• March 3, 2025

The Philadelphia 76ers Face A Tough Call At Number 2

The 76ers finally generated something for the fans to be excited about last night, jumping up 4 spots in the draft to the number 2 overall pick. They will pick after the Washington Wizards, and before the New Jersey Nets.

While this is great news for the Sixers, the second choice in the draft comes with a lot of question marks for the team.

The first question is: do they trade the pick? Unlike the NFL, where the contracts for the top picks require huge financial investments, that is not the case in the NBA. The Sixers should be able to get a good package of players for the number 2 overall pick. They could even try to package Elton Brand with the pick, as a way to finally get out of that horrendous contract.

If the Sixers decide to select a player at number 2, which direction do they go with the pick? All the draft experts seems to agree that the top three overall prospects are PG John Wall of Kentucky, SG/ SF Evan Turner of Ohio State and PF Derrick Favors of Georgia Tech.

Luckily, the Sixers have holes at all three sports. Unfortunately, they have bad contracts and high lottery picks blocking all three spots at well. Second year player Jrue Holliday showed promise last season, and is probably the Sixer with the biggest upside. Do the Sixers pick John Wall if the Wizards pick Turner, and essentially give up on Holliday?

Assuming the Wizards take Wall, then Sixers then have to choose between Turner and Favors. Turner is the older, more polished prospect. But he also plays the same position as Andre Iguodala and Thaddeus Young. Drafting Turner would menthe Sixers have to move one of the two. Young would be easier to move, but Iguodala would make more sense to move for the team. The Sixers could then start Holliday, Turner and Young. That is a nice, young group to build around.

However, if the Sixers are not able to move either Iguodala or Young, then they should not take Turner. This will just create a bigger log jam at that position for the team. The next logical choice for the Sixers would be Derrick Favors. The young athletic forward has been compared to Amare Stoudemire, and would give the Sixers something they lack- a low post presence. Marreese Speights had a weak second season after a promising rookie one, and Elton Brand, needless to say, has not exactly lived up to expectations.

Of course, who is even answering these questions for the Sixers is a mystery in itself. The Sixers have still not said that GM Ed Stefanski will definitely be back, and it is being said that he does not even have the final call on the new head coach (job that now becomes more attractive).

The Sixers as a franchise have been thrown an unexpected life line. The right pick, or right trade, could change the course of the franchise for years to come. The wrong pick could turn this franchise into more a train wreck then it already is if that is even possible.

Eliot Shorr-Parks

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May 19, 2010 5:27 am

please take turner wizards we want wall

May 19, 2010 6:30 am

Even Turner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 19, 2010 6:39 am

we want wall please i want to go to a game where there is a crowd and some excitement like when ai was here no1 will go see turner he’s good but not a crowd pleaser like wall

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 19, 2010 7:00 am

Evan Turner is the best all-around,most NBA ready in the draft this year..
I also like big men Center C Aldrich from Kansas, Center G Monroe from Georgetown
and SF/PF Aminu from Wake Forest but not at the #2 Spot…

I think the Sixers may be able to trade down from #2 to a few spots lower and maybe pick-up an additional pick earliy in the 2nd Round… There are lots of good player in this draft

May 19, 2010 7:30 am

we have the number 2 pick and a bunch of of number 8’s and 12’s and 17’s already on our roster so trading would be retarded we need a franchise player john wall is a franchise player evan turner is good i like him as a consolation prize but if sixers had #1 it would be a no brainer joh wall would be here lets hope the wiz think like u paulman and take turner then yes 2001 all over again same as when we had ai i bet u hated ai and that team tho i know u did its so obviuous lmao hope we get wall and his swagger that im sure many philadelphians will hate now but will grow 2 love just like ai

May 19, 2010 3:53 pm

The NBA is a superstar league and this is a rare, unexpected chance for the Sixers to get their first potential stud since they drafted Iverson. By no means should they trade this pick.

Either they get Turner as expected and trade Iguodala (far from being impossible) or they take Wall and use Holiday in a package deal.

May 19, 2010 4:59 pm

Its all about turner and Jrue Holiday. Holiday is a stud and Wall would get in his way.

May 20, 2010 8:27 am

Evan Turner is a proven player and national player of the year….John Wall played one year and could never mature more….i think the sixers gotta take turner…would be huge……also need someway to drop some of these awwwfulll contracts….samuel dalembert shouldn’t even be in the league, he has stone hands…can’t catch any passes. When you got guys like Evan Turner and Jrue Holliday dishin the rock you need someone under the basket who can catch the ball….THERE IS NO WAY THEY SHOULD TRADE THIS PICK

May 20, 2010 8:36 am

holiday is terrible please i pray we get wall y do people love holiday omg this is killing me he’s a fuckin 8ppg pkayer maybe 5ast wow he hustles code for garbage

May 20, 2010 8:41 am

like seriously other rookies like darren collison ty lawson even eric maynor these were all rooks picked after jrue and are all better if u look at our division wash has gilbert nj has devin harris bos rondo we need a real pg. think about every team in the nba jrue maybe be better than 3 to 5 pgs thats it lou williams is a better player than jrue i dont understand this love affair for a guy that avg like 8 ppg and 2ast ala eric snow

May 20, 2010 8:41 am

phillywill….do you see the players he is playing with? are you blind? dalembert=awful, iguidola makes everyone around him worse, elton brand is incredibly slow, lou williams shouldn’t be in the league, jason smith shouldn’t even be allowed in an nba arena let alone sit on our bench, we gave kapono millions to sit on the bench and come in and brick a few threes every now and then…holliday can actually play d…holliday isn’t supposed to get you a ton of points…good call big guy

May 20, 2010 8:45 am

ty lawson 8 ppg, eric maynor 4 ppg, darren collision 12 ppg bc chris paul was injured….do you take into account playing time?

May 21, 2010 8:51 pm

turner the pick for me. young in my opinion has to be moved so iggy can play his natural position at the 3 spot. turner is compared to brandon roy in portland. i agree we have to move some parts around, but turner makes our lineup have balance and young go to guy for the next 10 years. thus, iggy can be what he should have always been a great number 2 option.