• March 4, 2025

First Vick and Now Russell Have Shown That It’s Not All About Talent

You can be sure that GM’s around the NFL are making note of the fact that two quarterbacks who were number one draft picks with “out of this world talent” but “questionable work ethics” have made the teams that drafted them look foolish by getting in trouble with the law.

Both Michael Vick and JaMarcus Russell came out of college with frightening talent and the same “street attitudes” which they grew up with. Their physical talents were immense but unable to overcome their troubling attitudes.

Last year Vick talked about how he went through the motions as the franchise quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons.  He remembered not going out of his way to put in the time to master the offense he was running.

He had that arrogant attitude of not killing himself in preparing for games.  Many times Vick was last player to the workout facility and the first one to leave.

The same can be said about Russell who was always described as being lethargic and unenthusiastic about doing his job in Oakland.  He ballooned up to more than 300 lbs.  He had a cannon for an arm but little knowledge of the offense he was supposed to run.

A few years ago, Vick who had refused to cut ties with the troubling culture of his childhood was convicted of running a dog-fighting business and sentenced to a couple of years in a federal penitentiary.

Yesterday, Russell who had the same problems cutting ties with the culture of his childhood was arrested at his home in Alabama for possession of a controlled substance: codeine syrup.

Vick saw the fortune which he had gained from his success in the NFL disappear as he was implicated in this huge scandal which involved him financing and managing a dog-fighting ring.

Some of his friends from his childhood were his co-conspirators in the dog-fighting ring.

There are times in life when you have to say good-bye to certain people and certain attitudes.¬† If you want to continue to have success you must cut your ties and move on.¬† Sometimes those people you’re leaving behind are family members or close friends but you still have to separate from them.

This is the case with Michael Vick and his brother Marcus. Marcus had a shot at playing in the NFL but he self-destructed because of getting in trouble with the law and breaking team rules too many times.

From what I’ve learned, it seems that the “All White” parties were Marcus’ ideas.¬† There’s a reason Marcus was settling up with Club Guadalajara while the shooting took place a couple of weeks ago.¬† He was the one benefiting financially from the event.

Michael Vick was helping his little brother make a few dollars by allowing his name to be used for a few parties at some nightclubs in Virginia and Washington D.C..

Clearly Marcus wasn’t thinking about his brother’s best interest when he came up with the idea of having the parties.¬† Foolishly Michael agreed to it and that decision may cost him millions.¬† These parties have¬† helped Marcus put a few dollars in his pocket but jeopardized millions that his brother could make playing football.

This is foolish.¬† Vick’s association with his brother and friends from his childhood have done major damage to him, yet he refuses to say no and establish some separation.

Russell was rumored to be addicted to codeine syrup during his time in Oakland with the Raiders. The syrup is said to make a person lethargic and drowsy. Seeking professional help from sites like Oakvinerecoverycenter.com can aid you if you want to overcome substance abuse and ultimately save your life.

Media persons said he projected an air of apathy.  He had no enthusiasm about leading the football team.

The combination of this syrup and soda forms “sizzurp” which is a substance that is popular in the hip-hop community and extolled by rappers such as Lil Wayne for it’s sedative properties.¬† It’s another facet of the hip-hop lifestyle that Russell should have left behind.

NFL GM’s are going to be more wary of committing themselves to players especially quarterbacks who are hanging onto their troubled friends from the hood and that “street attitude”.¬† A quarterback has to be willing to be the first one to the complex in the morning and last one to leave at night.¬† He has to be willing to pay the price in the meeting room or he’ll never have a chance to do the job on the field on Sundays.

Unfortunately, some people are unable to say good-bye to people and attitudes which keep them down.


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anderson silva
anderson silva
July 6, 2010 3:31 pm

Everybody knows a bum or two, people that they grew up with, family members, whatever. I guess ungodly talent does not exempt people from doing stupid things. It just seems so shocking because the athletes seem like they have it all, bucketloads of money, McMansions etc, but the bottom line is they are as human as anybody. The difference is that when they blow up it makes the newspapers.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
July 6, 2010 5:35 pm

meanwhile, 18 year old men are dying in the fields and hills of Iraq and Afghanistan…people like JeMarques and Vick make me wish that our athletes made minimum wage.

July 6, 2010 6:32 pm

These loosers have no clue as to how good they have it and if they do they just don’t care. Russell is a pig to go up to 300. Something has to be done with these siging bonuses for lazy good for nothings.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 7:16 pm

You never know how certain players will react at the Professional Level once the $$$,Fame, & Media
becomes to a all time heighten level.. Some of the players have had their butts kisses since they were 12-14 years old from AAU Ball, High School, thru College and now as young Millionaires at the NFL Level…
Take a teams do a poor job of evaulating the maturity and level-headness of its draft selections .. Take a look at the teams who have continually struggle like and have had off the field issues wwith players like the Raiders,Seahawks, Broncos, the Vikings,Bengals,Chargers & Cowboys a few years back where they have many players getting into trouble off the field and in the locker room.
Now take a look at the consistently well run teams who field competitive,quality teams year in and year out and you see the Colts,Steelers,Patriots,Eagles,Giants, Ravens & Packers.. It starts at the top and throught the orginization that this type of behavior will not be tolerated or accepted as a team or organization. It is any surprise that the well-run teams also draft high character people who happen to be good football players too, who don’t overpay many of the immature players, who quickly get rif of potential problems quickly and decisively and who manage their roster and salary cap effectively … It all goes hand in hand and it’s about having good quality people within the orginization who do what they say they are going to do and do things the right way… (and believe it or not, the
Eagles are one of these orginizations and many fans around the Country would love to have as their hometown team..)

July 6, 2010 8:15 pm

This is an old story. Although many fans might disagree, I like “good guys” on my team who I can root for and relate to. I don’t like the low-character guys, it detracts from my enjoyment of the team and the season. No primadonnas, dog-killers or haters on my team.

July 7, 2010 5:33 am

It’s funny coaches always want a player with a killer instinct. Also at least 36 other NFL players have been arrested this year but I’m sure you haven’t seen them all over the media. To me Jamarcus drinking cough syrup is not different then people abusing pain pills. Brettfarve comes to mind openly saying he addicted to pain pills. Not to mention the saints with their pill scandal. Abusing prescription drugs is nothing new. Plus Jamarcus isn’t in the league anymore so really who cares. G won’t u write some actual football stories and not this tmz stuff. It’s makes your web site look shallow and narrow minded. Won’t you write about how the eagles stack up against NFC and the NFC east position by position. We have practically a new football team with questions everywhere except receiver.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 7, 2010 5:45 am

Where is the story on Giants draft pick Charles Scott (A promising Safety) from LSU who many were high on (including myself), It appears a bad accident late in the evening.early morning hours and with serious injuries and operation needed (but no BAC taken…Authorities said the injuries were too severe to take the time for a BAC test…) since Mr Scott went to hospital and had suregery, wouldn’t the medical staff have to take blood test before they operated… Doesn’t add up does it…
How about another story about the actions of a supposed gentleman and professional..The AD of
of the U of georgia who was drunk driving with a female last week who was partially dressed and in the front seat.. He failed sobreity test and also attempted to bribe the Officer stating repeatedly,
“Do you Know who I am”…”What can I do to make this go away” This fella is married and has 2 children by the way and just recieved a contract extention and a lareg pay raise from a high Profile
University in one of the premier Athletic Conferences in the Nation… Where’s the outrage for a fellow
who is in a position of authority,accountability and influence… and he’s acting like a 18 year old…

July 7, 2010 5:46 am

What makes the Jamarcus Russell thing so funny to me… He didn’t look bad when the raiders beat us last year. The raiders defense manhandled the offensive line… The whole offense.. We need more tough guys on this team. With no runyan dawkins Sheldon who is the opposing team worried about from a physical stanpoint.

July 7, 2010 5:54 am

That Charles Scott accident is really sad. I think this is the same kid who was a CF / closer for the LSU basball team also. He had tons of talent, in both sports. Originally they said that the acident was so severe that they believed he would never walk again. Don’t know any details on how the accident occurred, just see a young man with unlimited potential looking at a much different future.