• March 1, 2025

Dealing With His Wife’s Sex Video Can’t Be Easy For Baskett

I remember Eagles veteran receiver Hank Baskett telling me and a group of reporters that the woman, Kendra Wilkinson, whom he was marryingwas a “small town” girl.¬† I couldn’t believe he said it, but yes he said he was marrying a “small town girl”.

I don’t envy Baskett, but he should have known what he was getting into when he decided to marry a woman who was involved in the pornography industry. Anybody who would agree to be a live-in girlfriend of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, may have been a small town girl at one time, but is no longer a small town girl.

Quite a few news outlets like CBS News and Fox News are reporting that Baskett’s wife, Kendra Wilkinson, who was one of Hefner’s live in girlfriends at the Playboy mansion in a reality television show is a participant in a sex video that will be released soon.

This can’t be an easy time for Baskett and his wife.¬† There are reports that the videotape is causing problems in their marriage but I haven’t seen any proof that the report of marital problems is true.

Still I wouldn’t want to be a player in Baskett’s situation.¬† For that matter I thought it was amazing that former Eagles quarterback Jeff Garcia wasn’t kidded in the locker room about his wife having nude pictures all over the internet.

I can tell you from experience that football players kid each other about any and everything, at least that was the case on the teams I played on.¬† Guys would have gone crazy with nude photos of somebody’s wife with their legs spread open.

I couldn’t even imagine what guys would have done if there were sex videos of somebody’s wife floating around.

Baskett may get a pass here in Philly because I don’t know if this Eagles team has enough outgoing personalities to go after him with this.

Still isn’t an easy to deal with the knowledge that a video of the your wife getting busy with a former boyfriend is circulatiing all over the place.¬† At some point, somebody in the media will have to ask him about the story.

The young couple has a five-month old son, Hank Jr.


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May 20, 2010 7:22 am

Hanks the one tapping her now and he also has son with her. The other guy should be the one who’s upset. Playboy is tasteful, it’s not like she was in Hustler. All though some might like to see her in Hustler. 😉 There’s really nothing to kid around with to Jeff and Hank because their wives were only in Playboy there’s no shots of them with their legs spread open because its soft-core. I would have no problem marring a bunny because their usually pretty women and its a respectful line of work for that industry.

May 20, 2010 7:59 am

lmao how much do hank care his wife lived with an 80 yr old man as 1 of his maids. he knew he married a whore so what. if hank wasnt in the nfl she wouldnt have married him she a money hungry chic so u cant stop her and hank u wont ever make 3 mill lol. theres an old saying very cliche but maybe alot of guys need to take heed to this 1 u cant turn a ho into housewife lmao histerical i hope they watch the tape in the lockeroom more guys need to make fun of these noodle dudes who marry these type of women hank baskett is treating this woman great lol and like its histerical the next guy will just smash in 1 night and send her ass back home 2 hank lol

May 20, 2010 8:00 am

i wonder if reggie bush caught any flack i mean kim kardashians tape with ray j was histerical ray j basically smutted her on camera and reggie wants 2 buy her stuff take her out and wine and dine the chic lmao awe man hope saints wacthed that as a sb celebration

May 20, 2010 8:22 am

Supposedly Kendra is the one trying to sell the tape. So I’m sure she has talked to Hank about this and they both agreed it would be a good source of income. I think Hank knew what he was getting into at first, but maybe not to this extent…….They will probly make more money off of this tape than his current contract.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 20, 2010 8:27 am

I think Hank’s bigger problem will be making the team as a 5th WR/Special Teamer
I expect draft selection R Cooper to take this spot who will make around $200K versus $1 Million + that Baskett’s contract calls for..

May 20, 2010 8:37 am

I actually hope Hank makes the team. I always thought he could be a better player with a more accurate QB, and we didn’t really use his strengths to our advantage… I think in the whole time we had him, we may have thrown one fade rout to him when we were in ‘and goal’ territory…he’s also a threat with the ball after he catches it…i guess coaches see stuff we don’t obviously, but I thought he could be utilized a little better

May 20, 2010 9:03 am

yes baskett wont be makin this team cooper then in redzone situations u can play ingram as wr as well yup have a nice 1 hank

May 20, 2010 10:15 am

pwilly – dude, Kendra makes way more than Hank.

May 20, 2010 10:56 am

kendra doesnt have more now at all she will after the 3 mill tape though lmao

May 20, 2010 12:45 pm

There is a large market for this sort of thing. What? Are you shocked? You know that this was only a matter of time, and so did I. Who cares about Hank Baskett? Well hung, but no chops.

May 20, 2010 3:29 pm

Will having a TV show called your first name brings in Money.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
May 20, 2010 4:30 pm

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life..never make a pretty woman your wife..take my expert point of view…get an ugly girl to marry you!…So true.

May 20, 2010 9:06 pm

OK G, I gotta back you up on this one. I don’t know what the hell you’re all talking about. WHY does he deserve this??? He knew going into it that she was in Playboy. That’s one thing you deal with and work on accepting when you fall in love with a girl; look past that stuff. Hardcore sex tape is a whole other deal. Not okay. That’s gonna be tough on him. I’ve had to accept my wife being in Playboy. I understand his side. She agreed not to go there again. I forgave her. Hardcore sex tape?….. no way in hell I’m okay with that. That would be soul-crushing stuff.

May 21, 2010 4:10 am


I don’t know man. I actually do like Baskett, despite what I wrote above. It’s just hard for me to feel bad for the guy because I guess it’s easy for me a 100 miles away to connect the dots on what happened. It’s going to be tough on him. Especially in the locker room. He should start hitting the speed bag NOW.

May 21, 2010 5:03 am

I don’t feel bad for him at all. Buyer Beware man.

Forget the fact that he is an NFL player on a tv show. I don’t feel bad for him at all.

May 23, 2010 5:43 am

Why do any of us care, he won’t be here come September anyway