• March 4, 2025

Could Allen Iverson Play A Role In Miami “Thrice”?

If Allen Iverson has any sense whatsoever, he’ll convene with LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh on a conference call and plead his case for joining them in Miami.

If he is smart, he will avoid all questions about how he may or may not behave on South Beach.¬† He will only answer questions about “Practice” when they are asked of him.¬† Iverson needs to call them up and say “yo I’m committed to winning a championship.’

In my opinion, Iverson is far removed from his rumored old life.  I have no idea if he still gambles or parties incessantly anymore, but what I do know is that there is a team on South Beach that is tailor-made for what A.I. should be doing at this point in his career.  If you are a true Iverson fan, close your eyes and vibe with me for a quick second.

Think back to the 2005 NBA All-Star game in Denver, Colorado. Iverson walked away with his second All-Star game MVP trophy, while posting some solid “point guard” numbers.¬† When it was all said and done, he compiled 15 points, 9 assist and 5 steals throughout the showcase. Numbers like those made me drool over the thought of Iverson playing with “real players.’

Fast forward to 2010. Yes, Iverson is slower and those shots that once went in for him, are starting to rim out.¬† However, call me crazy but I think the one-time “best little guy” in the game has enough left in the tank to at least be talked about in Miami…¬† in a positive way.

Besides their age being the obvious answer, what separates Miami Heat guard Mario Chalmers from Allen Iverson?¬† Not much in my eyes.¬†¬† If Iverson truly wants to win a championship, he will suck up his pride and become a role player on a championship caliber team. ¬† As I stated earlier, Iverson wouldn’t be considered a charity case on this Heat team, in fact, he would be a secret weapon for them.

If by some chance Wade, James, and Bosh are all off one night, Iverson is very capable of putting up a few shots and scoring in their stead.   A.I. no longer has it in him to give his all for an entire season, but he does still possess enough ability to put the team on his back for a game every two to three weeks.   He showed signs of that once during his brief spell with the Philadelphia 76ers during the 2009-10 season versus the Los Angeles Lakers.

“The Answer” must have eaten his Wheaties before this game because he made clutch basket after clutch basket on his way to his season high (23) during the teams‚Äô 99-91 defeat to L.A.¬†¬† Nevertheless, you mean to tell me Iverson cannot do that when needed to?

To be real with you he shouldn’t have to do that too much because the chances of all three of the “Miami Thrice” having an off night during the same game are slim. However, stranger things have happened. So why not prepare yourself adequately and have a former MVP and scoring champion as your safety valve?¬† Makes sense to me.

Iverson needs to wake up. He is no longer the same guy that entered the NBA in 1996.  He now, not only has to battle the 5 defenders on the court, Father Time plays the role of the sixth defender against him. If Iverson is given another shot in the NBA, we will find out a lot about him as a person.

If he comes in ready to contribute and play his role, he will give his troubled reputation a semi-makeover, but if refuses to be a role player and thinks that we will fall for his Oscar-worthy press conferences we have now grown accustomed to seeing, he is sadly mistaken.

Iverson only has ONE more shot at playing in the NBA for a title.   If A.I. is unwilling to play his part, I hope he spares us all and just retires so that we no longer have to deal with his ringless circus.

John Jervay

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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 15, 2010 10:50 am

Absolutely not,
AI is finished as a player in the NBA…
Why would the big 3 bring him to Miami to compete for a Championship
They signed G M MIller as a outside shooter, have Guard Chalmers returning to run the floor
resigned Haslem at #4 spot and signed Center Igluzakis from the Cavs..
What role/need does AI fill for them….

July 15, 2010 7:04 pm

Definitely a move worth making for both parties.

July 16, 2010 5:53 am

pman your such a hater. if he is finished then so is every guard on the sixers. he led all sixers guards in scoring and ast while on the team last yr. he also shot a higher percentage then every guard. he avgd like 15 and 5, while thats not 30 and 7 you are used to seeing its 15 and 5. the thing that kills me is paulman like i know u hate ai. i know u were prob 1 of the people hating that he avg’d 30 called him a gun or whatver but then when he avg’s 15 and plays more of a team game u still hate. he’s finished lol willie green is a guard for the sixers lmao kevin ollie still plays mike conley starts in memphis ai can play in this league. stop hating on a true philly legend north carolina guy

July 16, 2010 6:13 am

ai was always a warrior on the court, and that is why i agree that he will always be a legend here in philly…we loved him during the championship run…did he have off the court issues? who doesn’t these days?

The way that things went last year in Memphis is probably what is concerning most teams. He needs to really be able to check his ego if he wants a chance to play in Miami. I can see it working, because it would clearly be his last chance at a ring and the team is Wade’s & James’, there would be no question. I think that Reilly is a big enough force in the league that he could command respect from ai, while being secure enough in his position to jettison ai at the first sign of trouble. Interesting thought.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 16, 2010 6:32 am

To PW,
I don’t think AI is a team player, hence I don’t like him as a player,
I also don’t like the baggage, issues he brings to a locker room, hence, I would not want him on
my team. AI is what he is and the truth hurts sometimes…His talents and scoring may work for some people and teams, but it doesn’t for me and never really has. I have nothing personal either way for AI, and I wish him well, but sticking to the above Story, I do not think he’s a good fit for the Heat
and really doesn’t bring them anything that he can do well, They need 3pt Shooting (signed M MIller)
and Rebounding/Physical play (signed Haslem/Igluzakis) and today will probably add Matt Barnes
and then fill out roster with role players and Draft picks (Deshawn Butler)
What role does AI posibly fill for this team… They have Chalmers,Wade and even Lebron to handle the ball..

July 16, 2010 8:43 am

well he showed he can play tema ball this yr so i guess maybe u didnt watch anygames i believe u could only see 1 game his 1st unless u had league pass and no offense u dont strike me as an avid bball fan that has to have league pass. its 1 thing to say u dont think he would fit and thats fine but its a whole nother to say a player is finished especially when he played better than guards here last yr. personally i dont know if he’d fit in miami and to be honest i dont know if lebron fits in miami. but if u like today’s players like d wade lebron james tyreke evans. they play like ai d wade is the 2nd coming of ai dribbles the ball the whole shot clock attacks the rim if its to much traffic dumps it off. thats ai

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 16, 2010 8:53 am

Wade/James play some defense,pass the ball and rebound so there’s no comparison to AI’s game
AI still has skills to play in the NBA, but nobody is going to touch him and give him an opppurtunity
to play which is what I mean about him being done, his time is over..
Similar to M Vick who will be done after the 2010 Season, (As far as the NFL goes) …
Athletes are a dime a dozen anymore, these guys have too much baggage and salary demands to
have anyone seriously discuss signing or wanting them.. epsecially in today’s politicall correct world that we live in with advertisers,league rules on behavior,etc,etc….
I am not saying this is right or wrong, I am simply stating the way it is in todays sports…

July 16, 2010 9:04 am

we cant talk bball u said wade passes plays d lmao wade plays just like ai
they run 1-4 sets isolation he attacks thats it period dump off if there is to much traffic ai avg 7 or 8ast more than half his career wade 7 ast once
wade less cocky than ai maybe less swagger for those of u whom that bothers only difference that and wade had shaq in chip not deke
but his style is the exact same
and just so u know go check there fga’s per game maybe u will then c

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 16, 2010 9:09 am

You must be watching thru your “AI -Colored” Glasses…
Wake up PW, it’s 2011…

July 16, 2010 9:18 am

i dont know what that means i just gave u fact to support my opinion i dont just say stuff
u said wade dont play like ai so y the last 3yrs does he avg more shots than ai’s last 3 27ppg yrs . cause they play a similar style point blank
stop reaidng articles and acting like u saw a game or something lol tell me how boris diaw or raymond felton looked last yr now that i dnt know
get league pass be4 u talk sixers wit me

July 16, 2010 10:31 pm

A. I. a role player? Will have to put his ego in check and realize that time is not on his side.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 18, 2010 10:45 am

AI is to basketball and the NBA to what TO is to football and the NFL..
Not a lot of suitors for either one any longer..(though both are still talented and can play, teams are just tired of their act, and their negative effect in the lockeroom and to their younger players)
It is,what it is…

July 22, 2010 10:17 am

i gotta a trade that i think would help sixers alot
what do yall think
iggy for okafor
salaries match and i think ok brings toughness and compliments brand and hawes skill sets
it would give us some depth down low and i like the lineups with both hawes and okafor or speights and okafor
i like it i like it alot

July 22, 2010 10:42 am

Just saw that the Clippers are interested in trading for Iggy. But I just looked at there roster and I dont see anyone I would trade for on there roster besides Griffin and Kaman and there not gonna trade either of them.

July 22, 2010 11:01 am

yep exactly what i said i like gordon but i dont think he fits
that would make turner the 3 who i think is 2 weak right now to defend other 3’s

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 23, 2010 8:30 am

Great call PW
Okafor for Iggy deal would be a great move for both players and both teams … good one..

July 23, 2010 8:36 am

i asked dei lynam how she felt about it
she liked it alot but said and i will copy and paste it for u


Good to hear from you. I thought there was a chance Iguodala would get moved but now I don’t think so; at least not before the season starts. He and Collins have a repore and I think Collins is looking forward to the challenge of improving Iggy’s game. Guys who want to play defense and can are fewer and fewer. Plus picking up Tony Battie sounds like their defensive big man solution in the short term.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 23, 2010 8:44 am

T Battie would be a good addition for 10-14 minute a game player to rebound and raise a little cain in the paint..