• March 3, 2025

Patterson’s Car Catches On Fire & Has Some Talking About Cheech & Chong

Before the OTA workout today, the Philadelphia Fire Department made an appearance at the Eagles Nova Care Complex parking lot to put out a fire in defensive tackle Mike Patterson’s SUV.¬† He was there working out in the weight room when it happened.

They sprayed the car to put the fire out and his dark blue or black SUV looked like it was white or light gray by the time they were finished.

I didn’t find out what exactly caught fire but people online and the media members on site had some fun with incident.¬† They were tying in the car fire with Patterson’s previous arrest for marijuana possession.

Patterson was arrested in a car with his brother, Tyrone a couple of years ago.  They were pulled on the side of the road because they had been involved in a minor fender bender and the officer smelled marijuana burning when he approached the car.

He eventually had to pay a fine and it went away, but everybody was bringing it up today and also bringing up Cheech and Chong’s movie “Up In Smoke”.¬† Some were saying Patterson’s car was made out of weed.

Everybody had a good laugh but Patterson wasn’t laughing when I saw out there trying to get his things out of the car after the fire department had finished with it.


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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 25, 2010 11:49 am

It’s a bad omen for a player who has regressed a little bit each year,
I would trade DT M Patterson and S Q Demps to the Carolina Panthers for starting CB R Marshall.
Let’s go Howie, make it happen… Panthers need a DT and a back-up Safety/Return guy and the
Eagles need a starting CB opposite of A Samuel…

May 25, 2010 12:58 pm

Paul, I’ve been wanting that trade to come along for months for the same reasons.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 25, 2010 1:38 pm

CB Marshall just showed up to Camp today for the Panthers and he’s pissed but has no options..
He’s a very good CB and underrated, I think playing on a better team he could even compete for
a Pro-Bowl Selectiion , Panthers won’t pay him for their Owner is Cheap and won’t sign any long-term deals with anything for he thinks there will be a Owners lock-out/Players Strike in 2011.
He’s a 4 year player who got a 1 year tender and has to June 1st to sign it and will be making $1.5 million on a 1 year deal instead of a long-tem contract with bonus $$$ and security like he was wanting… I wish the Eagles would make a move for him

May 25, 2010 2:56 pm

Wasn’t he charged with possession a year or two ago in a car with Herremans?? Perhaps he left a fattie burning in the floor of the vehicle.

May 25, 2010 2:57 pm

oops my bad it was his brother….i thought herremans was involved in something similar for some reason.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 25, 2010 5:21 pm

It was Juqua Thomas (Parker) that was stopped with T Herremans last year up in Bethlehem
Patterson was stopped along with his brother in Evesham,NJ, I believe last year, and his brother took the rap for having weed if my memory serves me well…

May 25, 2010 6:23 pm

Paulman, what is your criteria for Patterson having ‘regressed a little bit each year’? If it’s his stats, I don’t care. I think he has been solid against the run, and that’s all they ask him to do. I think you just are so head over heals for that Carolina CB that you’re looking for your make believe wacko trade – bait. I find no reason to believe that the Eagles are unhappy with Patterson, and your negative view of him seems to be the only one out there.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 3:45 am

Because I watch a lot of Football,that’s why Schiller.
Patterson has lost a little burst and strength in my opinion over the last 2 years and does not get the
penetration he used to get earlier in his career..He rarely makes any plays in the backfield like he did his 1st 2 seasons.. It also apperaed down the stretch last Season that A Dixon was splitting about
1/2 the sanps at his position…. I am not being negative, I let the tape and playing time (or lack their of) show me that he has regressed a little each year… He’s probably maxed out in my book…
I will continue to call them as a I see them…. ( I do like A Dixon in the line-up and think he has much more strength and upside that Patterson does at this point)

May 26, 2010 7:06 am

Ok. I agree that Dixon looks good, and I think they use him to help plug the middle – a good rotational player. But if you’re using sacks, penetration, and plays in the backfield to evaluate the Eagles DTs, you’re misguided. It is a well established fact that they Eagles’ system asks the DTs to eat up OL men, hold the line of scrimmage on runs, and not to rush the passer or ‘go after the ball’. It would be like evaluating an Eagles RB against a Brandon Jacobs style of running it, – wrong thing to look for in this system. Second, and this is something that people often criticize you for – you constantly put 100% stock in your casual observation, hence having nothing to back it up – yet you speak as though it’s a certainty. That’s not credible because you could say any completely ridiculous thing – Philadelphia is 4 miles away from San Francisco – ‘that’s the way I see it, I do a lot of traveling’… you get what I mean?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 8:00 am

So Schiller in your infinite wisdom of football player…Your saying the Eagles coaches don’t expect their DT’s to make plays… that’s BS…. I can watch players in whatever schemes and after enough games and circumstances make my own conclusion on whether he is at the top of his game or slipping in
overall perfoomance.. In this case on DT M Patterson he is slipping a bit and simply average in my book,
no better, no worse.. and as far maybe me going overboard in my observations and postings… I am a passionate fan like most of the posters on here and like to post my opinions,observations on the state of the Eagles.. can I be over-the-top, exaggerate,be silly and way-off base, sure I can, but I think that’s what makes posting on here part of the fun… I don’t take myself too serious and most people don’t take what I post to serious either..I do like to shake things up once in a while and enjoy the bantering back and forth on occasion…have a good day Schiller and I do enjoy many of your posts..

May 26, 2010 8:23 am

schiller and Paulman, both of you have good points here. schiller, take it easy dude. You always seem to get so angry at people’s posts. Lighten up a bit. Paulman, I recall you saying that you now reside in the Charlotte area which I’m sure is why you always want the Eagles to go after Carolina players.

May 26, 2010 8:24 am

can’t we all just get along

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 9:06 am

I follow the Eagles but since I live in NC get to see the Carolina Panthers quite a bit and keep up with their roster and their needs,etc,etc,.I only am interested in the Eagles acquiring good,young talent who I think could “blossom” with the Eagles .. CB R Marshall is one of these type of players as was Safety Chris Harris who the Panthers Traded to Chicago Bears for a back-up LB….Everyone thinks the Eagles FO is Cheap, well if you are a fan of the Panthers, you will know the meaning of Cheap, they clears a lot of Payroll this season in preparation of a Strike in 2011, their team,ownership and fan base is nothing like the Eagles so they have to watch their $$$.
Here’s who the Panthers have let walk, traded or flat out released from their 2009 season
QB Delhomme , FB Hoover, WR M Mohhamed,DE J Peppers, DT Komeatou, DT H Thomas, DT D Lewis, FS C Harris, LB N Diggs… all players over 30 years old and 7-8 of these players were Starters.. I only bring this up for most teams in the NFL this off-seasons have lighten their payroll committments to players over 30 + … but I am always on the lookout for the Eagles to pick-up a player who I think would fit in with their schemes and contribute who has upside..
The Panthers are on the cheap for the next 2 seasons but do have a big need at DT and also need quality Safety and WR depth.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 9:18 am

ooh and for the record,
I have no problem with Schiller, or anyone else criticizing my sometimes “pompous attitude” towards things, I am a big boy and can take the heat when it’s thrown my way …thanx for keeping me on my toes..

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 9:54 am

back on topic,
A source of mine, close to this situation of the fire to Patterson’s vehicle stated, that Patterson was driving a new, prototype SUV model from Chrysler called the “Gangi-Mobile”
Sales are brisk from what I have been told and that even former CEO Lee Iaoccoca has one…

May 26, 2010 10:31 am

Paul – for the record I posted a response to you at 9:03 am which is still ‘awaiting moderator response’ – now at 1:51 pm. It seems your cronies at Gcobb have your back… but I’ll repost it later if needed.

May 26, 2010 10:31 am

schiller says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 26, 2010 at 9:03 am
Paul – No harm meant man. For the record I never mean to ‘attack’ a person, I’m often critical of a post, statement or opinion etc…, but never the person. You are always interesting – NOBODY could say otherwise, and similarly, anyone questioning your passion would be ridiculous, and afterall, that’s what unites us and makes most Eagles fans great. That said, check out this article: http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/news/Story.asp?story_id=20152
While I hear you, you like to go with your gut, and call it how you see it. That’s fine. But there is something to be said about understanding the context when you analyze something. You and I definitely have different styles, and I do indeed take my posts seriously – hopefully not ‘too’ seriously, but frankly, I am on the more ’serious’ side about football. Regardless, please understand that any criticism I lend to your posts, is purely about the content and not you. You have a great day too

May 26, 2010 10:52 am


perhaps it’s just this link that requires ‘moderation’?

May 26, 2010 10:53 am

Paul – No harm meant man. For the record I never mean to ‘attack’ a person, I’m often critical of a post, statement or opinion etc…, but never the person. You are always interesting – NOBODY could say otherwise, and similarly, anyone questioning your passion would be ridiculous, and afterall, that’s what unites us and makes most Eagles fans great. That said, check out this article:
While I hear you, you like to go with your gut, and call it how you see it. That’s fine. But there is something to be said about understanding the context when you analyze something. You and I definitely have different styles, and I do indeed take my posts seriously – hopefully not ‘too’ seriously, but frankly, I am on the more ’serious’ side about football. Regardless, please understand that any criticism I lend to your posts, is purely about the content and not you. You have a great day too

May 26, 2010 10:54 am

ok – so it’s the link that required ‘moderation’. Just google ‘fandemomium + DT’ for a very informative article about how the Eagles use the DT position and why it’s tricky for fans to evaluate it…

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 11:22 am

No problem Schiller,
I understand and respect your usual thoughtful analysis on the various subjects discussed here and about football in general. I understand how the Eagles use their DT tandems and schemes versus the
stronger rushing teams and on rushing downs.. (JJ had been employing this for a while), my question
still remains, does this work effectively against the good teamS and in playoff type of football and my observation is that it does not… It seems to me that the really good teams get a strong,consistent push right up the gut to disrput the flow of the play that was called and put the offensive backfield on their heels… Some of the teams that have done this over the years consistently are Patriotts,Ravens,Chargers,Giants,Cowboys,Vikings and Steelers and it seems like one of these teams is making a Super Bowl run almost every year recently… I wish the Eagles as a Defense and
their coaching schemes and players would be more aggressive at the point of attack and especially in the middle of the defense which I think has been lacking for 2-3 seasons now…
Even though I am more of a meat and potato type of guy, I watch the games and players closely to see what is working and what doesn’t seem to work…Along the line of scrimmage, I think it gets down to explosion off the ball,leverage and of course strength and wanting it more than the guy across from you no matter what scheme your in.. Hopefully with the influx of talen this year at the DT
position and another year under his belt both DC McDermott and DL Coach Segrest will let the horses out of the barn early and more often…

May 26, 2010 11:50 am

paulman….I still have a concern that even with these draftpicks at DL were are not going to have good lineplay as long as Segrest is the DL coach. There is not a position that he has coached on this team that has performed well that year. I like the new DB coach and hope that McDermott will do better with a full year under his belt, but I have no confidence that Segrest will get the most out of this group. Just my opinion.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 12:17 pm

I agree greenfan,
I was among many here calling for R Segrest head when he coached the Special Teams units a few years ago when he & the Eagles staff took half a season to figure out who was going the return kicks and punts which cost them like 2 games in 2007 I believe …
The loss to retirement of former D/Line coach Pete Jenkins was huge and overlooked last year and I am
not sold on R Segrest being able to fill his shoes…I do like the other Defensive coaches in Jauron
and LB Coach Shuey, Caldwell and Zordich but have serious reservations about R Segrest…
I would not be surprised that if the Defense & McDermott struggle this year and especially down the stretch , that he will get fired Coach Jauron becomes the D/Coordinator in 2011\

May 26, 2010 12:33 pm

awe man i knew it have the dudes on here dont even live in philly just awful

May 26, 2010 12:36 pm

does any1 live here lmao half of yall live everywhere else shouting eagles and philly this and that awful

May 26, 2010 12:41 pm

philwil there are plenty of us who live here, but even if they didn’t who makes you the guard of who can be an eagles fan? you have already admitted that you hate the team, so why would you care?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 12:41 pm

and you know what,Philywill, We still know football and follow the Eagles as much as anyone
else does, Sometimes being away from Philly and the City gives you a different perspective on things
and more times than not, a better perspective,which is not filtered or beat to a dead horse like many things are thru the local media,talk radio,etc,etc..

May 26, 2010 12:51 pm

i mean ur grown u root for who u root for but i just laugh at ur posts they r so funny ppl are so philly blah blah blah blah and live miles and miles away guess u guys are lucky for nfl network tivo and whatever else i just turn on fox the other day u were talking sixers its really histerical i watched about 70 sixers gms last yr u watched what some highlights read a paper online and think u know something its funny

May 26, 2010 12:59 pm

philwil you come off as a real a$$hole. I have lived in the area for over 30 years, does that qualify or don’t i live in the right neighborhood? your a pathetic hatefilled loser who has nothing going on in his own life so he shouts negative sh*t at everyone on the site

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 26, 2010 4:56 pm

Thre only thing I can add PhillyWill,
If your watched approx 70 Philadelphia 76ers games last season, then you,my friend, are in worse shape than I thought …

May 26, 2010 6:51 pm

Phillwill – aside from agreeing with all the other posts in response to your post, please realize that you have no more access to every philly sports game than anyone anywhere in the world – ever hear of Satellite TV? I grew up in Philly and am moving back next month actually, but in the meantime I’ve never missed an Eagles game, and could have watched any other games I wanted to.