• March 3, 2025

King Lists Eagles At #15, But Lists Carolina and Seattle Ahead Of Them

Was Peter King of Sports Illustrated kidding when he put together his power rankings this off season? King has the Birds in the 13 spot because of the change of quarterbacks and Kevin Kolb’s lack of history, which I could understand if the teams in front of them were respectable.

He’s got Green Bay in the number one spot, Miami is listed in the sixth spot , Carolina without Julius Peppers and with a totally unknown new quarterback in Matt Moore is listed as number eight.

Is Seattle going to improve that much, so quickly that they should be listed at 11?

I don’t know about putting them number one but the Packers could very well be one of the best teams in the NFL this year. Miami will be tough if Brandon Marshall can help them develop a consistent and dependable passing game.

He makes it a point to talk about the turnover of playoff teams that occurs each year, but I still don’t know what he sees in Carolina.¬† Who is going to replace Peppers in Charlotte?

Is young Moore going to be that good in Carolina?  If King is going to take that for granted then he should take it for granted that Kevin Kolb will be great as well.

Here’s a look at his total list:

1. Green Bay

2.San Diego

3. Baltimore


5.New Orleans


7.New York Jets


9.New York Giants





14.New England



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May 18, 2010 11:29 am

well the eagles arent good and they got worse this yr top it off by making a division rival better and i like his rankings i mean this team plays in nfc east which we will be like 1 – 5 in so how good will this team be anyway its not like we r playing nfc south teams twice a yr carolina may not have more talent but i wouldnt be surprised to see them with a better record

May 18, 2010 11:33 am

Last year he had New Orleans at #24 pre season and New England and Chicago at 1 and 2 – it means nothing other then to get people talking – he’s still the best FB writer in the game – love his MMQB column

May 18, 2010 11:50 am

I don’t know if San Diego will be that good this year. Not that they won’t be good but #2 good seems out there for me.

Carolina is way too high.
Same goes for Seattle. Good draft of not that roster was a disaster last year.
Not sure how the Giants are going to be that much better.
Pittsburgh looks like a train wreck waiting to happen. Their starting QB will miss at least part of the year. Not sure of how good he’s going to be with all that missing time. Their run game has disappeared. They dumped their talented but moronic top WR.
Not saying the Eagles should be any higher than they are but these rankings are a joke.

May 18, 2010 11:59 am

trade d5 for nate allen str8 up do u think experts will have us #1 lmao i forgot who i was talking to im sorry i forgot that the gcobb website guys know how good kolb is how accuarte he is lol he is so accurate and gets the ball out quicker and he will hit guys in stride blah blah blah and we will be better i love this site not the idiots on it but i love the site lol

May 18, 2010 12:27 pm

Philly, I’m with you. If Mcnabb was traded to the raiders their rankings would be a little better out the gate but trading a frnachise quarterback to a division rival, within the toughest division in football could mean a “two game” swing, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they fall out of 15. Ifthis Kolb is average I can’t see them winning 6 games.

May 18, 2010 12:39 pm

exactly u trade a hof qb str8 up for a rookie safety lol awe man but somehow around here we just got eons better now im not saying kolb will be a bum but how many qbs are gonna be better than d5 and im not certainly not the biggest d5 fan but im a person in favor of upgrading not salary dumps and doing things for certain fan bases here just retarded

May 18, 2010 12:39 pm

I hear people talking about Pittsburgh, like our Eagles are set. At least they have a winning organization with a coach that have won it all in his first 2 years…They’re a solid organization and can be trusted to get it done before our Eagles. Their front office is better, their coaches are better, and their quarterback is better. Please, I know eagles fans are diehard but be realistic….should we really be picking on a championship organization? Teams like Dallas, Patriots, Redskins, Pittsburgh, Giants, have winning pedigrees through history….Some would say if you’re looking at the last 10 years, teams like New England and Pittsburgh have been “THE GOLDEN STANDARD”.

May 18, 2010 12:47 pm

will…the only idiots on this site are you and your boy songs..

and if McNabb was so amazing and we are going to miss everything about him, then why did Washington only jump up from 23 to 20. doesn’t seem like they think much of your boy heading a Washington squad.

and you talk about kolb as if he will win/lose games by himself. you do know that there are 11 guys on offense and 11 guys on defense right? or are you not intelligent enough to count the players?

its a joke that we even have to see your posts on here…the Eagles are ranked 15th and not higher because they traded McNabb to Washington and not Oakland??…Really, so i’ve been missing this all along…you rank teams based on the people they trade but furthermore which team they are traded too. So songs, where does that put Denver for trading Marshall to Miami?? Do they move up/down spots too?

Once again…you are an idiot. Stop posting on a football site and go watch sesame street or something…

May 18, 2010 12:52 pm

geez…dumb and dumber up there….is it possible, songs, that you are really retarded? if so, just tell me because then i’ll feel bad calling you an idiot.

otherwise, you need to sit down and read what you are writing…your a disgrace to everything this site discusses…as long as you realize that..you can post whatever garbage you want.

May 18, 2010 12:56 pm

thnx for my poitn there r 21 other guys out there and for about 8 seasons a handful of them were torrence small charles johnson greg lewis todd stinkston and james trash with westbrrok hurt agianst carolina in nfc east chip gm kevin curtis lol lj smith correl buckhalter after 18 knee surgeries the list goes on and on we finally get some weapons this yr but had no oline. so we r gonna have a better oline this yr we finally have the weapons and what dod u do u trade the best thing that ever happened to this franchise for nate allen hey if there are 21 other guys now and nothing will ever be kolbs fault where the hell was this philosophy the last 11yrs just hilarious

May 18, 2010 1:07 pm

we went to 5 NFC championship games with all of the players you just mentioned…4 in a row in fact…westbrook missed one?

plus you fall to mention the guys that mattered…dawkins, taylor, vincent, trotter, emmons, burgess, kearse, staley, runyan, thomas, akers…again, you forgot about the other guys on the field

and fans like you, wait are you even a fan?….you are the reason why people call certain parts of this city trash…you exemplify the very definition of not only a fair-weather fan but a disgraceful human being..

May 18, 2010 1:08 pm

Wow, where do I start. Maybe the fact that the McNabb trade was not a salary dump. Or maybe that I haven’t seen a lot of people on this site saying that the Eagles are for sure better than last year. Most of the people on here don’t know how good Kolb would be and they know that McNabb was the best QB in Eagles history. BUT… he has certainly declined in the past 3-4 years, and before you throw stats at me, let’s talk about his ability to escape from the pocket and to feel the pressure. His biggest weapon was always his ability to escape which he no longer has.

Now, you may retort with the fact that Kolb isn’t elusive. That may or may not be true, but it seems like they are going to be changing the offense to suit his strengths/weaknesses. I don’t know if McNabb would have been suited for a more pure west coast offense or not, but judging by where he generally puts the ball on timing patterns, I would probably say no. Since they wanted to move on, they weren’t going to let #5 walk without getting something for him.

I think that they were done with status quo in that the Eagles were competitive, but they weren’t going to win a superbowl in the next 2 years or so until they rebuilt the defense. So let’s add 2 more years onto McNabb who has trouble staying on the field now. They looked at that situation and decided that they might as well see what they have in Kolb, because they would have to switch at some point. Is it going to be better? Probably not next year, but the thought is to let these young guys mature together.

I think that this team will win somewhere in between 7-10 games next year which I am ok with as long as they are making progress towards contending the next year. They need another draft and FA to fill in all the holes on D, but if they lock up D-Jax, then there is no reason why this couldn’t be one of the most productive offenses in the league.

So in conclusion, I don’t know what is going to happen next year, but it should be interesting. I am not going to dwell on this move and constantly hammer the organization, because what good does that do? You guys obviously love McNabb and disagree with the move. We got it.

May 18, 2010 1:10 pm

They were favored in almost all of those championship games, so why couldn’t they deliver. And McNabb had TO in the SB, so why didn’t he deliver.

Lastly, who did Brady win his championships with? Branch, Kevin Faulk. He sure didn’t have a Westbrook.

May 18, 2010 1:49 pm

It’s funny when it comes to kolb it’s a team game but mcnabb couldn’t win a superbowl… Not the defense can’t win not our running game not our coaches not the front office not the o line… Not linebackers ….. Mcnabb can’t win so get him outta here…..but he wasn’t wanted her when he was drafted….say what u want about mcnabb but defnse wins championships … No one never talks about Deon branch be unstoppable .. He was the MVP….Or our line not be able to block the patriots d line …. The offense did score more than 17 points the eagles defense didn’t holdpatriots at17 points or less

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
May 18, 2010 2:00 pm

They should name this site GCobbandlilbitchesthatcantgetoverMcNabb.com. What a bunch of heart-broken sissies you all sound like. Somebody’s got to be sleeping with your women if this how you guys act in real life.

May 18, 2010 2:23 pm

Can this team contend for a superbowl? That’s the only thing that matters!!!! If the answer is no, then you must take a real good look at this eagles organization. Can they contend for a Superbowl this year?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 18, 2010 2:48 pm

Paulman’s Top 10 in the NFL going into June 2010

#1) NO Saints
#2) NY Jets
#3) Minnesota Vikings
#4) San Diego Chargers
#5) Indianapolis Colts
#6) Dallas Cowboys
#7) Baltimore Ravens
#8) New England Patriots
#9) Green Bay Packers
#10) Atlanta Falcons

List of subject to change due to Trades,Injuries,Holdouts,Suspensions,Criminal Trials, Over-rated,undeperfoming high Draft Selections,Coaching Changes,New Cheerleading Customes, and basically depends on how my Summer Vacation goes.. I will give an updated Top #10 once Preseason is over..

May 18, 2010 4:11 pm

Song – so you’re saying that ‘winning pedigrees through history’ counts in games now? I can’t argue with the teams you listed, but Dallas and Washington having won Superbowls last millennium helps them on the field now? How? Do you realize how dumb that sounds? Guess it was true for the Saints right?

May 18, 2010 6:59 pm

Not bad Paul but IMO you have the Jets a little too high. They’ve made a bunch of splashes in the off season but I don’t think anyone of them is a sure thing. LT for Jones is a step back. Cromartie has been questionable for the last year or two. Holmes is trouble waiting to happen and won’t be there for part of the year. They’re going to be a good team but I won’t put them at 2.

Falcons seem high too. I don’t follow them closely but I don’t exactly remember them having a defense and I still don’t think Ryan is the second coming like they were making him out to be as a rookie. Of course without really looking at all the teams I’m not sure who’d I’d put above them right at this moment. Maybe Miami?

May 18, 2010 8:35 pm

Schiller, I see you cherry pick through a comment and ignore the points, then name call in an effort to deflect the facts. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!. I merely stated that our eagle fans can not really point out defeciencies in teams that have atually won “SUPERBOWLS” plural. There’s enough to address inward to even think about making negative gestures towards winning franchises like the steelers. Our squad haven’t won squat..and the 2 teams you named redskins and dallas will be better than our squad and it would not surprise anyone including you, if those teams eventually get a Superbowl again before our golden standard franchise. They actually have good coaches, good defenses, and franchise quarterbacks. Swallow the truth or do what you do best. Ignore the facts and reflect by calling names. “TIMES YOURS”.

May 19, 2010 3:33 am

Ok, so you think that I ignore the lack of superbowl? What ‘fact’s do I ignore – your opinions? If by facts you are referring to what will happen in the future, then they aren’t facts. If the ‘facts’ are that there are questions marks on the Eagles roster, uh DUH. Do you have Kevin Kolb all figured out? You know how he will play this year? You know how Brandon Graham, Nate Allen, Ernie Simms, Daryll Tapp, Stew Bradley’s injury return and Fokou’s continued development, Mike Bell’s contribution, Ingram and Cooper, you know how all that will work out. By me saying that it’s all unknown right now – you are saying you know this as ‘facts’. Guess what buddy, life aint simple, and football SURE aint simple. But you keep on insisting on these nebulous ‘facts’.

May 19, 2010 5:22 am

eaglesbeliever get off my dick i know the same fuking roster u do my point was mcnabb was taking these scrubs there i coulda named every1 i named the bums we had on o u named 2 lineman and deuce the rest of the offense stunk no wr’s and u were 1 of the people that booed d5 on draft day and we both know y 4 the same reason ur so happy for kolb look i dc what u think so u can stop responding to me and ur rite im no longer an eagle fan 29 yrs and im done this yr i cant take it anymore i will not root for this classless front office or root with this prejudice fan base and if u wanna name call i can give u my num we can meet u and u can say whatever u want then

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 19, 2010 6:54 am

To Gibson,
I do agree that Jets have lots of new faces and will actually have high expectations and pressure that they haven’t had in a long time.. but think about their new additions..

Defense – Added CB Cromartie, best CB in CB in Kyle Wilson to go along with best CB in NFL
in Revis, They added Safety B Pool , at LB they added pass-rusher J Taylor who can still get after the QB even if it’s in a limited role.. plus they return All-Pro NT C Jenkins who missed most of last season with injury… This Defense was already good and is much better in the secondary for basiscally they replaced S K Rhodes and CB L Shepard who neither played much down the stretch for the them anyways…
On Offense they get another year of a maturing QB M Sanchez who doesn’t have eye-popping Stats, does know how to manage a game plan, run the clok and has the repsect of the huddle..
No give him a full season with WR Braylon Edwards, J Crotchery, and S Holmes, plus the ever dangerous B Smith as WIldcat QB,Return man,WR. getting back to their running game, LT will be a role player for most of the workload will be going to Shon Green who got more rushes than T Jones did at the end of last season and playoff time.. He’s younger,stronger than T Jones and is an updgrade, then they wil lspell him with LT who can still run and catch out of the backfield and then their 3rd RB is J mcKight from USc who is another scat back,good on screens with lots of speed.
The only real puzzling move they made this off-season to me is releasing G Allan Faneca which may come back to haunt them, but they still have an excellent and young O/L with All-Pro’s at Center in N Mangold, LT D Ferguson and solid at RT with D Woody.. Their top Draft choice was
Vladimir Ducasse who is penciled in at LF top replace Faneca…
This team with Coach Rex Ryan at the helm is going to be very difficult to match up with physical wise,speed wise and he appears to be the right kind of coach to be handle thes stress/expectation that you have when coaching in NY …