim said…”


April 23, 2010 8:02 pm

Yeah, the guy does seem a bit nutty. Then again, I’m really not familiar with Samoan and (I forget his father’s nationality). Does look like he’s all muscle though (combine photo).

April 23, 2010 8:02 pm

This is a HORRIBLE pick…a 7th round talent in the 3rd? If we were gonna go DE again we should have took Everson Griffen who would actually fit in our scheme, not an undersized situational pass rusher…Bryan Smith all over again.

April 23, 2010 8:03 pm

I hope this guy can play because I swear he was either really nervous or really stoned when he did his phone interviews with the local media.

What is with the birds taking guys with names no one on earth can say?

April 23, 2010 8:03 pm

In the 4th we should take Bruce Campbell OT…the workout warrior..he’s a 1st/2nd round talent in the 4th…I also want to get either Jarrett Brown QB or Jevon Snead QB in the 5th

April 23, 2010 8:05 pm

Im pissed I wanted Taylor Mays instead of Nate Allen

April 23, 2010 8:05 pm

I really don’t get this pick. Maybe the guys in the war room were stoned too. Come on eagles dang we better freaking own the 4th round and steal talent.

April 23, 2010 8:07 pm

This is Bryan Smith all over again. Do they really think this guy will be a better player than a Sean Lee? It looks like they just want to get a bunch of guys in the 4th and 5th rounds and see who pans out. They could have gotten 5 decent players in the first three rounds, now they have two. They are competing to win the Most Trades Award and the Salary Cap Management Award. I’d rather have a Lombardi Trophy, but that’s just me.

April 23, 2010 8:08 pm

Weapon – Dude, I heard a Draft/Scout guy today talking about how Griffen is a great athlete and a horrible football player. He runs the wrong direction on plays, and just doesn’t have a feel for the game. And why did Pete Carroll pass on Taylor Mays if he’s that great for Seattle who needed a Safety? Let’s watch Mays v. Allen s’ careers….

April 23, 2010 8:09 pm

Weapon – I think Allen is going to be a very very good player. 1st and 2nd pick were great!!! Third rounder I hope the scouts know something no one else does because we could have brought in a-lot of guys rated way higher by the so called experts. This guy better not be another Bryan Smith.

I like the idea of taking the best player on a bad team over the worst player on a good team but that is like 6th round stuff!! This move BOGGLES my mind!

April 23, 2010 8:15 pm

Who the f- is going to play cornerback this year? They better take three CBs in round 4, starting with Cox.

April 23, 2010 8:17 pm

schiller- I think Mays is a rare talent and Nate Allen is an OK player but nothing jumps out at me he is about average size for the position and has decent speed and ok at tackleing…I see him as an ok player with not much upside…where as taylor Mays has all the upside in the world and Dick Jauran could have worked with him for a year and made him great
Mays will be the better player

April 23, 2010 8:19 pm

I agree with Perrish Cox Eaglez

April 23, 2010 8:21 pm

Here is the problem- What if after the 1st round the eagles decided that all the rest of the corners were basically 4th and fifth round talent that was being reached for. Do you also reach?? Some would say yes some would say no.

I really wouldn’t care except that I have no idea at all about this guy they seem to have reached for in the third.

What I will say though is this; Didn’t the eagles grab a WR B Gibson last year from this same school? Maybe because he was so good that they had to trade him away they gave the scout from this school a bigger say. Problem with that is just because you hit one pick doesn’t mean your a guru!

April 23, 2010 8:28 pm

Teo = Bryan Smith. Go to hell, Howie.

anderson silva
anderson silva
April 23, 2010 8:28 pm

I just get upset when I feel like the Eagles are trying to outsmart the rest of the league. I know that there are busts in every draft, but it seems like the Birds take more risks and projects than anybody else. I like our first two picks, they seem solid enough, filling obvious needs with good prospects. But just to use two names, would it not be smarter to have Sean Lee at the Sam spot behind Hall, and N. Bowman sitting behind Sims? It would provide depth on Special teams and next season you have two fast young linebackers ready to step in. I do not see where another DE and a handful of 4th and 5th round picks help so much.

April 23, 2010 8:34 pm

You ake a great point anderson silva…you kinda help me prove my point..we have a lot of 3rd round bust ecpecially at DE..taking small school undersized players who are a risk taking higher than they should go…So why not take Taylor Mays instead of Nate Allen…Mays is a rare talent…Im so pissed they didnt get him..imagine him and Graham coming off the edge..WOW could have been nice…could have been B-Dawk Jr.

April 23, 2010 8:45 pm

Anderson I completely agree! Why outsmart just pick ball players. What was wrong with Bowman instead of “Teo-who”. I also would have rather they reached for ghee instead of “Teo-who” We better get Cox in round 4, a center (still talent there), I think the kid from indiana (pa) is still there and we need LB and a QB and and and and and!!!!!!!

April 23, 2010 8:48 pm

Weapon Give Allen a chance I think he will be very good!!!!! Please feel free to trash our flushing of the third round because I am now so very very happy they traded the 2 threes to go get Graham becaused they had 0 and I mean 0 game plan for the third round. Did they think round three started tomorrow????

April 23, 2010 8:50 pm

Have we gotten anyone good in round three since Brian Westbrook?? Why is round three our outsmart everyone round that leads to Tony that dog don’t Hunt and Bryan yeah I sorta went to college Smith. Come on you gas bags pick real PRO Players!!

April 23, 2010 8:53 pm

I was just starting to have some trust in this team again and then they go and let consensus players go to pull this frickin crap!!!!! Ah I feel like drinking!!!! EAGLESUCK at third round today!!!!

anderson silva
anderson silva
April 23, 2010 8:53 pm

If someone can guarantee that three fourth round picks will yield one starting quality cornerback, I can leave this draft happy. That is essential, I do not trust the three we have right now on the roster. They can take “project” offensive lineman with the rest of the picks, but the need a guy on the outside who can cover, and maybe even make an occasional tackle in run support.

April 23, 2010 8:56 pm

@ WeaponX

you know me and you are one of the few who is high in Mays and this is by far the worst draft they have ever had. They passed on Earl and Mays. They could have drafted Graham, Taylor Mays and a back up QB in Clausen and had some great Offensive line players in the later rounds. Eagles are
f***ing stupid. I have seriously had it with this team. Anyone that thinks they had a good draft is a moron. You trade up for a guy who would have been there at 24 and if not you had the Boise state CB Kyle Wilson there! they could have taken him!

I dont want to hear the S*** about oh they need a pass rusher. Well they need someone to cover the wideouts also! and they have NONE! I hate Andy Reid he’s a f***ing fat sloppy red neck who makes the worst decisions.

Like Herm Edwards says HELLOOOOOO you cant beat the Saints and the cowboys cause there too big! hmmmmmm let me think.. If they are too big! maybe we need to get bigger as WELL! but fat ass Andy Reid wants to get smaller! Ive had it with this team.

April 23, 2010 8:56 pm

G please man, You gotta talk me off this ledge… Tell me that this guy (teo) can play and Reid is a ge.ge.genius. Lie to Me Mr. Cobb make something up I don’t care but tell me you just got done watching tape and that this was the steal of the century.

Never mind I am jumping.

April 23, 2010 8:57 pm

No I wouldn’t really jump off anything over something like this but come on this was a good day untill round 3!!

April 23, 2010 9:01 pm

Vricchi- I agree with the size thing. I mean they could have stayed at 24 and taken a corner, then got allen, then they could have gotten Dunlap a BIG de and we still would have had 2 third rounders to play with. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH E.A.G.L.E.S.U.C.K.E.D. today.

April 23, 2010 9:11 pm

At least somebody else likes Mays…what could have been

April 23, 2010 9:17 pm


Eagles are dumb people wont admit it cause they are either blind or stupid but this draft has been a joke so far. ANDY REID IS A FAT MORON and people will see it as they go 4-12 this year. Puny front line, puny corners, puny WR’s (hank basket sucks he plays like he’s 5 foot 2) puny quarterback, Skinny Macho Harris.. What kind of name is MACHO harris? you are far from MACHO you bum. Dont even get me started on their corners HAHAHAHA if im drew brees you think im thinking.. OH I BETTER NOT THROW IN THE DIRECTION OF ELLIS HOBBS OR MARLIN JACKSON IM SO SCARE OF THIS PUNY SECONDARY WITH MY 6 FOOT 4 RECEIVERS.

April 23, 2010 9:20 pm

What cou hae been if we stayed put:

#24- Kyle Wilson CB
#37- Taylor Mays S
#55- Everson Griffen DE
#70- Navorro Bowman LB
#87- Bruce Campbell OT

or Make the trade to #13 and…

#13- Earl Thomas S/CB (could play CB)
#37 Taylor May S
#55 Everson Griffen

April 23, 2010 9:21 pm

It supposed to say “What could have been”…lol

April 23, 2010 9:23 pm

This just in – Eagles leek secret to draft success (cough). Take the smallest fin dudes you can get and hope they all turn out like Desean Jackson.

Hey andy, Im 5’10” (about) and 235. I have absolutely no neck so with pads I would look like a bowling ball. Take me in the 1st round next year and have Stacy Andrews play QB he could Hammer throw me over the goal line or on 3rd and short. We could call it the Jack a$$ offense and we will revolutionize the game placing you in the Hall of Fame along with Bill Walsh as a true innovator.

Please…Just when I thought we were turning this crap around.

April 23, 2010 9:56 pm

Can we please please please take Wooten- I know it would be a 3rd DE but he is a MONSTER. Then I would pick up Geathers from SC in the 5th. We also should take CB from indiana (pa) and CB form OK.

Then Take Center from Bost Colledge

Take LB from anywhere available.

April 23, 2010 10:02 pm

perfect way to end the story. what a bunch of idiots.

April 23, 2010 10:03 pm

at least we got nate

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
April 23, 2010 11:00 pm

Im glad i went to bed I guess. This guy is a bust then? I mean everyone here is bashing the pick so I guess his career is over.

April 23, 2010 11:27 pm

Man im tired of people talking shit about Graham. He is gonna be the real deal when he gets 10+ sacks this year everyone will forget about Earl Thomas.

Yeah there is reason to be pissed about the fact that they wouldnt draft anyone on day 2. And the fact that when they finally took someone they took a guy who was projected to go in the 4th or 5th round.

I cant understand how all the experts are saying that this is a deep draft and they kept trading out of the early picks. I guess we arent as smart as this front office.