• March 4, 2025

Mornhinweg on Vick: “I think he’s back”

We all watched last season as QB Michael Vick was merely a shell of himself. He didn’t have the same zip and electricity that we saw in Atlanta for all those years. But with another year of conditioning under his belt and a full offseason, Eagles offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg thinks Vick has returned to form.

“I think he’s back,” Mornhinweg told David Teel of the Daily Press during a football camp in James City County.

“In our mini camps, you could see that great, great athleticism,” Mornhinweg continued. “I would expect great things from Michael Vick this year.”

I’ve heard similar things about Vick this offseason. People who watched the practices said that he looks like he has that bounce back in his step that was missing last year. Who knows? Maybe they can figure out a way to actually make him contribute this year instead of putting him in third-and-1 situations and pretending that he’s some kind of short-yardage back.

G. Cobb – I’m down in Williamsburg, Virginia for the Top Gun football camp, which is a camp that brings in the top 50 high school All-Americans in the nation and former NFL players like myself work with them to develop their skills.¬† One of those young players down here is Skylar Mornhinweg, son of Eagles offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg and young quarterback from the Philly area.¬† I talked to Marty last night and he’s excited about getting started next week.

It’s ironic that the camp isn’t far from Virginia Beach, Virginia which is where Vick had the birthday party about a month ago.

Micah Warren

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July 22, 2010 12:15 pm

Who knows? Maybe they can figure out a way to actually make him contribute this year instead of putting him in third-and-1 situations and pretending that he’s some kind of short-yardage back.

yea micah if mike vick is mike vick he will start
let kolb run gadget plays lol

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 22, 2010 1:32 pm

PW went to watch the “Big Fan” again for a little inspiration..
There is no way the M VIck can run this offense effectively on a full time basis,
His inability of read coverages quickly and correctly would limit his effectivenss in this offense where it’s It’s a timimg,rhtym offense where relies of readings coverages,throwing accurately and to the right receiver… None of these are traits that Vick has shown consistently even when he was a starter for th Falcons who toned down their offense system just for him and he still struggled with it at times…
Maybe with better work habits,a clearer head and better coaching,he’s able to improve in these areas… but like people from Missouri say.. “you have to show me first”

July 22, 2010 5:43 pm

They will utilize Vick in some packages just to mess with opposing defenses. Even though Vick will never be a great QB he does pose a threat if he is all the way back physically. He’s certainly getting paid enough that you almost have to get him on the field in some capacity for that reason alone. 😉 Think of him as the best throwing 3rd RB in the league.

July 22, 2010 7:48 pm

How many games do we give Kolb if he’s stinking up the joint early? if we lose 3 of the first 5 games Kolb should be yanked in favor of Vick and without a center, he may not make it to game 3. Can you imagine the cowboys D line against our O’line? We need mobility…We need Michael V

What number are you guys thinking?

July 22, 2010 8:32 pm

Despite quite a few people’s complaints about M Vick as a QB, he did show up in a couple of Pro-Bowls and an NFC Championship, as well as quite a few wins…having awful offenses save a couple of bright spots no less. To not open summer camp to that competition in an open and public fashion immediately after the trade of McNabb was just dumb.

If Kolb outperforms Vick in summer camp than all is well. However, if Vick outperforms Kolb in the summer camps all Hell’s gonna break loose. In an open competition environment without the specter of a felony conviction, where there was no defacto starter, Vick would win the job fair and square if he had the better camp.

Now as it stands even if Vick is more effective than Kolb in summer camp, because the Eagles announced Kolb as the starter Kolb would start until he makes a mistake and then they MIGHT yank the carpet from under him which will seem sheisty to some people. The second issue is if Vick performs better in summer camp, when Kolb remains the starter all the players and coaches will know that the best QB is not on the field starting and you know what that does to a locker room. The fact that Mornhinweg said Vick is back #1 overall draft pick status doesn’t really help either. Football analysts are going to have a field day with this.

July 23, 2010 4:56 am

i just think regardless vick’s resume has earned him the right to an open competition
equally i dont think kolb has earned anything and is just being handed a starting job
i think management is scared vick outperforms him in an open competition thats y they wont do it
but i will tell u 1 thing with guys like djax maclin shady mccoy these guys all looked up to mike vick and if kolb isnt on point the first 3 or 4 games not only will the fans start but so will the lockeroom
people can make all the x and o comments they want about vick but truth is he went to the nfc chip gm with peerless price and dez white starting at wr
his best wr ever was jenkins
people wanna say he cant run an o like this i think the opposite its better for him way harder for the d to cover
1 min he’s in a 3step drop with a 5 yard slant to djax
the next min we r running andy favorite d5 play where its quick play action roll the pocket i’d love to see #7 running that
i just think vick can mix it up
but if kolb is better i honestly think he should start but make him earn his spot he’s done nothing andy just put him here
vick aint doug pederson and kolb aint the #2 pick in the draft and this isnt a 2-14 team
make some1 earn it

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 23, 2010 5:32 am

To Songs,
Kolb will have all 16 games.. (unless injury) The Eagles have committed to Kolb to be the QB by trading McNabb and by giving him a big Pay raise this year.. They are not going to yank him after a couple of games if he plays poorly or if the team pays poorly.. 2010 is a re-tooling/re-building year no matter what anyone tells you.. Anyone following the Eagles closely should have seen this this coming and especially with an unsettled CBA and a probable strike season in 2011..
The wheels were in motion last off-season when they decided not to extend McNabb’s deal (even though they gave him a raise, but that was just a niice way of thanking him for his years of service)
Then with this offseason and the purging of veteran players who were making bigger $$$ and not being very productive for various reasons, Westbrook,Curtis,R Brown,S Andrews, D Howard,S Brown,W Witherspoon,C Gocong, and then finally trading McNabb..
The Eagles organization has postion itself very well for the future will all the young talent it has on the offensive side of the ball already and with concentrating this years Draft picks and off-season acquisitions on the Defensive side of the ball in Tapp/Sims/Graham/Allen/Teo..
They now have one of the youngest rosters in the NFL and should compete very well for the next
3-5 years even though 2010 will probably be a struggle, but I believe that this plan has been in motion for about 2 years now.
After this season, I expect more purging of high salaried players unless they step up and make a real impact this year.. but players like Stacey Andrews, T Laws, V Abriami, Q Mickell, H Baskett will all be watched very closely and on the hot seat and I would not be surprised if Laws and Baskett don’t even make the 52 Player Roster for this year….(Abriami probably ends up on the PUP list with maybe a medical sttlement reached with him and then released)
Vick’s future is very clear to me and I doubt very much that he will ever see the NFL after the 2010 Season. With a probable Strike in 2011, no team will sign him next off-season,then after not playing another year,he will be done and just out of playing football for too long to make an impact…his best bet is to play for the UFL where he can play and make a little $$$$.
If players thought it was bad to be a free-agent this year, just wait to the off-season next year…
There is going to be almost no market for player movement who are looking for big $$$ out there with a strike/lockout hanging over the league…(meanwhile the Eagles are loaded with a roster of players
from 22-27 years of age, who for the most part, are not making big $$$ and have NFL experience)

July 23, 2010 6:01 am

kolb has a 1yr deal lol very committed we are lol

July 23, 2010 6:35 am

PW – pay attention – the lack of CBA prevented further extension – he had one year left and they added another year – had they added more years they couldn’t have increased the salary so it would have been up front money – easier to just add a year and pay the money – after the new CBA they will do the long term extension (same as with 10). As for open competition – what was last year? Wasn’t last year an entire year of competition? Didn’t the coaches look at and evaluate every single day at camp and practice – don’t they have game film from last year? Practice film from last year? Do you really think management is ‘scared’ really? Seriously? Gee… I really don’t want this guy to outperform… try to limit his ability to be even better… Mike – when we put you in on wildcat on a 3rd and 5 – just get 6 yards – we don’t want Kevin to feel bad about himself.
Do you make this stuff up in your head – or does it sound good in your own brain then it comes out all messed up when you read it (make someone earn it? What does that mean – (is Kolb somehow not ‘earning it’)?

July 23, 2010 7:05 am

no i state facts he is signed for 1 yr
u adjust facts make up stuff in ur head or what have u because of the cba blah blah blah
how tf do u know r u jeff lurie r u andy maybe andy is happy with a 1 yr deal how tf do u know u dont pure speculation
secondly we just saw a post saying vick is back umm would that not mean that last yr maybe he wasnt all the way back so last yr wouldnt be a fair evaluation
yes management is scared to say open competition because then u may have 2 start vick and admit that ur prized pupil aint good enough
3rd if kolb is great and vick is just this wildcat qb then open competition cant hurt can it because this great kolb will emerge easily right?
so whats the problem ?
if he cant take competiton pressure
how the hell he gonna take osi justin tuck kiwi pressure lmao
he aint sacred yet so stop treating him like he is
open up camp with competition

July 23, 2010 7:29 am

The problem with ‘it should be open competition’ is that that is from a fan’s perspective, understandable coming from a fan’s (mouth) keyboard. But the fans aren’t the ones who said Kolb is the starter. The coaches are. The coaches aren’t starting from scracth in training camp with – let’s see how good Kolb and Vick are, lets see how they know the playbook, read saftey’s, handle the pocket, make throws…etc… – THEY HAVE BEEN ON THE TEAM FOR YEARS AND THE COACHES KNOW HOW THEY FEEL. The open competition has already occured you nut jobs. Kolb won it. Marty said Vick returned to his level prior the whole dog thing – he didn’t say ‘he’s back to being a better QB than we feel Kolb will be’. They have their decision because they believed they’ve done their due dilagence and they’re using their knowledge/conclusions from being on the field in practice, in the film rooms, in the classrooms and in meetings with both QBs. That’s not what us fans are informed with – it’s a totally different thing. So if you’re a coach/FO, do you say, let’s go with what we’ve learned and observed and know, or should we do what the fans want knowing what the fans know? Do you see how ridiculous that makes your opinion sound? This is not a democracy, it’s not a fan runned team, but some of you – PW and Songs – just plain don’t get that. Why?

July 23, 2010 7:48 am

ur such a hypocrit
r u not a fan
“That‚Äôs not what us fans are informed with”
so in ur own words how tf do u know anything
o i forgot schill ur like qb coach or something
u know the stuff we dont u got the inside scoop
well since ur qb coach and know everything and since most eagle fans dont agree with andy reid
y dont u get that we are disagreeing with another andy reid decision like when we didnt have a punt returner and we said countless times be4 the debacle that we need a punt returner
ur great andy that u look up too didnt think so which cost 1 gm and we were 1 gm out of playoff hunt
there are countless miscues by andy to many to type
1 with ur boy included bringing a cold 2ndyr qb off bench against best d in league on the 1 yard line on 1st and goal throwing a pass over the middle
this is the guy u trust
he loves kolb so kolb is great
save that for some1 who dont know sports

July 23, 2010 1:39 pm

Ha. I never said I like Kolb or think he’s going to be great. You’re making that up. I’m not saying I know more than other fans or as much as the team. I AM saying that the team knows more than the fans because they interact directly with both Kolb and Vick WAY MORE and actually talk, teach, watch and do football stuff with them – the fans don’t. I don’t claim to have any inside scoop – it’s quite the opposite.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
July 24, 2010 5:47 am

Kevin Kolb will be our Joe Montana.