• March 4, 2025

Goodell To See Whether Michael Vick Violated Their Agreement Or Not

It’s going to come down to what Michael Vick did when he found out that one of his co-defendants in the dog-fighting trial, Quanis Phillips, was at his birthday party last Thursday in Virginia Beach, Virginia.¬† One of the rules of his probation is that he can’t associate with any of his co-defendants in that trial.

“We’re still gathering the facts,”NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said to Vic Carucci of NFL.com.¬† “I think they’ve been reported fairly accurately from what I can tell and we’ve been told by law enforcement that he’s not a focus of this at all.¬† Obviously we’ve got to look to see whether there was any violation of policy in there or his conditions [for reinstatement last year after he served jail time and a suspension for his involvement in a dogfighting ring].¬† We’re continuing to gather that.”

They’re going to investigate what exactly happened that night and they’ll try to find out when Phillips arrived at the party and when Vick learned of his presence there.¬† Had Phillips been invited to the party and was Vick aware that he was coming?¬† Once that’s learned, the other questions will be focused on the behavior of Vick at the party.

Did Vick talk to Phillips once he learned he was there?¬† Did he shake Phillips’ hand and give him a hug when he saw him or did Vick start heading for the door when Phillips arrived?

There have been reports that Phillips threatened to throw cake in Vick’s face or in fact threw cake in Vick’s face at some point in the night.¬† When did that happen and what precipitated it?¬† Was there an argument between Vick and Phillips after they had talked for awhile or was Phillips offended that Vick was getting up to leave once the quarterback found out Phillips was there?

I’m sure the NFL will look closely into all of it before making a ruling on Vick.¬† That will mean it will remain in the headlines for awhile and that’s not good news for Vick.

I also don’t think the NFL will think it’s a good idea for Michael Vick to be hanging out with his brother, Marcus.¬† If you check out Marcus’ resume, he has been in trouble with the law throughout his adult life.¬†¬† If Marcus gets into some trouble with Michael around, it’s going to move Michael even closer to losing his job.

How do you feel about it all?


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June 28, 2010 7:23 am

haha vick soprano
u dont rat on vick lol

June 28, 2010 8:34 am

This one is going to best be abswered by scripture: Luke 9:62. If Vick is new in Christ like he stated (or if he just wants a chance at a good, honest life) he’s got to drop ALL OF THESE GUYS.

June 28, 2010 9:07 am

umm clearly i dont think mike vick invited a guy who ratted on him to his bday party
he might’ve gotem shot though lmao

June 28, 2010 9:29 am

The investigation would be going faster, but Big Ben’s body guards erased all the security video tapes after Ben crawled out the bathroom window when he heard gun shots.

June 28, 2010 10:32 am

vick is not a person of interest the police said the other day. so to me there is no story here in my opinion. also, while the nfl may not like mike vick hanging out with his brother there they can do about that because of family ties. in a nut shell this is a story because of the name reconigtion of one mike vick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 28, 2010 11:27 am

Good publicity for the Eagles! Andy Reid and Jeff Lurie should be proud! They are on the vanguard of social action and rehabilitation!

June 28, 2010 12:41 pm

I wounder who thought it would be a good idea to invite this knucklehead anyway.

June 28, 2010 12:59 pm

ahhh “The Gold Standard”

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
June 28, 2010 2:20 pm

who cares?

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
June 28, 2010 2:22 pm

and remember assholes..Vick did something wrong, not the Eagles. Friggin haters..

June 28, 2010 3:15 pm

Wow, now the NFL is going to say you can’t have immediate family members around, damn Dez Bryant’s going to have a short career. I don’t know why the fellow decided to come to this party by all accounts he wasn’t invited but if he was looking for trouble he found it. This is a non story the Eagles don’t want bad publicity then Andy Reid should have been fired for all the bad publicity his kids caused but hey Mike Vick only a back up QB right?

The Silencer
The Silencer
June 28, 2010 5:52 pm

this is so damn lame…he wanst even there…now vick should have metal detectors at bbqs, birthday parties, christenings..

anderson silva
anderson silva
June 28, 2010 6:47 pm

I just wish this wasn’t an issue, I am tired of reading about off-the-field garbage. Contract this and that. I sometimes just want it to be about football, leave the drama for European soccer clubs.

June 28, 2010 7:25 pm

Anderson, I wish it was that easy, guess what when training camp starts they’ll ask Desean Jackson a million questions about wanting a new contract, Kevin Kolb will have one bad practice and everyone will want Vick and heaven forbid Donovan gets off to a great start in DC. LOL

June 29, 2010 5:34 am

jax i want vick now not after a bad practice

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 29, 2010 7:21 pm

I think Goodell will have Vick agree in writing not to celebrate any more birthday parties..