• March 3, 2025

Majority Of Philly Fans Must Force The Few Idiots To Get In Line

First of all, I know that the vast majority of Philadelphia sports fans are law-abiding citizens who know how to go to a sporting event and enjoy themselves without disrespecting other fans or the players.

Yet and still, there are others who can’t go to a game and enjoy themselves without becoming pigs in terms of their behavior.

There are quite a few people in the media in this town, who will defend and support Eagles fans regardless of what they do or say.¬† I’m not one of them.¬† I’m going to call it the way I see it.

The idiots who vandalized the automobile of Montreal columnist Pat Hickey are “lowlifes” and we can’t deny that we have some “lowlifes” amongst Philadelphia sports fans.

Now I read on Philly.com about this book, “Bury Me In My Jersey, A Memoir of My Father, Football and Philly.”¬† which is a memoir by LaSalle grad and Temple lecturer Tom McAllister about his father who was an Eagles fan.

From what they say on Philly.com, the book totally exposes his ignorant behavior as an Eagles fan.
Somewhere some how, this has to stop.¬† A football game shouldn’t turn people into neanderthals.
We’ve already got quite a reputation around the nation of having fans that go too far and every time we have an idiot vandalize somebody’s car which has a license plate from the opposing team’s state, or every time we have some dope run onto the field and get tasered, or another idiot who forces themselves to throw up on somebody.

I don’t think it’s going to stop because in our society we’ve got too many people who are too selfish to respect the rights of other people.

Some people think that just because they’re fans of the teams, they have the right to do anything they want to do, as long as they paid for the ticket.

You should respect the rights of other fans regardless of whether they’re rooting for the Philadelphia team or not.

We need fans to start demanding that their fellow Philadelphia fans improve their behavior.  Fans must call out other fans and challenge them to do better when they see them getting out of line.

Drunk fans should be thrown out of the stadium or arrested for foolish bullying behavior.  This has got to stop or more horrible events will take place.


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jimmy mac
jimmy mac
May 18, 2010 4:29 pm

Not in this lifetime G. Too much money at stake. What’s the huge draw to go to a live game nowadays? What, with all the affordable 70″ Plasma’s and home theatre’s and slumping economy? Take away or ration booze in parking lots and/or the stadium and that’d be would be the final shove. Not that the Philadelphia Police Dept. would mind, but the Lurie’s would. I feel your pain. The world is short on people who do the right thing..but to be honest, if I do get some extra cash to go to a game, the last thing Im doing is playing boy scout with drunk Eagle fans looking for a fight..If I want violence I’ll just try sleeping with my wife.

May 18, 2010 5:42 pm

The fan behavior at Eagles games is disgusting. For years I took my daughter to the games as drunk, alcoholic, low IQ morons screamed profanities into the back of our heads. People who are morons during the week but SUPERFAN on Sunday. Alkies with hair-trigger tempers fueled by beer consumption. A real lack of civil behavior. Eagles management needs to make a little less money in the beer-sales department. And the people have to realize they are animals.

May 18, 2010 10:20 pm

Let’s face it. Some people have absolutely no life, and therefore, take these “games” much too seriously. I know, because I was guilty of that very thing for a long time.

While playing football well into my 30s, I sustained a serious knee injury. After which, I could no longer play sports, and found myself living without a sense of purpose. Having placed all of my “eggs in one basket,” I was completely lost. Finally, after a number of “YEARS,” I began to diversify my life and develop other interests. I took drum lessons, furthered my education, and spent more time with my family. Now, my life is much richer, and, equally important, I don’t “suffer” as much with Eagles losses. They still hurt, but the Eagles don’t pay my bills, and I try to keep my fandom in proper perspective.

Mr. Lurie has become a billionaire because of the dollars spent by hard-working Eagles fans. I’ve read more than a few stories of people who’ve taken out second mortgages on their homes to finance their fandom. To each his own. But the fact is, not a single Eagles player, front office personnel, nor the owner even knows our names. Some of us invest too much time, money and emotions into being a “fan,” and because of those inflated investments, we are susceptible to abnormal behavior. We feel experience hatred, rather than disappointment and mistake admiration for love. We forget that our athletes are people. They have feelings, personalities, flaws and are just like us.

I take great pride in being a Philadelphian and a fan of each of our teams, but my life no longer revolves around their successes and failures.

I am grateful for my knee injury, because it showed me how shallow my life had become and thereby opened the door to better living.

May 19, 2010 5:34 am

The problem with Eagles games are 25-30 yr old “adults” acting like idiots. Phillies games attract a bunch of 14-18 yr old kids who act like idiots. My problem with Phils games are the amount of severely underage kids in the parking lot getting drunk throwing beers in the parking lot and generally disrespecting everyone family around them trying to enjoy a sandwich and/or some beers before going in. It disgusts me to associate myself with some of these people and i agree G this has to stop. An Easy way, at least for the Phils problem, is to monitor the parking lot. They already have cops/security on staff roaming the parking lot but not one of them is checking ID’s. I was at the game on Monday night with a bunch of my buddies and while waiting in line sound kid came crashing into the back of the line. We looked at the kid and told him to relax and went chest to chest with some guy and dared him to hit him. Seriously?? the kid was probably no more than 16 yrs old. The responsibility to eliminate this behavior goes squarely on the shoulders of the organizations to enforce consequences.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 19, 2010 7:23 am

Also the City of Philadelphia needs to do a better job of Policing the areas/lots surrounding the Stadiums.. I moved away from Philly/South Jersey in 1987 and have gone to Pro Games/Stadiuns
in Indianapolis and Charlotte where it’s actually an enjoyable experience where you can still take the kids to watch Football and feel safe and part of a community that repsects each other and public property…