During the Phillies struggles, we have heard everyone from players to fans to radio hosts say “I’m not worried about this team, it’s only May/June/early July, this team is a second half team, they’re too good and the division is weak.”
During this season, the Phillies have only occasionally flashed the talent level that many believe they possess. Whether it has been injury, complacency, age, or players just not playing up to their potentials, the 2010 season looks more and more like a lost cause with every passing week.
This week, the Phillies have been in a feeble state. In the first two games of a series against the Pirates, the Phillies managed only 2 runs against two pitchers that were a combined 0-9 entering the series. One of those starters, Daniel McCutchen, had an ERA over 9.00 entering the game.
Even before the injuries, the lineup was falling back into the bad habits. Again, a lack of a sound fundamental approach at the plate has been hurting this team. Raul Ibanez came to the plate with two on and two out, swung at the first pitch, and popped up to end the inning. Ibanez saw just 8 pitches in 4 at bats. Jayson Werth and Greg Dobbs were swinging at everything they saw, and struck out a combined five times between the two.
With the rest of the lineup failing to get on base, teams can pitch around Ryan Howard, and avoid throwing him anything that he can hit out of the park.
Injuries or no injuries, there is no excuse for the remaining Phillies to only be able to produce two runs in games against such a poor team. If the Phillies are to have any chance of weathering the storm of injuries they have suffered, they need to take advantage of a situation like this, having a four game series against one of the league’s worst.
A big series with the Braves is around the corner, if the Phillies can’t show a little discipline and defeat the Pirates, how will they defeat Atlanta’s pitching? With the problems that have plagued this team for over a month now looking no closer to being resolved as the season drags on, and the Braves and Mets lead in the division continues to grow, if this isn’t the time to get really concerned about this team, then when is?
The Phillies and their fans can’t continue to ignore this team’s problems because of what they have accomplished in previous seasons in the second half.
Spot on aticle Denny,
This team has not been the same since mid-May and has not played solid,fundamental baseball in about 7-8 weeks now. They will not make the Playoffs in 2010 for too many teams have improved in
the NL from the last couple of years.. The only way to get in this year Playoff’s is to win the NL East and the Braves have the best pitching staff in the Division and the Mets/Marlins will battle down to the finish with the Phillies for 2nd place. I doubt the Phils will surpass 84 wins whcih is not good enough.
I posted how critical this 29 game stretch was starting in early June starting with inter-league play…
and fiishing up at the All-Star Break… The Phils are currently 11-10 during this stretch and have lost ground versus the Braves & Mets…
Bottom line is that the 2010 Phils are just not that good of a team.. Their Bullpen and Bench are low in the league as far as production & talent and their everday bats have not hit consistently to overcome average Starting Pitching, worse defense and a less fundamentally sound team…
These games that they have lost — (blowing a 9-4 lead to the Twins in the 9th a couple of Saturdays ago, and losing the first 2 games at Pittsburgh scoring 2 runs in 2 games…) These are games come end of the season that you cannot get back… Phils will finish in 3rd place in NL East in 2010
Make that 11-11 on this stretch of 29 games since early June..
It appears my call last month about the Phils being 7-8-9 games out of 1st place by All-Star Break is very realistic with 7 tough Divisional games versus the Mets/Braves this week leading to the break…
They go 3-4 or 2-5 this week, then it’s all over for the 2010 Season as far as any Postseason goes…
If they do turn it around in the second half and come on strong, how will all the naysayers get back on board with any credibility? Phillies fans are too fickle.
If Phil’s come back and take 1st Place in the NL East by the last day of the Season,
I will remove myself from G Cobb Web-site forever. I am not a fickle fan, I have been complaining about the make-up of this team since Febuary and just don’t think the 2010 version is all that good in comparison to the many improved teams in the NL like the Braves,Mets,Reds,Giants,Rockies,Padres
and will have their hands full with the improved Marlins & Nationals and not sweep thru a weak NL East like the last few seasons… It’s a Pitchers years this year in defense and the Phils don’t have enough quality Pitchers on their Staff to compete with most of the teams I just listed and haven’t mentined the Cardinals who by years end will lead the NL in WIns followed closely by the Red & Braves…
Can’t argue with any of your analysis. Just noting how so many fans are quick to pull the rug out from under their team when things look bleak.
not all of us football
phitans have heart they will fight