• March 14, 2025

Jackson Didn’t Diss McNabb, But If Five Had Said It

Is DeSean Jackson saying anything about his former teammate Donovan McNabb and his new quarterback Kevin Kolb that he shouldn’t feel?¬† I don’t think so but we know here in Philadelphia that anything involving McNabb is a scandal.

It’s been happening here in Phialdelphia since T.O. came to town and that’s why you’ve seen me take McNabb’s side on all of the nonsense controversies.¬† I don’t like defending him but I must out of fairness.

There are a number articles on Philly.com today, which defend what Jackson said and proclaim that he wasn’t dissing McNabb. I agree with them.

One article starts with the sentence.¬†¬† “The manufactured controversies between Donovan McNabb and his former teammates will quickly get old.”

I disagree that they will quickly get old because manufactured controversies concerning McNabb have been popular for years here in Philadelphia.

I agree that Jackson didn’t say anything that he shouldn’t feel, but you and I know that¬† if McNabb were still here and had said the same thing about a teammate who had left, you would be hearing and reading story after story about how awful it was that McNabb said this.

I know McNabb has deficiencies as a quarterback and as a person but there are no perfect quarterbacks and no perfect people.

McNabb is a good person and a good player, but he has been turned into a caricature, since Owens started attacking him after the Super Bowl in 2005.

T.O. publicly attacked three quarterbacks who helped him put him in the Pro Bowl, Jeff Garcia, McNabb and Tony Romo, yet the McNabb is the only quarterback who has been held responsible for T.O.’s nonsense.

Owens helped divide threee teams, the Niners, Eagles and Cowboys, yet only McNabb is the team leader who had his leadership skills questioned because of the Owens nonsense.

Remember when McNabb’s Mom wrote an article on a blog for NFL Moms, about how it was “bittersweet” that the team was losing but her son was hurt.¬† She wasn’t saying anything that every decent Mom whom I know would feel, but it was turned into another controversy concerning McNabb.

Any time McNabb did a news conference, media members would read comments in between the lines, pick apart every sentence and utimately make him say what they wanted him to say.

It was impossible for him to say the right thing.

Another athlete in town is going to take over for McNabb and become the guy whom media people can lie about and make up stories about.

I predicted earlier this off season that Jackson would take the mantel from McNabb as the Eagle who becomes Mr. Controversy here in Philadelphia.

Cole Hamels has taken over some of McNabb’s role and become the Philly athlete who’s mind everyone is free to read.¬†¬† Every time Hamels has any problems on the mound, it’s attributed to his lack of mental toughness.

Somebody has to become that guy here in the city because all of these newspapers, radio shows, television shows and websites have to discuss something and somebody.

The Beast has to be fed.

Who do you think will take over for McNabb here in the area?


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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 10, 2010 6:02 am

I think Paulman could be a good candidate to pick on,chastise and fed to the wolves….

May 10, 2010 6:38 am

In the Sporting News article, he is very complimentary to McNabb while being excited to start next year with Kolb. What do people want from this kid? He is pumped up about his team. Would it have been better for him to say that the Eagles should have kept McNabb?

May 10, 2010 6:41 am

Oh and while I agree that the media gave McNabb a hard time, he said some pretty dumb things while he was here, and his parents added to that fire. You mention one G in that if any QB in Philly had their mom say that, they would have gotten flack from the media. Gimme a break.

May 10, 2010 7:55 am

G, I agree with this article in its entirety. However, there was one other person who was treated similarly to McNabb during his tenure: Charlie Manuel.

May 10, 2010 7:56 am

I think this “spat” shows that mcnabb is as much of a diva as owens is. He acts like the team should be pining for him and that they will never make the playoffs without him ever. I hope mcnabb understands that the eagles have gone far without him before with lesser players. AJ Feeley and Jeff Garcia led teams that were considered out. So McNabb thinks the eagles will be in dire straits with out him even though they have 2 budding stars at receiver, competent tightends, a young running back, and a young jelling offensive line. I think the eagles should be more in pining of brian dawkins because that defense is suspect at best. Mcnabb should be happy to be in washington, he has a chance to make the organization look stupid. So who cares about what who said about him. Mcnabb needs to be the bigger person for once rather then cry about the past. And Washington fans should realize something…….. He has not signed any extension. Snyder doesn’t have a problem over paying for players so what is the hold up? could it be shanahan does not really want him or could it be that he is waiting to see what happens in minnesota/arizona.

May 10, 2010 8:16 am

Loki, I thought this article was about what was said by DeSean Jackson.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 10, 2010 9:04 am

I am tired about reading or hearing about D McNAbb… Are you….
He has moved on and it’s time for everyone else to do the same…
A brand new team with new leaders and players so let’s rally around them support them..
As far as who has played here in the past, we have no control over it and wish them the best but
I follow the Eagles, not the player… I know it’s the dead part of the schedule brefore the OTA’s and Summper Camp sgtart, but this is ridiculous to read/hear about a McNabb situation on a daily basis….
I would like to know how Stacey Andrews, C Ingram, N Cole, S Bradley,M JAckson, E Hobbs,Q Demps all look so far, what kind of shape do they appear to be in, for the injured guys, are the moving around well, (I know everyone said that Bradley looked real good with no visible effects..) but how about the others..Do new defenders Tapp and SIms have a good grasp of the playbook so far..
What kind schemes was Def/Secondary Coach D Jauron employing.. how is his rapport with DC McDermott…. These are kind of artciles I think most Eagle fans want to read up on and comment on during this “dead time” as opposed to another”he said-she said”, drama story which basically has much to do with nothing of any consequence or importance..

May 10, 2010 10:55 am

Boo hoo… I’m sorry if i’ve got you wrong G, but it seems like you’re still a little bitter about mcnabb being gone.. he’s a redskin, let THEM deal w/ his controversies.. this is a new era.. there’s no pinata on the eagles just yet.. let’s embrace that! all about football and winning now.. bring on the new era.. we’ll cross that bridge when we get there (hopefully we won’t)

May 10, 2010 11:45 am

Owens did pick apart San Fran on his way out… anyone remember “If it smells like a rat…” in reference to Jeff Garcia?

May 10, 2010 1:16 pm

stfu paulman ur rooting for eagles fo this aint eagles hope they lose every fuckin gm

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 10, 2010 1:55 pm

ok “ChillyWilly”
Anyone remember those from Cumberland Farms.. I think PhillyWilly drank a gallon non-stop and has a case of major “brain-freeze” …

May 10, 2010 2:49 pm

They’ve been leaving Kolb alone for a little while so far, but he’ll say something utterly ridiculous (probably while frustrated after a skid of losses) and it’ll be off to the races for a while.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
May 10, 2010 2:53 pm

Yawn..McNabb still an Eagle? Okay..Well then who cares? Are you guys still Facebooking your high-school girlfriends that slept with your friends too? Christ people get over this fraud already!!

May 10, 2010 5:04 pm

Personally I hope G keeps posting Redskins practice pictures and McNabb articles. Nothing exciting will be happening with the birds for a while.

May 10, 2010 6:17 pm


I don’t know. It’s off-season fodder. No big deal. But McNabb always chose to remain the enigma. Picked his spots to reveal himself, or be funny. Never really stood up to his critics in public or in print the way, say, Jim McMahon or Dan Fouts might have – either in public or private. Just blamed them for inhospitable sports/social graces. Frankly, all of this dung should have been taken care of the way Frank LeMaster and Stan Walters used to settle things…behind the stands. But no, no, no. We can’t have that these days. C’mon. Confront your teammates in the hall, in the locker-room, or in the parking lot. Why publicize your victim status? Both parties were/are at fault by the way. .

May 11, 2010 11:02 am

in andy u all trust paulman eskin is andy’s lil pet

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 11, 2010 12:44 pm

To JimmyMac,
I checked with all my ex-girlfirends from the Neighborhood,High School and College Days and not 1 of them have ever heard of or slept with a “JimmyMac” before …