I told you yesterday that the Michael Vick “we were gone” story didn’t check out.¬† Now Allen Fabijan, who is a spokesman for the nightclub, Guadalajara, which hosted the birthday party has publicly refuted the story put out by Vick’s lawyer, Larry Woodward that they were long gone when the shooting occurred.
I hope Vick told the Virginia Beach police department the entire truth because holes are being shot through the story by his lawyer.
Fabijan says the nightclub has a video surveilance system and it recorded the scene outside of their establishment on the night of the birthday party and shooting.
He went on to say that the two cars carrying Vick¬† “and his entourage”¬† are seen on the video driving in front of the restaurant at 2:07 a.m.¬† Exactly three minutes after the cars pulled off,¬† shots were heard and people are seen ducking on the video.
Woodward is refusing to change his story.¬† When reached yesterday, he said: “I stand by what I said, that Michael was long gone before the shooting, does not know who did the shooting and had nothing to do with the shooting. Anyone who says any different better be very careful.”
Should a video which shows the fact be careful or should a lawyer who is listening to what somebody told them and wasn’t at the scene?¬† Why can’t Woodward say Vick wasn’t there when the shooting occurred and leave it at that.
When people fail to tell the truth it makes everybody believe that they’re trying to hide something.
It would seem to me that the phrase “long gone” is relative. Being gone three minutes prior to the shooting could be deemed as such. By that time, Vick could have been on a highway or even inside a completely different establishment.
Get rid of this stupid clown , how can you be a good QB when you are as stupid as he is , he must be the most stupid guy on earth to put himself in that position when he knows he is not suppose to be near this guy because of his probation rules , and to think to lose his career and 5.2 million over a stupid birthday party ,””STUPID DOES ,STUPID DO “”, DAH!! , stupid clown deserves all the consequences coming at him . Kick him to the curb and bring back Garcia !!!
Ultimately, he wasn’t there from potentially accurate trickling-in information. Bottom line…unless Vick had the gun in his hand and fired it it’s non-issue except for the bad publicity to pile onto his battered public face.
In certain respects I’m sure he has to re-think some of the ways he chooses to enjoy his time. All of these athletes become accustomed to doing things a certain way, being in jail totally cut him off from that and just basic normal social interaction. Probably this was a bit of a “I finally get to cut loose and breath” moment…not the smartest decision and I wouldn’t have gone that way, but I can empathize a bit. Should there be a next time I’d like to think he would make a wiser decision.
like i said do u think vick invited the guy lmao read between the lines
thats y the guy was shot
stay the f away from me i let u ruin my life once not again ur life will be ruined this time
Welcome to the next dead horse we get to beat in Philly sports news. I don’t care if Vick was in the mens room when this clown was plugged in the parking lot. Vick didn’t do it and I don’t believe he told someone to go do it. No one could’ve stopped this guy from crashing Vick’s party and when he arrived Vick did the right thing and left, probably after telling him to stay away. Mike Vick is a grown man in a spotlight and with his checked past everything he does will be scrutinized albeit unfairly (remember the cell phone pic of him having a drink at a Philly hotel bar?) So he had a birthday party NEAR his hometown (not in it, he’s from Newport News, not V.Beach) If he had one in Philly it could’ve been something different but the same result. Let the man live! He doens’t have to seclude himself in f’n cave for the rest of his career and as long as HE makes the right decisions for HIMSELF he should be fine, he can’t control what some other dooner decides to do. How’s this for a spin, the guy who did shoot him could’ve been the boyfriend of the girl that had the cake smashed out of her hand and it was a “you don’t disrespect my lady” thing and not a Mike Vick thing at all. I’ll grab the bats…I call heads!
Garry, you need to leave this story alone. The tape shows he was gone 3 minutes before; that makes it clear Vick was not on the scene and could also be the evidence that shows he was smart enough to leave that club. He didn’t retaliate against Phillips with the cake incident so there was restraint. Perhaps poor judgment going to that party, but at least he hit the road before the bad stuff occurred.
This story is a dead issue, I don’t know what the agenda is of posting these stories but if he did anything wrong it will come out, other then that it’s sickening to read over and over again. Everybody wants to be an attention whore the quote unquote unnamed sources the owner of the club we have video of the parking lot. LOL where is the video of inside the club of the cake smashing incident?
See ya later Vick. Only a person trying to hide something lies.
This just in as reported by our own Paul Mancini, Jeff garcia just arrived at Phila International Airport.**obligatory rediculous post in the absence of our personal court jester**
No one can take the place of the Great Mancini formerly known as PMan. He will be inducted into the GCobb Hall Of Fame
I would dare not attempt to take the place of our personal Kreskin, a mere tribute in his time away is all I intended.
Perhaps I can get some help from our fellow posters, I’m working on a joke and need a punchline, it starts “Mike Vick and Ben Roethlisberger walk into a bar…