• February 22, 2025

Vick speaks to high school students

Michael Vick was down in Maryland recently to speak to a group of Snow Hill high school students about making the correct decisions in life. Obviously, he tried to stress the importance of not doing incredibly stupid things like, I don’t know….say….dogfighting.

It’s important to make good decisions at the end of the day,” he said, per the Daily Times. “One slip-up, and you’re in a bad position.”

Although Vick tried to be a bit evasive on the whole dogfighting thing, he was eventually asked a direct question by a student.

“I was doing it not knowing what I was getting myself into,” he said. “As I got older, you’d think I would have stopped, but I never thought it was wrong.”

That’s a fairly acceptable answer. But this next quote got my attention. He started to talk about how he has changed his life after doing 21 months in the slammer.

“I’m very cautious in my decision-making,” he said.

Doing ok so far. Keep going.

“That’s an everyday struggle, because all day long you have to make decisions,” he continued.

Wait…what? Does this strike anyone else as odd? Making the correct, decent decisions on an everyday basis is a struggle? Everyone has to make decisions all day…is it that tough? What kinds of decisions are you even talking about? I can understand how decisions might be tough for some of the younger kids who are still finding their way in life and maybe don’t have the best people around them, but Vick still has trouble getting through the day? That’s what “an everyday struggle” would imply to me.

I’m not trying to pile on the guy at all. Regular readers of this site know that I never wanted Vick on the Eagles (still don’t) and don’t think he should even be allowed in the NFL, but that’s just my opinion. I just find it weird that a professional athlete who is going to be 30-years old this month would say that making the correct day-to-day decisions is difficult.

Overall, yes I think it’s a good thing that he’s speaking to kids. If they are taking something positive away from it and he can impart some sort of wisdom upon them, then great. That’s what he should be doing.

But, am I the only one that thinks that, for someone who went through what he went through, the decision-making process should be much easier these days?

Micah Warren

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June 15, 2010 10:40 am

G-I would just chalk this up to the fact that Vick, like many of us, may have trouble speaking publicly and simply mashed some words together. Perhaps Snow Hill HS isn’t in or around the best neighborhoods so these kids might face difficult decisions on a daily basis as far as the influences from their older peers. I don’t think MV sits at home at night, sweat pouring off his face, deciding what to eat for dinner. He’s a popular guy still and is still seperating himself from the mistakes he made. He’ll be dealing with this for years to come.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 15, 2010 11:33 am

I give the guy credit for visiting schools and talking to kids,
I am sure it’s not an easy position to be in and MV was never one known for a lot of interviews and conversing with the general public much even in his good days as a Starter in the NFL..
I say give the guy a break and let him get out,enjoy himself and become a full part of society ..
good grief…

June 15, 2010 5:04 pm

A dog was hung in the Logan section of the city in a playground. I guess these sickos were not influrnced by Vick. Maybe he should encourage the neighborhood to find the sicko and hang them.

June 15, 2010 5:29 pm

Must be a slow day…. This article is trash

June 15, 2010 5:51 pm

Oh Big E, how classy. You look down at people who hang dogs, but want people hung. Hmm…

June 15, 2010 5:53 pm

Micah – how ignorant of you. He was brought up in a culture where wrong decisions are the norm and considered not wrong on a regular basis. You have to consider context.

June 15, 2010 7:10 pm

Schiller your still a dick. You know how you are, you once told me to kill myself over a football comment. You classless swine. I meant it in jest but you are an idiot and always will be. You ARE THE SENSITIVE ONE THAT IS THE BIGGEST LAUGH OF All times. have another drink and eat some snacks to self medicate your bi-polar disorder.

June 15, 2010 7:16 pm


June 15, 2010 8:00 pm

The problem is ppl want to be the next espn analyst on the damn website so no matter what you say theres always someone to tell you what a idiot or moron you are.

But this is a trash article I guess the guys are losing things to talk about..
heres some things we want to know about….

Andy Reid… If he has a horrible season what does this mean for his job?
Sixers Draft…. Are they trading or keeping the pick?
Kevin Kolbs backup… Who is looking like the 2nd string QB Vick or Kafka?
how much wood can a wood chuc chuck if a wood chuc could cut wood?
how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

June 15, 2010 8:15 pm

VR – didn’t the sixers say unilaterally that they’re not trading it? I read that on the Philly.com site. And you really think there’s a chance in hell Kafka beats out Vick? I’m pretty darn sure you’re alone there.

June 15, 2010 8:25 pm

Big E – Wow, I’ve had a lot of mean things said to me, but ‘have a drink and eat some snacks’ – that’s vicious! Or is it? Isn’t that what friends do when they get together? ha. I think I just might. As for you making fun of bipolar disorder – man I work in the mental health field…that is NO laughing matter. Not cool to throw that around as a casual insult. And have a great day Mr. Sunshine.

June 15, 2010 8:56 pm

Practically all people who work in the mental health field have or have had mental health problems They are control freaks.Sound familiar. Too bad you didn’t aprove. What else is new Mr. Cool. Excessive drinking and eating alone to sooth your obtuse self was more of what I meant.

June 15, 2010 9:17 pm

yep you’re right, an entire large professional field is pretty much made up of similar people. Not that that’s predjudice or a gross generalization or anything…

June 15, 2010 9:53 pm

Well Schiller, when you say that all NFL teams have the same % of draft failures is that predjucice
or gross generalization. I dated a psychologist and shared an office building with 15 psychiatrists and that is my sample population. They were all abnormal in some fashion and most had mental issues. They had to be in control. If not they were out of control assholes. I spent three years in my evaluation,
interacting with them on a daily basis. I noticed how they overmedicated and overcharged their patient/clients just to listen to them. How pathetic.

June 16, 2010 4:29 am

They generally do. That website you found, with the three charts about NFL Draft Success by team has two key sentences in the text (not sure if you read it) – “It’s important to note that none of this necessarily means certain teams or GMs are really any better than the others at identifying the best players.” AND “But the tables above don’t really tell us how well teams draft as much as it tells how high in the draft each team has picked.” The website is run by a fan who admits that it is really complicated to judge this. If you look at the first chart he has – the ‘average’ column for years started ranges from ‘1.2 to 1.9’ with the vast majority between 1.4-1.9. That’s very little variance between teams. That basically proves my point. BTW, I completely agree that many psychiatrists overmedicate – thing is, psychiatrists make up a small percentage of mental health workers. Psychologists can’t proscribe, neither can licensed mental health professionals, social workers, mental health researchers or administrators. And as for your observations, keep in mind that “An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older ‚Äî about one in four adults ‚Äî suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.” -National Institute of Mental Health website – and that’s just one year, in a lifetime, it has been reported to be as much as over a third of the global population. You’re using a pretty small sample – all from the same place (bad science), and going of your general impression of them. And for your ‘they were all abnormal in some fashion’ – ha, that’s a good one. EVERYONE is abnormal in some fashion, and what is ‘normal’. Are you completely ‘normal’? I’m not and I have never met anyone who is. Show me a Philadelphia Eagle or other NFL player who is completely ‘normal’?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 16, 2010 5:26 am

Good stuff Schiller,
I think I am the only “normal” poster on here… ha

June 16, 2010 6:12 am

Jeeeze everyone…relax will ya! Look, we’re all a bit f’ed up in the head and some more than others but that’s just what makes us human. Our faults are what generaly define our lives because we spend most of our time trying to fix something. Who cares what we each do for a living (or don’t do for that matter) or who our siblings are or where we’re from, we all have one thing in common and that’s football.

June 16, 2010 6:16 am


Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 16, 2010 6:39 am

I am glad that Schiller is perfect and has no faults…
I feel that my day to day life is more complete with his daily postings,rebuttals,sarcasm,& insight…

June 16, 2010 7:31 am

Schiller vs. Paulman in a UFC cage match would would win?

June 16, 2010 7:34 am

Oh and paulman when me and my wife goes to sweet lucys now she laughs ever time cause of what you said about it sounds like she owes you money? hahaha

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 16, 2010 8:52 am

Thats funny Vricchini…
I heard that Schiller may weigh in over the limit though from some of the other posters…(Big E)
As far as “Sweet Lucy’s”, I am happy to bring a little humor and joy to you and your wife…

June 16, 2010 10:01 am

Schiller you are in a defensive mode when it comes to the eagles and you fellow nut jobs. You failed to acknowledge that in assessing the draft choices still with the team during the Reid era that way more than 50% are no longer here. Do the math. Go to the eagles drafts and count the numer of draft choices from 99 to 2009 and then calculate the retention%. They suck and you are abnormal because you have an eating disorder and want to control all poster comments you disagree with. You have issues. It’s odd that 16 out of 16 were fruitloops. The woman I dated lied about injuries she sustained in an auto accident in order to sue and pay for her masters in psychology. Most people know physchiatrists are doctors and can prescribe medication. Get off you soap box. Stop defending the mad doctors of market street.

June 16, 2010 10:38 am

Big E – I think what Schiller is trying to say is you then need to go to ALL the teams websites, look at ALL the teams draft retentions and then make a comparison of what is ‘suck’. I posted many times on this site that almost all major (I say major cuase I don’t know if some podunk crap rag in Illinois has ranking) publications give the Eagles extrememly high marks over the last 3/5 and 10 years marks in drafting – they do the research – but it seems pretty constant across the board….

I also don’t think he is in defensive mode – he’s probably in the ‘I’m tired of reading people post crap and nonsense that if they just did 5 minutes of research they could post something educated’ mode. I happen to agree with Schiller on 99% of the stuff he posts. He knows football and understands it is not a black and white game. Watching him and Paulman go at it is like having your bud from college and your bud from the hometown fighting over the same chick at the bar.

Interesting disucussions on mental health though – as for the article – I am glad Vick is out there trying to talk to kids. Not enough role models – I hope his lesson gets through.

Schiller – questions for you – I have to visit NE this summer – Hartford, New Haven and Amherst. Are you near any of those places – if you live in/near Boston – know anything about Emmanuel College??

June 16, 2010 10:47 am

navy – it’s oK, Big E just doesn’t get it. Or better yet, he want’s to hate on Reid and the FO in peace, and not have things like rational thought, objective reasoning and logic cloud his fun (hate). I’m sure he could get it if he analyzed it in a moment of clarity, as opposed to rage from me challenging his hate and criticism.

As for NE, I lived here in Boston for 5 years (moving back to Philly in two weeks!). I know very little about all those towns, but as for Emmanuel – all I know is that is one of the SO many small colleges in the Boston area – I know nothing more.

June 16, 2010 11:07 am

Navy Eagle- . It’s simple count the number of draft chioces from 1999 to 2009 (92) and then count the number still with the team (25). That is about 27.2% retained and 72.8 not retained. Schiller said they miss on 30 to 40% as do most teams and this is false. I’m sure you and Schiller have gone to all team websites and made these comparisons. Give me a break. Stop trying to get a date with Schiller. Schiller- Study proved that physicians with affective disorder chose psychiatry as their specialty. Affective disorder is indicitive of mood swings ala bi-polar or manic depressive.

June 16, 2010 11:14 am

BigE and Paulie – ha this stuff about my eating habits and weight is quite laughable. To set the record straight, I used to be quite overweight, due to long term effects of a major medical issue. I have since lost the weight via long term eating habit changes and exercise. I’m now at an objectively healthy weight – within healthy BMI when muscle mass is taken into account. The fact that you two are even discussing another poster’s weight and eating habits (and one of you accused an eating disorder having never laid eyes on me or known a single thing about what, how much, or how frequently I eat)…that’s a little weird. But suit yourselves.

Big E- for someone who seems to think he knows everything about health and mental health, it’s disconcerting that you think that you can diagnose Eating Disorders and Bipolar Disorder over the internet talking sports. And if those were just jokes, well it’s sad to see you joking about such serious and horrible things.

June 16, 2010 11:21 am

Schiller I wonder what rational thought, objective reasoning and logic The Eagles used in having high school and college punt returners with no pro experience on opening day against Greenbay and assessing Booker as the next Westbrook. You two are total tool. You should get together with Navy and form a mutual admiration society. So far I have not received any proof form you or Navy as to your
claims only criticism of mine. Reid always looks like he is in a stupor on the sidelines when it comes to managing the game and playcalling in the redzone but you are always on you knees worshiping him.

June 16, 2010 11:28 am

Schiller I was thinking the same thing about you and how you can say I am in a state of rage. This is why I question your clarity. Not all my posts are against the Eagles. You just seem to in your words hate posts and posters for not being as bubbly as you in you assesment of the Eagles. When they got toasted by Dallas last year you said it was only one game and made all sort of excuses about injuries etc but in that case you didn’t say that all NFL teams have injuries. You like to have it both ways.

June 16, 2010 11:29 am

Ha ok. So as to the punt returner v. greenbay – guess what, I agree – that was a dumb move. But you just argued it stupidly. Starting Desean at punt returner as a rookie – he had no pro experience either – so you screwed up saying ‘college punt returners’ – many teams in the league do that. Once again, when did I say something positive about Reid? Answer that question, or explain how I worship him…

June 16, 2010 11:35 am

Ha. Nice move citing the study there. Actually affective disorders also include depression and anxiety – a huge range of other disorders. So you’re saying that mental health and eating disorders are not harder to assess over the internet than rage? And you’re saying that you’re not angry when you post so negatively on a very consistent basis?

June 16, 2010 11:36 am

I don’t pretend to be a football expert but fron the first time I saw Booker play for the Eagles I knew he was no kick returner or running back and I wonder why the front office couldn’t see the same. You notice that lately Reid has been drafting fast receivers Maclin, Jackson, Ingram. He missed the boat completly with Mitchell who couldn’t outrun a linebacker. Why does it take him so long to see the light and admit his blunders. Any idiots who say the NFL is a passing league have missed the boat to.

June 16, 2010 11:44 am

Schiller, Desaun was a leading punt and kick returner in college. I don’t think JLew and the fence jumper could sniff his jock. That was a stupid challenge by a desparate man. Disgust is more appropriate than rage. i hope you can understan the difference. In the study they specifically refered to mood swings and of a manic nature.

June 16, 2010 11:49 am

Schiller you are the expert, Why is Andy Reid so big and why does he eat entrees as appetizers and 16 oz burgers dripping in mayo. Does he exhibit good judgement in his personal life and could this affect his professional performance.

June 16, 2010 12:07 pm

OK, so I was pissed this morning that I had to come into work, but now I find out the Dominik Hixon, WR for the Vagiants has a torn ACL and is out for the season and I’m happy about that from a football standpoint. Does that make me bi-polar. And if a chick is doing two dudes at the same time…is she bi-poler too?

June 16, 2010 12:15 pm

Biggie – Ok, FYI – medical, science and research professionals will all say that basing any point off of one paper is bad practice. Get over yourself. And get over the point that what Andy eats has anything to do to his coaching. There have been many overweight coaches in the league, many of them successful. There’s no connection between football and the coach’s waistline so please, drop that dumb point. Why are you so obsessed with the Booker thing? They didn’t give him playing time, he’s gone, and the Eagles have a very good RB situation now and last season. Forget about the past. It’s over. I’m out for a while, but I hope you can chill your ‘disgust’ at somepoint. It’s not worth being disgusted with Freddie Mitchell and Lorenzo Booker in 2010 – nobody else is even thinking about them.

June 16, 2010 12:27 pm

Schiller get over yourself and stop ignoring the origin of our little discussion 72.8 % no longer on the roster and this is the past and a major reason why I question the FO and their ability to bring the fans a super bowl victory- the first ever for eagle fans. The eagles are an unknown comodity for 2010 and I am not going to fawn over their every action until they prove themselves by winning the big one.

June 16, 2010 12:32 pm

BigE-so you would still rather have Jerome McDougle, James Thrash, Freddie Mitchel, Jeremy Bloom, Lito Sheppard, Dirk Johnson, Tony Hunt, Shaun Andrews still on the team? I don’t care if it’s 72.8, 99.9 or 6% roster turnover. As long as the team on the field this year is better than the team last year who cares. Stop obssessing over meaningless statistics.

June 16, 2010 12:32 pm

Wtf, this is like reading a Jerry Springer script.

June 16, 2010 12:33 pm

There you go again by saying nobody is thinking of them. Now you know everybody’s thoughts. and it is clear why you chose your profession as a mind reader. Schiller you are a stone around you own neck. You don’t have a good running back situation unless you win by running the ball at the end of a game and are successful in short yardage situations. You have to comitt and use your backs in an effective running,game.

June 16, 2010 12:34 pm

Tcole -How many springer scripts have you read and why?

June 16, 2010 12:35 pm

Welcome to G-Cobb TCole58…do you want your Schiller beads????????

June 16, 2010 12:39 pm

Well well the point is that the drafting has been poor from 1999 and if it were better maybe we would have a superbowl and To ask me if I would rather have those looser draft choices is rediculous. Maybe the coaching staff and the FO is the problem all these years. Up until last year and since the superbowl the eagles had 3 net wins I don’t think that is meaningless.

June 16, 2010 12:41 pm

BigE, I have read zero scripts. But I’ve seen it a couple times and that kinda $hit on there is always scripted. WWW, I’ve been here a few times but Schill beads aren’t necessary. I do agree with you about the roster. As long as we’re better.

June 16, 2010 1:00 pm

And having better draft picks doesn’t guarntee a SB either…Isn’t that right Ja-suckass Russell

June 16, 2010 1:02 pm

Drafting isn’t and exact science either. Perhaps the NFL should adopt a farm system like Baseball or Hockey.

June 16, 2010 1:11 pm

Well Well you are referencing the RAIDERS who have been bad for years
and the FO is the sulprit for bad decisions

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 16, 2010 1:44 pm

The Raiders will be decent this year and I think a playoff team by 2012..
They has their best draft in 10 years and got a real solid player and future leader of that defense with
MLB R MClain, and have added some quality to the defense with DT R Seymour, LB WImbley
drafted DT L Houston (who I really liked) and CB W McFadden.
With new QB J Campbell and good RB’s of M Bush,D McFadden, R Cartwright, they may surprise some people this season and win 7-8 games in a weaker AFC West that is literall up for grabs..
Chargers lost a lot of players and have lots of unrest.. Broncos also have a lot an angst in their lockeroom w/Coach McDaniels… and the Chiefs are rebuilding ..

June 16, 2010 3:11 pm

Schiller – thanks for the info….

BigE – Don’t need a date – got one. He’s a 6’8 205lb beast that is coming back east to play for the premier lacrosse club team in the west. Looks even meanier when swinging that 6 ft stick around! If you didn’t notice – those towns are where Yale and UMass are located and he is going to play in a couple tournaments. Emmanuel the college is recruiting – he is actually going to check out Widener, Franklin and Marshall, Gettysburg when we visit my folks. Oh and before you ask – why only Div III schools – he’s heck of a basketball player (dropped in 16 on 8 of 10 shooting, 9 rbds, 4 blks in summer league game last night) and is actually being recruited for both sports to college – and wants to play both, but hoops and lax overlap in the Feb/mar timeframe, so only Div III schools will let him play both, he’s only a Div II hoops player, but he is a Div I lax player (Drexel, Villanova, Wagner, Robert Morris, Ohio State all chasing) – but like most 17 year olds – he doesn’t want to be told he can’t play his favorite sport – so he is looking for schools that will let him play both. Me – i don’t care, I just don’t want to pay!

And NO – (read carefully) – I don’t go on other teams websites, when my wife drags me shopping I read the football magazines like Lindey’s/USA Today etc. and read THERE rankings, and ntice the pattern that all the national magazines rate the eagles drafts highly (didn’t I write that in the last post………

June 16, 2010 3:11 pm

Yes Big E – that was my mental disorder, fatherly pride!