• March 1, 2025

Eagles Sign New Starting QB Kevin Kolb To One-Year Extension

The Philadelphia Eagles just announced the  signing of new starting quarterback Kevin Kolb to a one-year contract extension through the 2011 season.

Scout.com reports that $12.26 million dollars of the deal is guaranteed.

His deal was set to expire at the end of the season, now the Eagles can take a look at what he does in the upcoming season and give him something larger and longer if things workout the way they hope them to in the upcoming season.

His salary could be increased by only 30% because of a clause in the league’s collective bargaining agreement.

Kolb gets the chance to prove himself, while getting an increase in pay.

“We’re happy to have Kevin under contract for the next two seasons,” head coach Andy Reid said in a released statement. “When given the chance, Kevin has proven to have good command of this offense and we’re looking forward to having him operate as the number one quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.”

‚ÄúWe‚Äôre excited about what we‚Äôve seen from Kevin during his three seasons in Philadelphia both on and off the field”, said team general manager Howie Roseman in the same released statement. “We‚Äôre happy to get this contract in place for the near future and are looking forward to keeping Kevin in Philadelphia for many more years to come.‚Äù

‚ÄúI‚Äôd like to thank Kevin and his agent Jeff Nalley for their work in getting this contract signed”, said team President Joe Banner as part of the released statement. “We‚Äôre very happy with Kevin and all the attributes he brings to this organization and we‚Äôre pleased to sign another young, ascending player to a contract. It‚Äôs something that this organization has prioritized over the last several years.‚Äù


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April 29, 2010 1:09 pm

I don’t think the one year deal is about not having confidence in him as much as it is insurance.

Sign him for a year. If he gets hurt next year (his first full season) or in 2011 then you aren’t guaranteed to pay him millions. If he is legit and performs, then you simply sign a multi-year deal and make him the franchise.

It’s a good move, becuase now Kolb doesn’t have to worry contract stuff hanging over his head. He can relax and do his job.

April 29, 2010 1:12 pm

Also, i’m pretty sure that the “30 percent rule” made it impossible to sign him long term.

I hear it is $12.25 million all guaranteed.

April 29, 2010 1:35 pm

Yup. They would have had to put all the money in a longer deal up front as a bonus which would have been stupid. This pays the player and allows the team to get to a new league year under which better negotiations can take place.

I in no way think the eagles are saying this is a try out. It happens to work that way but if there was no 30% rule they would have locked him up for 6 or 7 years.

April 29, 2010 1:51 pm

Good Stuff, Now show DJax some money too!

April 29, 2010 2:30 pm

I think the lack of a CBA prevents (well not prevents, but makes it very difficult) to give DJax the money he deserves. Kolbs money is all guaranteed – but without hte CBA, the way the salary and bonuses go, the Eagles would have to guarentee a fortune to DJax – Pman is usually good with this stuff – Pman – how does the lack of CBA prevent the eagles from giving Djax a 5-6 year extension like they did with Celek and the others?

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
April 29, 2010 3:12 pm

I love the move. Being paid is one thing fellow players respect. Taking over for a franchise QB this also gives Kolb some extra confidence. Just concentrate on football and winning games. Now, break off DJax ASAP!

April 29, 2010 3:16 pm

They should have paid Dawkins, and Brown, and extended McNabb for 2 more years, then built the defense, along with a stud center, we would have been talking about a Superbowl contention. But instead we helped our division become better and think there’s a need to celebrate an unproven quarterback who have a better chance in become bubby brister than Donovan Mcnabb. Get the holes punched in your paper bags fans. The boo-birds will BOO for the next decade, and you better not complain. Remeber, you wanted Kolb.

April 29, 2010 3:21 pm

No reason to sign Kolb long term right now. Just sign him for an extra year so he doesnt become a free agent after this year. After this season he’ll still be under contract and they can work out a long term deal. Please dont forget Desean in this. There’s no way his ****head agent didnt hear about this and make some calls.

anderson silva
anderson silva
April 29, 2010 4:01 pm

The 30% rule forces most if not all of the money to be guaranteed. They are open to a Plaxico situation and not being able to get any/all of it back if the player gets completely stupid. They just cannot get DJax’s salary high enough under the current rules, so he has to wait. Plus nobody knows what will happen in the new CBA, and does not want to get caught out if there is a salary cap again. No team wants to end up in salary cap hell by going off this season.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
April 29, 2010 5:27 pm

Should change your name to SADSONGSRME2..cause your always crying like a lil bitch.

April 29, 2010 5:30 pm

Hey SONGS…do me a favor…take a picture of you in your brand new brown paper bag. I would really like a copy. Because when the rest of us are celebrating and discussing another hard fought Eagles season with the players we HAVE… I can break out that picture of you in a brown paper bag and get a good laugh while i’m on the shitter.

April 29, 2010 7:16 pm

EagleBeliever…it’s fans like you that keep Luries pockets fat while he continues to roll out a bunch of average players that fit comfortably under the cap, while snubbing the proven developed pro bowl players that have bled green only to recieve disrespect in return. I was once like you buddy…for over 3 decades….But now, I feel it’s time to hold this organization accountable. It took a midget in carolina to mug our recievers in a prime time nfc championship loss before the organization finally decided to listen to the fans and get a legitimate receiver. They listened for once…we went to the Superbowl. So, you continue to sniff dave spadaros jock strap and sell the hype while Dallas’s Jerry Jones continue mopping the novacare complex with this fraud of a golden standard organization. I’ll state the obvious until this organization proves me wrong. We were right about needing a reciever to get over the hump, and unfortunately we’re right about the direction this organization is heading…DOWN! “TIMES YOURS”..By the way this might be my last comment here…I might be moving over to a winning organization. We are like battered women. No matter how many times this team hurt us…We make excuses then go home only to recieve a new ass whipping. “Good riddings”.

April 29, 2010 7:33 pm

Yes as the eagles purge losers from their roster so too does this great site purge losers like SONGSOFHATE from the ranks. It’s Good Riddance to you too Hater!

The problem with DJax’s deal is that he is not yet in the final year of his deal so a “bridge contract” like Kolb’s is not possible. Haters take note the evil pennypichers could have thrown Kolb out there for pennies but did the right thing for him, also this team has a history in the Reid Era of paying productive players in their prime (sub 30) market value extensions. I appreciate their policy of not overpaying Battered Aged Downgrading players. I love our players and would love for father time to leave them alone but it doesnt work that way. Imagine a Westbrook healthy and in his prime for 20 years that would rock but no it doesn’t stay that way. This policy is the reason that for 11 years now we have for the most part 8/11 made the playoffs with a chance to win. If we had kept every player past their prime or OVERPAID for them to stay we would not have been able to sign the FA we have needed. NFL means not for long and that is not just because of talent and skill it is a YOUNG MAN’s GAME.

G I also wish that you could have the fountain of youth and come back to knock some skulls maybe even have Randall (Miss you dude) and Reggie (RIP) tearin it up. At the same time it rocks to get some youth and newness to the team. I bet in heaven we will all get a chance to play some ball and watch the greatest display the talents god gives us all to their full extent.

Anyway Haters are welcome to leave. I will rip this coach when he deserves it…ie time managment and rushing and not having a punt/kick returner but I recognize that some of that comes from loyalty and having lost so many great coaches over the years. We loaded back up though with Jaruan and April and I think it will pay huge dividends.

April 30, 2010 7:14 am

I don’t keep Luries pockets fat at all….I have never bought a players jersey (superstition) and i don’t go to many games live…however, i’m a die hard fan because i will watch this team no matter who is out on the field, despite what their record is. I watch the game every Sunday, and usually watch a replay during the week. I read and react to everything Eagles, becuase why?….because I’m a FAN. I care about this team. I care about this city. I’ve been a part of Philadelphia for my entire life. I’ve been a FAN for as long as I can remember. I’m a die hard to my city, the blue-collar city that will fight till it’s very last breath….I don’t give up on any Philadelphia team. (sixers have come close…haha)

With that being said, how could you possibly say that this team has been average? Have you not watched the past 11 years? We have been anything but average. We should of won a superbowl in the past 10 years, but hey you know what we were unlucky. We couldn’t do it. But in no way is that the fault of the organization, hey they were the ones who were able to put us in that situation in the first place. While there are some things this organization does that angers me, for the most part they have been able to put out a great team for the past decade. Give credit where credit is due. As for the Dallas thing, until the two games last year the talk of the town was how we took it to Dallas? How we embarrassed them? All of a sudden that was forgot. Each year the story changes….so don’t put Jerry Jones on some pedastal like he has the best football team ever.

So this my friend is a goodbye to you….i honestly hope you become a fan of another city, because your passion for the Philadelphia Eagles is no longer there. We are the most passionate fans in the country, so if your flame has burned out…then goodbye to you my friend. My suggestion is to become a 49ers fan. I like that team…

Again, thanks for all the negativity, i’m sure your new “winning organization” will love everything you have to say about them. Goodbye forever SONGSRME2….well atleast I hope its forever.

…And for the record, I hate Dave Spadaro…

April 30, 2010 8:00 am

EB – you rock! Couldn’t have said it better. I used to have season tix at the vet (well my parents) Section 240 row 10 seats 11,12,13. I remember back before Tony Franklin when kicking a FG was an adventure! You are absolutley dead on with your comments about the team and the product – don’t like it, don’t want to be part of it – good luck with your next team

Why does everyone hate Dave S – its jealosy. I would take that guys job in a nano second. Hang out with the eagles, talk with the players and Merril Reese, cover the whole eagle cheerleader tryout thing… That dude is living my dream – be paid to write positive articles about his favortie team – Dave S is the MAN.

April 30, 2010 8:13 am

Let me clarify this, I would love to be in Spadaro’s position.

It just sucks because he can’t be as opinionatied as he wants because he is employeed by the team. So when he tries to talk about issues with the team, it’s always from the positive spin. The one the front office gives us every year. He can’t be objective, his comments are biased because he is an employee.

With that being said, for the benefits of the job, i’d say whatever the organization wanted me to as well.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
April 30, 2010 8:21 am

I think David Spuds has done a much better job of late as far as covering the Eagles,
Obviously he’s a paid employee and is the main spokesman for the Eagles owned web-stie, so to expect critical,and objective points of view is not realistic, but all in all, I think he’s doing a better job and does provide some good information..

April 30, 2010 8:41 am

well said EB. Spuds is spuds. Hopefully he will spit less this year.

April 30, 2010 9:30 am

SONGSOVER…one last request….take PhillyWill with you.

I think it’s great that they got Kolb situated now..before camp…now there’s no drama, just football. Smart move IMO. Even though I’m considering this his “rookie” year I hope he lives up to some of the hype and does a tremendous job however I’m like EB I love this city and this team regardless of who’s on the field and running the team because I’m a fan. I armchair QB like everyone else but I live and die with this team. Good RIDDANCE SRM2, you don’t DESERVE to be an Eagles fan…I hear there’s pleanty of room on the Cowgirls bandwagon, go jump with the rest of the frauds.

April 30, 2010 12:56 pm

I have to say this ..wellwell…How heartwrenching this maybe I might have to take you up on that offer. My father was a dallas fan and I use to call him a frontrunner because I was raised in Philly, but he told me when I started following Randall Cunningham, they would never put talent around him, and the cowgirls would rebuild and become champions over and over before Our team see one Superbowl,….. and he was right. Winning is an attitude, some organizations thrive on championships and some are happy with being competitive. Not only did I see this happen to Randall, now Mcnabb. No soon as he get recievers to take the load off, they replace him so another can benefit from what he help build. This would have never happened to Tom Brady, The Mannings, or Romo in their prime. This organization is Racist…that’s right I said it!!!! This would have never happened to a white quarteback..and don’t use Favre as the example….he was damn near 60 years old before green bay finally replaced him and they would have never done that if he was Mcnabb’s age. Mcnabb please come back in the Linc and kick their ass, then hoist that trophy. That will be sweet and deserving. I’m only saying what most people would love to say but may lose their jobs if they told the truth…Right “G”? “TIMES YOURS”

April 30, 2010 1:09 pm

Racist…are you serious? You can’t stop postin fast enough you f’n pig. Go put on you Homo Jersey and circle jerk with all your other frontrunner homo buddies. I don’t really care we haven’t won a SB yet. Our time will come. I’m still a fan and will never stop being one…NEVER. You come here and post your bull shit drivel and espouse how awful an organization we are then don’t come back. Just leave, don’t post, don’t respond, just go away, and take you’re racist hate attitude with you. All you have to offer is forked tongue hatred for the city and team just about everyone on here loves. I don’t give a shit about other QB’s and their success. I don’t care what team won however many lombardi trophies, I’m an EAGLES fan first, a football fan second and Fcuk U for coming here and squatin in our backyard punkass!

April 30, 2010 1:14 pm

I am glad SRM2 is no longer a fan, sounds like he has been harboring thoughts of moving on for some time.

Who is going to lose their job for saying what they believe?? You are deluded.

Now the Eagles are racists. Did you forget that Joe Montana had the same thing happen, if you will not allow us to mention Favre.

You are a loser and eagle fans are better off that you are not considered one of them.

April 30, 2010 1:18 pm

So, the Eagles built great teams around the Detmer brothers, Doug P, McMahon? Because..they were White right?

April 30, 2010 1:52 pm

How many championships did Montana win before they let him go? How many weapons was Montana surrounded with? Come on greenfan..What white quarterback did this happened to at Mcnabb’s age? Name one, and I’ll apologize and never say one negative thought again. A matter of fact i’ll become spud jr. …Now, name one.

April 30, 2010 2:16 pm

Nice to see that everyone is talking football.

April 30, 2010 2:43 pm

Sorry DW, when douchenozzles like SRM2 start with the hate it’s hard not to get off topic.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
April 30, 2010 2:48 pm

Great posts EB..your shining and Songs is dying..

April 30, 2010 6:30 pm

ok fraudsong, you want me to name a white quarterback who never won a superbowl who has been traded…..is that what you are asking me?

Ok, let me start, Tarkington, Jorgenson, Gabreil, Young (opps, he actually won a superbowl, but was traded from Tampa Bay, sorry), Bledsoe, Castle, Cutler….is that enough to get you to leave and join the cowgirls fan club?? Good bye

April 30, 2010 11:27 pm

you named a bunch of frauds…name one with Mcnabb credentials that was traded at McNabb’s age. One…..Many Pro Bowls, Many playoff appearances, One Superbowl appearance….name one that was traded or waived before the age 35…..name one that compare in numbers and success…is there one?

May 1, 2010 6:03 am


You have to let the McNabb thing go dude. If the eagles were as Racist as you say, WHY THE FUDGE WOULD THEY (Lurrie,Reid,Banner)HAVE DRAFTED HIM 11 YEARS AGO?!?.

Check your history guy cause the Eagles were offered 7 picks the whole draft from the saints but chose McNabb instead. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU!!!

I am all for pointing out injustice where it exists but you are trying to manufacture something that isn’t there which tells me quite frankly that if anyone has Race/Hate issues its YOU!!!!!!!!

Tech Triumph
Tech Triumph
May 1, 2010 9:09 am

If Wayne Gretzky can be traded at 27, anyone can be.

May 2, 2010 6:08 am

Tech…HOCKEY as an example? Look, no one want to touch this but it’s the truth. There’s no other quarterback with Mcnabb’s credentials who was treated this way in the prime of their career coming off a pro bowl…not one. You all know this is true and want to ignore that race play a part in key decisions in sports. Especially Football. If we are to compare one player who was labeled an underachiever before Mcnabb that would be Elway. Elway, did everything and did not have a legitimate reciever during the early years of his career. He was able to make it to multiple conference championships and lost his only superbowl until he was —-near 40 ..the organization put weapons around him, a legitimate running game along with a good defense and they finally won 2 Superbowls and let Elway retire with dignity off of the legs of Terrell Davis That’s respect for a player that help pull their organization out of obscurity. The only thing I’m stating is that if Mcnabb was white, there would be no Kolb. They would have used the pick to get weapons like their franchise quarterback requested, they would have got a Terrell Davis type back to carry the load, they would have built an offensive line like the one Shanahan put in front of an aging Elway. That’s respect. So, don’t think this is a racist rant when there’s clear examples stating the truth. Trading Mcnabb was a slap in the face with total dishonor. I’m just stating ..This is what the Eagles will get in return Since they have no honor and the locker room see this, they will never put their all in a team that would blatantly treat players lke Mcnabb, Westbrook, Dawkins,Brown, like yesterday’s trash. They know that if this organization can do this to those players, they’ don’t stand a chance. That locker room will not be loyal, leaving our Eagles with a bunch of players that are there to get a check…that equals – NO TROPHY

May 3, 2010 5:19 am

This guy Kolb couldn’t carry Vicks Jock strap yet they committed to this bum. Can’t wait to week 5 when the spin machine can’t spin, and everybody see the obvious. I want to see all these optimistic fans who are saying give kolb a chance when they’re 1-4. Desean Jackson will talk at this point and it will get very ugly, because dink and dunk numbers do not transfer into “DOLLARS”..He’ll wish he was under a long bomb of Mcnabb. Vick get ready

May 3, 2010 6:05 am

hey SONG..quit singing, you exposed yourself as a fraud. You announced that you were no longer a birds fans, so take a cue from McNabb and leave. You lost all credability throwing out the race-card, and now all you can do is spout negativity. Take your show to Dallas or Washington, because your “song” is now sounding like a broken record.