• March 4, 2025

Vick And The “We Were Gone” Story Isn’t Adding All The Way Up

We still don’t know that Michael Vick did anything wrong at his 30th birthday “All White” party last Thursday night in Virginia Beach, Virginia but we do know he did something majorly wrong by being there in the first place.

His name is in the headlines and the articles aren’t about scoring or throwing for touchdowns.¬† It’s about a shooting and a police investigation.

What did Vick have to do yesterday?¬† I’ll tell you what he had to do yesterday.¬† He was being questioned by the Virginia Beach Police Department.¬† Vick along with his lawyer, Larry Woodward went to the police department and Vick gave the police his side of the story.

“He said he wasn’t involved, he was gone before the shooting took place, and he doesn’t know who did the shooting,” Woodward said in a telephone interview yesterday.¬† “Michael voluntarily cooperated with the investigation, went in on his own and answered all the police detective’s questions.”
Remember Falcons All-Pro WR Roddy White said the day after, “We were already gone by the time that stuff started happening, so I don’t know what’s going to go on with that or whatever, but we didn’t have anything to do with it,” White said.
This all sounds good but there’s one big problem.¬† According to eyewitness accounts in the post, Vick was still at the party or just leaving the party when Quanis Phillips was shot.
The New York Post has quotes from a number of eye witnesses who say that Phillips flicked some cake frosting on Michael Vick’s face.¬† Of course Phillips is one of Vick’s co-defendants in the dog-fighting trial.¬† According to those witnesses Michael Vick and Marcus Vick spotted Phillips at the party and immediately started demanding that he leave.
Phillips became enraged and started heading for the door.¬† Here’s part of the New York Post account of what happened.
“Before leaving, Phillips slapped a piece of birthday cake off a female partygoer’s plate, splattering the face of the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback with frosting.”Michael didn’t react. I was surprised,” a witness at the bash said.”But Marcus was the one who reacted. He had this I-can’t-believe-this-just-happened, we’ve-been-disrespected look on his face. He was very agitated.”

Phillips left the party screaming and continued hurling obscenities from the parking lot of the Guadalajara nightclub, witnesses said.

“Phillips was still yelling, even outside, then five minutes later, a shot rang out in the parking lot,” a witness outside the club said.”

Phillips was shot about five minutes after he walked out of the club.¬† That’s not enough time to be long gone.

David Squires of the Hampton Roads Daily Press seems to be all over this story and he has witnesses who support the version given by the New York Post, that Vick was still at the party or just leaving the party at the time of the shooting.
The “we were gone” story doesn’t check out with eye witness accounts.
According to the witness accounts, Vick didn’t do anything wrong but he also seems to have been still at the party when the shooting occurred.

If Vick fails to tell the truth to the police he is headed for trouble.¬† He’s got nothing to hide. It doesn’t seem like he did anything wrong other than being there in the first place but if he lies to the police, he’s headed for big trouble.

All these stories can’t be right.¬† Either he was gone at the time of the shooting or he will still there.¬† Which is it?

Whatever it is Vick had better tell the truth.


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June 29, 2010 8:00 am

He definitely should have had this kind of party with trying to get his life back on track. What I’m thinking is the most likely scenario, someone (like Vick’s little brother) took exception to the guy being at the party and felt “disrepected” and probably still has a grudge against the guy for ratting out Mike. So Marcus or someone close to him probably want a little payback on behalf of Vick. Especially if the guy crashed the party I’m sure a lot of Vick’s friends wanted to whoop his ass for snitching. It’s quite possible they did it without Vick knowing and it’s possible he did know. Fact is, he shouldn’t have had this type of party and just did something low key and conservative while he’s still under the microscope. I understand he wanted to do something “normal” and you can’t predict what others will do, but he at least should have had some security or something there to check people.

I have never seen the inside of a police department but every now and then when I go back to my old neighborhood and see some old friends, I tell them straight from the gate “if you have any drugs or weapons on you, you are not getting in my car”. You never know what people are up to and the next thing you know, you can get pulled over by the cops and your “friend” sticks his drugs under your car seat and you’re busted for nothing. You just have to protect yourself at all time and real friends would understand that. Anyone who can’t accept that can’t be your friend. Plain and simple.

June 29, 2010 11:04 am

More Eagles News: Eagles claimed free agent rookie Brandon(Brent?) Johnson off waivers from the Buffalo Bills.

Has anyone noticed the trend of the Eagles collecting players from the worst teams in the league all this off season except for one player that’s now out for the season and probably done as far as his career? Never a good sign.

June 29, 2010 11:31 am

Butch – whats the pattern you talking about? Sims, and tapp, sure, but eagles also added a running back from the superbowl champs…

June 29, 2010 12:24 pm

a running back who watched the sb like we did

June 29, 2010 12:28 pm

Here he comes to save the day. That means that Ratsilla is on his way.

June 29, 2010 1:36 pm

A running back from the Super Bowl champs that was injured every other week and watched the game like we did. We also added Hank Baskett from the runner ups but that’s not making anyone excited. Good grief schiller.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
June 29, 2010 5:05 pm

Vick is a guy whose trying his best to do the right thing..it’s just hard fitting all that dumb into one body is all.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
June 29, 2010 5:07 pm

…and theres alot of dumb looking ho’s in that picture..i love the bubble gum girl..Classic.

June 29, 2010 6:43 pm

It’s part of the culture.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 29, 2010 6:43 pm

I sense an Adam DeMichelle sighting…