• March 3, 2025

McNabb Doesn’t Owe Us An Apology & We Don’t Owe Him One, Either

I’m sure you’ve heard about how former Eagles and now Redskins quarterback apologized to Eagles fans for not winning a Super Bowl during his time here.

Rick Reilly of ESPN says McNabb didn’t owe the Eagles fans an apology, but the fans owed McNabb the apology for the way they treated him.

“That’s like Conan apologizing to Jay. Does the salmon apologize to the bear? Ehlo apologizing to Jordan. If anything, Philadelphia oughta apologize to him. This is the city that booed him when he came, never thought he was good enough, never gave him a go-to receiver, until they gave him one he couldn’t get away from and then traded him within the division for a little-known quarterback named Kevin Kolb, who in three years has a real chance to be the little-known quarterback Kevin Kolb. This is the way you treat a guy whose been nothing but nice, classy, maybe too classy.”

By the way, I think the only reason Reilly made the statement was because McNabb was doing one of his “Homecoming with Reilly” programs for ESPN back at his high school in the Chicago area.

I personally don’t think McNabb owed the city an apology and I don’t think the city owes him an apology.¬† It’s business, nobody owes anybody any apologies.

All McNabb owes the fans is his best effort, which I think he gave during his time here.¬† You can’t guarantee anything in sports.¬† The fans don’t owe anything to McNabb either, other than to be respectful of the team and other fans when they go to the game.

They can boo and show their unhappiness by yelling things but they can’t run on the field, throw stuff at players or other fans and be disrespectful of the other people attending the game.

I think respect is the key word.  Fans should respect the success that McNabb led to this team to for over a decade and likewise McNabb should respect the passion with which Eagles fans have followed this team.

What do you think?


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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 24, 2010 5:40 am

No Comment , believe it or not from me on this issue.
The McNabb Era is over and now it’s time to move and look forward
It’s like after a relationship with Girfriend ends, when it’s over, it’s over… Are there regrets,missed opportunites,disappointments,fun and joyful memories sure there are, but that’s life in the big city…
I think we have worn this story out and it’s time for all to move on and focus on the task at hand which
is the 2010 version of the Philadelphia Eagles and all the new players

May 24, 2010 6:01 am

couldnt have said it better myself . This is the city that booed him when he came, never thought he was good enough, never gave him a go-to receiver, until they gave him one he couldn’t get away from and then traded him within the division for a little-known quarterback named Kevin Kolb, This is the way you treat a guy whose been nothing but nice, classy, maybe too classy.”

it just comes down to race nothing more nothing less its very sad
wish john elway had to go thru shi like this when they lost it was the d it was his wr’s it was dan reeves it was lack of running gm it was everything but john funny how some of their excuses sound all to familiar

May 24, 2010 6:04 am

As far as I’m concerned, McNabb owes me nothing. For years, he played in a passing offense with no receivers and a disappearing defense. In Reid’s offensive scheme, McNabb lacked both protection and a running game, which, undoubtedly, contributed to his injuries. Despite these facts, McNabb shouldered the blame for every loss, all the while, keeping his dignity intact. We’ve never heard stories about infidelity, drugs, rapes, steroids, weapons violations, wild parties, or any of the other issues surrounding some of today’s athletes.

Certainly, McNabb suffered some mistreatment, but for some inexplicable reason, that goes with being a top athlete in today’s world, and even more so, in Philly. So, I guess we owe him no apology, either.

I watched Superbowl XXXIX again last week and what I saw was a complete breakdown of the offensive line. From the very first play, McNabb was pressured. In fact, Bruschi came free, untouched, several times during the first quarter. During the entire game, McNabb not only ran for his life, but also took some wicked shots. While running to the point of exhaustion, he puked. Afterward, he collected himself to throw a TD pass. Instead of praising him for such an effort, he was ridiculed. Only in Philly could an athlete be vilified for giving his all. Why is the blame laid solely at McNabb’s feet when so many of his teammates and coaches under-performed? The fact that Westbrook was completely shut down during the game has never been an issue.

This Eagles’ fan not only expects no apology, but I would like to thank McNabb for 11 hard-fought seasons.

May 24, 2010 6:41 am

i agree with u 100% probably said better than me

May 24, 2010 7:04 am

Rehash this again..? I will be the bad guy again to balance this out. McNabb was greatest QB in Eagles history and he did play hard every game. He was not the sole reason why they didn’t win any championships, but let’s review some facts.

He was booed biggest everyone wanted Ricky Williams the then leading rusher in NCAA history. You have the luxury now of knowing what a headache Ricky was which really didn’t help on that. I still don’t see why this is an issue. It was 11 years ago.

Next… He never had a go to WR. This is just me stating the same things here. Tom Brady never had a #1 QB and he has won.

As for the race issue, Eli Manning and Peyton Manning both got hammered for their inability to win the big game. If and when Kolb struggles, he is going to be scrutinized and people will be calling for Vick. If you think it was a race issue, then fine, but I disagree.

Didn’t he get some harsh treatment? Yeah, but it is to be expected if you are the QB in a football city. The QB always takes the brunt of the criticism if a team doesn’t win. I am sure that some saw him as Bobby Abreu. A lot of people didn’t like his off-field antics and comments and the fact that his parents did a lot of talking too. Finally, I think others saw how fragile he has been the last 4 years. My own personal opinion is that this team is not going to contend with or without McNabb in the next 2-3 years. At that point, I don’t know how effective he will be, so their thought is to get something for him instead of letting him walk.

He doesn’t owe the city anything although it was a nice gesture. The fans certainly don’t owe him anything either. He heard a lot more cheers than he did boos over his career.

I hope that he succeeds in Washington especially when they play Dallas and the Giants, but I am not going to cry or complain now that he is gone. I am just going to look forward to this season.

May 24, 2010 7:08 am

Mcnabb the best apology you can give is win a championship with the redskins. That would speak volumes. We’ll then know once and for all what is the real problem with the Eagles. Tom Braby would not have been as good with the talent they gave mcnabb in the beginning of his career, yet mcnabb did not complain. He improvised and became a pro bowler almost single handedly. Mcnabb you are a class act and frankly philly deserves “Kevin Kolb”. When we’re in the basement fuming from another kolb bone head interception, this town will appreciate Mcnabb…But, it will be a day late and a dollar short.

May 24, 2010 7:31 am

boo kolb booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

May 24, 2010 7:32 am

1 more boo for andy boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

May 24, 2010 7:51 am

bugsyhawk, great post. I loved McNabb while he was here despite hating some of his stupid antics (i.e. always smiling after bad plays, air guitar before the Cowboys playoff game, etc). He allowed me to enjoy a lot of Sundays but I am also happy to see him go. I would’ve remained a McNabb fan had he not gone to a divisional team but I will still route for him so long as it doesn’t impact the Eagles. Everyone gets boo’ed in this league. It’s not just Philly anymore. Fans expect a lot from their football teams and rightfully so when many of us are paying roughly $100 per ticket for the upper level to come attend these games. We the fans essentially pay these players’ salaries so it’s only fair we be allowed to boo them whenever we want. People need to stop whining about how their players are treated.

May 24, 2010 8:43 am

PW… Please stop pinning labels on others; you’re the one pulling the race card, so typical of your negativism on 90% of your posts. People booed DMac at draft not because of race, but because they wanted Ricky instead. If it’s a race thing here in this entire geo region, then why are the Eagles the only team who’ve had 3 starting Afro-American QB’s over the years: Cunningham, Pete & McNabb plus they brought in Mike Vick. Consider why so few other teams had starting black QB’s, let alone even draft any? If any of those guys were never given player support (OLine), it was Randall, who happens to be my favorite all-time Eagles QB and I’ve been for ALL three NFL chamionships and those teams were predominantly white! Players are players; they’re in the foxhole together – black, white and in between. I don’t care what the complexion, I root for them & team. Please stop spewing your racial emotionalism.

May 24, 2010 8:51 am

phillywill, this is not the city that booed him when he came here. It was a small group of people that booed him because they wanted Ricky Williams. It had nothing to do with race. You’re comments indicate that it has to do with race for you…”it just comes down to race nothing more nothing less its very sad.”
This is the city that voted him as the best quarterback in franchise history.

May 24, 2010 9:22 am

philwill, see you feel the need to start the race debate again.

For the record, yes a group of fans from Philly booed his selection at the draft because they wanted Ricky Williams (African-American if I am not mistaken). A larger group of fans also selected him as the best QB in the franchise history and placed him on the 50 year anniversery team, but why is that never mentioned?

The Jets fans routinely boo their teams picks at the drafts, but that is never mentioned or brought up 11 years later. Why? Because #5 has choosen to play the martyr and elicit sympathy about how badly he was treated here and what mean, and with the types of phillwill, racists the philly fans are. He loves this type of attention because it masks his actual performance in big games. He is a good quarterback who has had many wins over his decade plus in philly. It was time to move on, why can’t people see that?

May 24, 2010 9:38 am

McNabb is a class act, but you better believe that’s basically sugar coated medicine for the relentless pursuit of embarrassing the Eagles organization that’s coming when the Eagles play the Redskins twice. If the Redskins O-Line is marginally better than it was last year and able to effectively run block 50% of the time it’ll be ugly. McNabb knows the Eagles defensive personnel, their strengths and especially their weaknesses. McNabb will probably have Cooley exploit LBs in pass coverage pretty significantly and the Eagles better not even think about letting Ellis Hobbs trot out there as the starter against the Redskins.

May 24, 2010 9:47 am

well said greenfan…

The Silencer
The Silencer
May 24, 2010 10:05 am

Wow..the mcnabb saga continues. But I’m a mcnabb critic..to all who still complain about Philly never givin him a go to WR..or not enough weapon..well apparently the weapons wer good enough to help get us to 4 championships n a Superbowl..(TO didn’t play one playoff game for Philly)..Class act? Yea..Sissy? Yea..Leader? Some would differ..none of us are In the locker room…but drummer get ur stats rite..mcnabbs post season stats suck..compared to the regular season..24td passes..15 picks..12 fumbles..there goes Mr. Ball security And TD-INT Ratio..but like the mcnabb lovers would say..it was it was our lock of weapons and playcalling..get real..he’s like peyton..he stutter in the playoffs, regardless of the regular season. So I accepted mcpoops apology Because he owes it to Philly..

May 24, 2010 11:18 am

Silence, I respect your opinion, but it seems you’re making my point for me. McNabb’s supporting cast never stepped up. I didn’t read anyone else’s stats in your post.

May 24, 2010 11:46 am

people in this town have short memories. when the guy was drafted he was booed before he took a snap at the qb position. we owe an apology because mcnabb took team to the penhouse of the nfl elite teams for a decade. i understand the team did not when a superbowl, but instead of blaming mcnabb, the blame should go to reid and front office for not giving him the players on the offensive of the ball until his final two years. it going to be interesting to see whether or not kolb can get the job done as well or better than mcnabb did over a ten year span.

May 24, 2010 11:48 am

Peyton didn’t win a superbowl until his running game rushed for over 200 yards. Mcnabb is not flawless Neither is Our defense or our offense or Andy. Although the eagles were good under mcnabb we always had room for improvement but always managed to be more concerned with winning the salary cap championship then the superbowl. This is not mcnabbs fault but is always blamed on him. I think the eagles coaching is the biggest reason we haven’t won. How many playoff Adjustments have Andy that were successful. Andy doesn’t adjust game plan well. Specially when pressure is on. The team is tailored after Andy

May 24, 2010 11:55 am

truth – you make some good points. I believe much of the recent mediocore performance of the team should be laid at Big Red’s feet rather than McNabb. One of the two needed to go, and with Andy’s extension it was clear they have made thier decision.

May 24, 2010 1:50 pm

Truth and Green, I’m in agreement with you. I believe Reid has some very good qualities as a coach. However, he also has glaring deficiencies which defeated his purpose.

May 24, 2010 2:21 pm

Scoot, hopefully Kolb will get the job done. However, I think it would be a bit unfair to compare whatever success Kolb enjoys with McNabb’s career as an Eagles.

We should consider that Reid has grown as a coach in the past decade. For starters, he no longer ignores the need for quality receivers, punt returners, linebackers, a fullback, and a short-yardage and goal-line run game.

Also, since the Giants won the Superbow, playing 7 rookies, Reid has begun to play his rookies. Prior to DeSean Jackson in his rookie year, Reid rarely ever played his rookies. He used Westbrook as part of the 3-headed monster, but Duce Staley and Correll Buckhalter got most of the carries. Inexplicably, Reid had disdain for their success and cast Staley off to Pittsburgh.

As further evidence of his growth, early last year, Reid showed signs of improving his pass-run ratio.

In many ways, Reid enjoyed the luxury of learning to coach at McNabb’s expense.

May 24, 2010 3:08 pm

drummerwinslow it is fair to compare kolb’s success as an eagles to what mcnabb did in his career. i am not the one making the comparison the front office did that when they traded mcnabb to the redskins and gave kolb 12 million dollars guranteed. in short the powers that be (joe banner) is basically saying kolb is better than mcnabb and can lead the birds to the superbowl.

May 24, 2010 3:26 pm

Scoot, you assert that the front office gave Kolb $12 million because of their faith in him. Perhaps you’re right. Is it possible,however, that Kolb’s salary was raised so that he made more than his backup? It is my understanding that Vick earns 5 million this year.