• March 3, 2025

Todd Herremans In Charlotte Being Examined By Foot Specialist

There’s a growing concern that the left foot of starting left guard Todd Herremans could develop into a real problem for the Eagles.¬† He had surgery on the foot last August and missed five games of the season because of it.

Herremans wasn’t at practice today because of soreness in the foot.¬† Instead he was in Charlotte, North Carolina having his football examined by foot specialist Dr. Bob Andrews.

Veteran Max Jean-Gilles took his place and will continue to play there until Herremans is able to get back in action.¬† Unfortunately Jean-Gilles isn’t the player that Herremans is, and it could mean problems along the offensive line.

The good thing about Herremans’ injury is that the Birds have plenty of time until the training camp.

In another injury situation, middle linebacker Stewart Bradley didn’t practice today because he had tweaked his calf muscle yesterday at practice.¬† He says it’s not serious and expects to be back on the field very soon.


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June 3, 2010 9:49 am

Where is Schiller to put his coolaid spin on this situation.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 9:53 am

Who would have thought that the Eages Starting O/Line will look something like this by Oct 2010
LT J Peters, LF F Topou, C M McGlynn, RG N Cole and RT W Justice ..
Does this excite, scare, or concern anyone… The middle of the O/Line is going to be a work in progress all year I’m afraid…

June 3, 2010 9:57 am

twas worse last yr at least most of those guys learned on the job last yr they should be a lil better this yr tho i see ur concern lol

June 3, 2010 10:12 am

Sup biggie, I’m concerned about Herramans. He really is one of if not our best olineman. Paulman, why should anyone believe your prediction for october based on your track record? We will know the Oline in october, in …drumrroll please (winslow?)……OCTOBER.

June 3, 2010 10:13 am

It would be Stacy Andrews at right guard, Cole as backup, until we’re told otherwise. WAY too early to give up on Herremans. Personally, I think we’ll see more changes in the OL (and defense) as we head into next year, perhaps by FA if the CBA isn’t a mess by then!

June 3, 2010 10:36 am

Let’s plug andy’s big ass in there for not drating linemen for a line that had obvious problems. This is a mess…..Go PHILLIES!!!!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 10:43 am

I say October Schiller, becase by then Stacey Andrews will show that he’s not up for being a Starter and bascially be ineffective and Cole replaces him and off-course Herremans will reinjure himself in Sept and be on IR and gone for the 2010 season which is where F Topou comes in as a starter….
Do I have to explain everything to you… C’mon Man….
And Songs,
Please don’t get me started on the 2010 version of the Phillies…

June 3, 2010 10:50 am

pauli, you just backed up bs with bs. You can’t predict the future genius

June 3, 2010 10:51 am

love it song, Andy was given so much crap for drafting a bunch of Olinmen for many years, now you blast him for the opposite.

June 3, 2010 10:54 am

I’ve always given Reid credit for addressing his offensive line first. Granted, not every pick/signing panned out, but Reid, at least, attempted to take care of first things first. Now that he’s also finally addressed the skill positions, our offensive and defensive lines appears to have question marks. Of course, Reid addressed the defense this offseason. So, defensive line shows some promise. The offensive line, on the other hand, appears to be in decline. Since we lost our bookend tackles, it’s been one thing after another. Certainly, if the offensive line isn’t up to par, it won’t matter who’s quarterbacking, receiving, or running. This is not a good way to start Kolb’s career.

June 3, 2010 10:56 am

schill he was given crap for not drafting to many good 1s but u r rite lol we definitely gavem hell for 1st round after 1round olinemen

June 3, 2010 10:58 am

and u guys have faith in the eagles please paulman start on ur version of the 2010 phitans we r 2.5 out of 1st go ahead and bash them now so we can laugh later i dont know if we will win it all but we r eagles fans do u really care if they win it all dont u just want them to make the playoffs i mean really dont dare give credit to birds and bash phitans dont dare

June 3, 2010 11:01 am

i say sixers with dougie do better than ur birds next yr and i say that pretty confidently thnx sixers for bringing in a real coach 1 who can actually make a fuckin in game adjustment : guarantee u if there r a few secs left and we r down a basket doug collins has a freakin timeout left my god

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 11:48 am

Paulmans NL East Baseball Final Baseball Standings for 2010

#1) Braves – (88-74 Overall and Divisional Winner)
#2) Phillies – (84-78 4 Games back and no Playoffs )
#3) Mets – (82-80 6 Games back Manager J Manuel is fired)
#4) Marlins – (81-81 7 Games back)
#5) Nationals – (78-84 10 Games back

The NL Playoff Teams for 2010 Postseason
NL East – Braves
NL Central – Cardinals – (Reds as Wildcard)
Nl West – Dodgers

Cardinals over the Braves
Dodgers over the Reds

Dodgers over the Cardinals for NL Pennant in Joe Torres final year of managing…

June 3, 2010 11:58 am

save it pman
Doug Collins, who will come to town later this month to settle in as the 76ers’ coach, has been working the phones and the text-message system to make initial contact with as many of his players as possible. “I’ve reached out to six, seven guys and left messages,” said Collins, who has already met with Andre Iguodala. “Every one I called got back to me within minutes. I just want them to know there’s some hope in the air, and what came back to me was a sense that they’re ready for some change.” The Sixers won 41 games and reached the playoffs in 2008-09 under Maurice Cheeks and Tony DiLeo, but slid to 27-55 in their only season under Eddie Jordan. “One thing I want them to know is, the Atlantic Division is very fluid right now,” Collins said. “I know New York and New Jersey have a lot of money to spend, but who knows which players they can sign? There’s an opportunity here for us to move up.” — Philadelphia Daily News

better than birds i say

June 3, 2010 11:59 am

whats next how the flyers lose the next 2 cmon man u only like the eagles wtf the worse philly franchise

June 3, 2010 12:08 pm

phitans won a chip ALREADY what have these pigeons done for u lately pretty much the same as the sixers besides this yr make playoffs and get moral victories in the playoffs

June 3, 2010 12:23 pm

Paulman… the Phils have to have a historic drought just for the Braves to be up on them by a couple games. Not only a historic drought, but also a slew of injuries. No way that they finish with only 84 wins. If you wanna say that the Braves will be in it to the end, fine, but they will not win the NL East. Lowe will fade down the stretch and Jones will miss his traditional 50 games. Glaus will go back to being a .250 hitter. Escobar will continue to spend chunks of time either going on or coming off the DL.

June 3, 2010 12:28 pm

i agre bugsy i just dont understand like these r the same ppl telling us to have faith in the birds just throw track records out the window huh like phitans arent coming off of back to back chips lmao awe man

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 12:31 pm

I originally called the Blackhawks in 6 games and still stand by it, though I would like to see the Flyers win the Cup and all 3 games so far have been great hockey games that could have gone either way games can go either way.. I think Hawks win for they have the better,more consistent Goaltender..
As far as the Sixers go, they can only go in one direction for as bad as they have been..Doug Collins is a good guy and a good coach who will get them back on the path to winning again..

June 3, 2010 12:33 pm

glad u moved pman lol

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 12:44 pm

Me too…

Paulmans World Cup prediction

England over Brazil 2-1 in the Championship Game
USA goes 1-2 in the Group Play and does not make the Medal Round…

June 3, 2010 12:50 pm

u should know we dont care bout soccer in phily but celts win in 6 we do care bout bball and while many people act like this is a football city i am a bit amused by that notion when i leave work today and pass by 4 or 5 playgrounds they will be flooded with bball players not 1 football field is harldy ever in use in this football town

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 2:04 pm

I don’t like Soccer either…
Didn’t the Linc (Philadelphia) host a US Soccer tune up Game just last week…
Basketball is a city game in which all you need is 4-6 kids and a $20 ball and go play..
Football you need 10-12 kids to play and some open fields/space that are safe to play on.
Kids today rather sit in front of computer/video games or text and watch TV.
I do agree about the NBA FInals and have Celts winning in 7 games…
The Lakers have no one to match up and stop G R Rondo and will probably put Kobe on him since
D Fisher/J Farmar will not be able to contain him which leaves lots of room for R Allen to hit open 3’s
I think Artest will guard Pierce …Te Celtics Defense will let Kobe get his 40 pts per game but shutdown Gasol/Odom by being physical with them…

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 3, 2010 3:32 pm

For the record about the Phils 2010 season,
Take out their 8-2 start,(versus the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros)
they are 20-22 since Mid-April…This is not a 2 week drought that they are currently in,
this 2010 Phils team has not played very good baseball for about 6-7 weeks now (except for a nice Home Stand stretch in early May when they beat the Mets,Cards & Cubs)
They need a shake-up of some sort to get them going again …
If everyone thinks the the return of Lidge and J Ro is going to make evreything good again, think again. I think it’s going to be a long-hot summer in Philadelphia this season…