• March 4, 2025

Who Has Final Say Over The Eagles? Is It Joe Banner Or Andy Reid?

There are some fascinating articles on Philly.com today about the Philadelphia Eagles and the relationship between team President Joe Banner and team head coach Andy Reid.¬† One of the articles is written by Ashley Fox and Mike Jensen.¬† It’s titled “Reid, Banner give Eagles opposing points of view”.

The article breaks down the relationship between Reid and Banner over the years, from it’s start back in 1999 to where it stands now after eleven years of the two working together.¬† They delve into the status of the decision-making power.

There’s also an article on Philly.com titled “Reid has done more for Banner than vice versa” by Bob Ford about the contributions Reid and Banner have made to the Eagles organization and to each other.¬† The title and article talks a great deal about what Reid has done for Banner but remember that Banner had a say in hiring Reid, which is a major contribution.

Now let me cut to the chase and say I don’t think there’s any question that in the organization Banner is the most powerful of the two.¬† I also don’t think there’s any question that Banner will still be here when Reid is shown the door.¬† Yes, Reid makes most of the decisions concerning the personnel but if their is a disagreement amongst the two, Banner seems to prevail.

If you question that, take a look at the people who sit in decision-making positions within the organization at the moment.

Reid is supposed to be over the football department, but amazingly Banner’s guy, GM Howie Roseman is now running the draft and player personnel department. He was promoted to the GM spot this off season after Reid’s top guy, then GM Tom Heckert packed his bags and left for Cleveland.

Roseman started out working for Banner in the contract negotiation and salary cap area.  He had no football experience whatsoever.  Over time he has moved over to the football side and gradually been promoted to his current position of general manager.

Why wouldn’t Reid who is the Director of Football Operations, be able to promote people underneath him to work on the football side?¬†¬† I don’t see any of Reid’s people in higher levels of the football operations, who were promoted from within. I believe Reid got a new contract because he’s not like Bill Cowher and Jon Gruden who will make their unhappiness public if a decision is made which they don’t like.

Reid on the other hand will keep his mouth shut even if he’s had his power usurped.¬† Most of the time, head coaches who have had the success of Reid, refuse to have anybody in the organization more powerful they are, short of the owner.

I thought the real power struggle between Reid and Banner was signaled when former vice president of player personnel Jason Licht was fired in May of 2008.¬† There was never a reason given for Licht’s dismissal, but this cleared the way for Roseman to be the GM, if and when Heckert left.

Do you think Roseman is more loyal to Banner who hired him and promoted him or Reid who didn’t have a hand in most his promotions within the organization?

I think they try to work together as much as possible but if there’s a disagreement, the guy who ultimately has his way is Banner.


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July 18, 2010 8:37 am

Another “Football Person” name to go beside Jason Licht as a mysterious oustering of someone else that would have been an exceptional GM that’s been contributing heavily to the Giants young talent rejuvenation program is Marc Ross. Whatever the differences between Heckert and Ross may have been Heckert is in Cleveland. There was absolutely nothing between the Eagles FO and Ross except space and air. It should have been a no-brainer decision given Ross’ history with the team and the sheer number of talented players the Giants have been drafting, particularly on defense, over the past couple of years. With Marc Ross running their scouting operations it’s clear he’s been a difference maker where Roseman, up to the point where he was hired, hasn’t contributed anything on the football side of things.

July 18, 2010 9:57 am

I don’t understand how people can say that Roseman has ‘absolutely no football experience’ – sure he’s not a former player and nobody is suggesting he draw up plays or direct players in camp or practice – but HE’S BEEN WORKING WITH THE TOP EXECS ON A – here’s the kicker – NFL FOOTBALL TEAM for a bunch of years. How is working for an NFL team for a bunch of years not football experience? He’s seemingly a smart guy – sure he was mostly involved with money/transaction stuff, but to act like he wasn’t aying attention or wasn’t around when football was being discussed is pretty crazy. If he turns out to be a bad GM, well we’ll see and certainly it will be discussed. But he has football experience.

July 18, 2010 9:57 am

I mean, does G have ‘absolutely no media experience’ because he was a former player? I’d say hell no, he’s been a media guy for a while now.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 18, 2010 10:16 am

Joe Baner,without a doubt has the final say so on what happens with the Eagles Organization..
Though he’s not techinically a football guy as far as talent, He and Lurie decided 2 years ago to rein in AR’s total authority I believe, due to AR’s family situation and probably looking back at it, was a smart move to make since AR had too much on his plate overseeing the entire Football Operations/Scouting/Drafting,Free-Agency/and then trying to assemble and maintain a Coaching Staff and then actually be a Head Coach.. It’s too much for 1 person and very few have really been all that succesful at it over a long period of time…(Belicheck/Walsh are about the only ones that come to mind anf they stil lhad a lot of help from quality assistants)
I think AR has a lot of influence on the roster,free-agency,contracts,drafts,etc,etc, but not the nuts & bolts of it like he used to and not the final say so on re-taining players..
The biggest example is the departure of B Dawkins who AR just loved and would have done anything I feel to keep him an Eagle, but the decision was made by Banner and Co that there was a MAximum they were going to pay him and the Bronco’s deal was just too much for Eagles to retain him, same with D McNabb, B Westbrook,S Brown and others who have since be traded,released.
You can say many things about AR but Loyalty and Sticking with players is one of the thgins he is known for around the league and in many cases, probably stayed with certain players a year or 2 too long.. Banner and Roseman are more pragmatci and bottom line money guys, if they see production in players begin to slip with their contracts continue to increase, those players will not be in Philadelphia very long (I fully older players who are getting older to be watched very carefully this year and need to have productive seasons if they are going to remain Eagles after 2010…(A Samuel, Q Mickell and M Patterson all come to mind) It’s the nature of the business these days and effective organizations are continually re-tooling their rosters with younger,cheaper players who you hope can improve and play at a high level when replacing older,more expensive players. The Teams that do this the best and keep their Core star players who are in their primes happy and Productive will continue to stay at the top of the Standings year afert year.. The Teams that down’t will get old, have salary cap issues and little flexibility in improving their rosters ..

July 18, 2010 10:12 pm

Good one, Schiller

July 18, 2010 10:50 pm

Good Article

July 19, 2010 5:35 pm

this thing will implode this year then who will care which one have the most power?

sign desean Jackson and pay him what he’s worth or trade him to a division rival.