• March 5, 2025

Notes And Videos From Tuesday’s Eagles Practices

You might have been impressed by the texting by Donovan McNabb to Kevin Kolb but I didn’t think it was a big deal and don’t think it needed to be public.¬† It was a nice gesture but I don’t need to know about every time, McNabb and Kevin Kolb text each other.

I think it does give people a glimpse into what kind of a person McNabb is.¬† He’s a good guy and I think you can see that by the way his teammates supported him over the years.¬† The same is true of Kolb.¬†¬† The two quarterbacks are friends and whatever communication they have between each other isn’t a big deal to me.

It seems that every pass which hits rookie wide receiver Riley Cooper’s hands is caught.¬† He’s the biggest wide receiver who has played for the Eagles since Harold Carmichael and he runs better than you think.

I found out yesterday that Cooper is an avid fisherman and hunter, so you can expect to hear about Kolb and Cooper on some hunting and fishing trips in the future.

Michael Vick is comfortable talking about being one of the few players on the team who are thirty or over.¬† ‚ÄúYou‚Äôve got to take initiative, said Vick. “I‚Äôve been leading teams since I was 25 years old, and I know how to lead and what it takes. It‚Äôs important for the younger guys to step up and attain that role, because it‚Äôs going to be required at certain positions. I just try to instill that in everybody, let everybody see, not only myself, but [QB] Kevin [Kolb], by leading by example and trying to take this team where it needs to go.‚Äù

The Eagles don’t have enough players at camp right now to get intense.¬† They get most of their work in during the morning workouts.¬† In the afternoon, the coaches do a lot of teaching and the practice consists of more individual instruction.

Todd Herremans and Jamaal Jackson worked out on a nearby field during the afternoon practice yesterday.¬† Herremans looks like he’s ready to go, while Jackson isn’t nearly as far along in his rehab from the knee surgery.

The recovery of Jackson will be one of the keys to the season.¬† They need him making the calls in the middle of the offensive line, so that everybody’s on the same page when the ball is snapped.¬† Nick Cole struggled in making those calls during the Birds two losses to the Cowboys at the end of last season.

Rookie cornerback Trevard Lindley is getting more familiar with the coverages.¬† He’s used to playing man-to-man coverages but has to become comfortable with the zone packages.¬† They need this young man to make a run for playing time.

Teams like the Cowboys who have quite a few big physical receivers will give the Eagles trouble as long as all of their cornerbacks are small.  Lindley has some size and the Eagles secondary would be improved if this young man can find a way to get on the field.


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July 28, 2010 6:03 am

Sorry gents, but I got to vent a bit. I gotta give a big EFF YOU SIR to Sal Palentonio (I don’t care if I spelled his name wrong). Yesterday on the Phanatic radio show he normally does a spot w/ Mike Missanelli (sic, sorry for that one) and he comes on the show talking about how lackluster (he actually used the word lackluster) Kolb looked in practice, his body language told him (Gal Pal) that he wasn’t showing leadership in the huddle, he wasn’t showing any excitement or being vocl on the field directing players where to be and such. He went on a bit but it just basically proves he’s another Kolb DOUBTER, and to G..he was putting your name in his mouth during his spot as well saying he talked to you on the sidelines at camp and you basically agreed with him (I don’t believe that). Sooo all the camp video on Eagles.com (yes I go there sometimes) of him throwing well touched, accurate, catchable balls to receivers, in 7 on 7 drills going 5 for 5 and tossing TD’s to multiple WR’s is lackluster, his pre and post camp interviews where he showes he’s so excited to be here and greatful for his oppertunity to be the starter I guess shows his poor body language and non leadership, every team mate asked about how Kolb is adjusting has nothing but good to great things to say about his leadership skills and passion for the game. Sal Pal, for a man of the media who claims to be an Eagles fan at heart, your pessamistic attitude and non-fan ranting is revolting and if your going to report from camp next time come with some better stuff than “well, at least he didn’t throw a pick” Eff YOU SIR!

July 28, 2010 6:04 am

Sorry guys, got a little PaulMan with the long post there…

July 28, 2010 6:46 am

Well – WELL DONE! I didn’t pick up the specifics you mentioned in real time, but I’ve been sensing the same from Sal Pal for a long time now. He is just a self serving prick – living off his ego from the past. My latest issue was when Reid gave his first presser, there were some Vick questions in the beginning which Reid was ready for and obliged. The conversation went on to more on the field stuff and what not, and Reid was in his element – actually answering questions candidly and without any sign of or reason for sarcasm/attitude/being annoyed. Then, two minutes after the vick stuff was put to rest – Sal launched a divisive dumb question – asking ‘what exactly did you say on the phone to Vick that night?”. It irked me because WHO GIVES A CRAP. It’s over – Vick isn’t going to get punnished, fans don’t want to discuss it anymore and the only people that still care at all about the birthday party thing are the media. Sal Pal is ONLY – ONLY concerned with contraversy/TMZ crap and not about football. The only football content he ever comments on is the kind WELL WELL pointed out above – BS subjective negativity with nothing to support it. Some will say I’m sticking up for Reid here – and yeah, it’s evident that Sal pisses of Reid at least as much as he does me… but I think it’s fairly clear that Sal is a schmuk.

July 28, 2010 6:52 am

Don’t worrying about Sal Pal. He’s never right about anything and he always has something bad to say about the team. Personally, I don’t about what other perceive leadership to be. If his teammates believe in him, that’s all that matters. I felt the same for McNabb and I feel the same for Kolb. I care about how he plays and not how vocal he is. This is his first camp as the starter, give the guy a chance to come into his own. And the whole team isn’t even there yet. The workouts are light and ot serious. Let’s see what happens come this weekend when everyone is here.

July 28, 2010 7:01 am

It just pisses me off that someone like Sal Pal, who is supposed to be a legit media personality for PHILLY sports, would be so openly condesending and obviously wrong. And, as a Philly fan, it just tugs at the heartstrings a bit to hear this ass clown rant on a team, and it’s the first day of TC with the rooks. We as fans and other legit media outlets are already tough on our sports teams, the Eagles I think most of all, we don’t need this biased talking head sowing the seeds of discord among the fanbase with his “observations”. Wonder who will get the Eff You Sir award next week….

July 28, 2010 7:34 am

I support Sal P…. there’s enough spuds to go around and we need an objective voice to give perspective outside of the company lines. There’s reporters who have seen how Mcnabb handled the team and see a contrast when looking at his successor. The reality is the team belongs to Desean Jackson now and he’ll bring that leadership once the organization pay him his worth. Kolb have not proven anything and should not be looked to as a leader until he proves he can actually play.

July 28, 2010 7:41 am

Songs, you crack me up – you support Sal because he’s a contrast to Dave Spadaro. By saying that you’re basically saying ‘I like there being a ‘extreeme negative guy’ to counter the ‘overplayed extreme positive guy”. And then you call him objective. That’s BS. (for the record I’m just as sick of Spuds as any of you despite what you may think)

July 28, 2010 7:48 am

Songs, why am I not surprised you’re one of the Gal Pals… So when SP says that Kolbs play was “lackluster” however there is actual VIDEO evidence to prove the exact opposite, you would still side with Sal because DeSean has been playing longer than Kolb? If I’m not mistaken, Kolb was picked the year before DJax right??? Might not have seen the field as much, but is just as ingrained in the Offense. So by your logic, David Akers is the overall leader of this team because he’s been here the longest. I think I found another winner…

July 28, 2010 7:50 am

Oh, and not once did I mention anything about Spuds, I went to the site because they had TC video of the practices as well as player interviews. I like that stuff. I don’t put too much salt on what Spuds has to say because he is a company man afterall.

July 28, 2010 8:21 am

hahahahahahahahahhaha well well well all the video of him throwing well touched, accurate, catchable balls to receivers, in 7 on 7 drills going 5 for 5 and tossing TD’s
all man yall wanna love this guy so much lmao
thnax sal pal

July 28, 2010 8:39 am

eagles.com will not put clips of incompletions and a frustrated Kolb. Thats the last place to go to get the truth….I’ll stick with Sal and G Cobb…they were there.

July 28, 2010 8:41 am

Ha, Gcobb uses eagles.com videos half the time Songs.

July 28, 2010 11:36 am

Songs, so G was at the practice and everything G said totally contradicts what Sal Pal said so you stick with both? You’re just a hater with your own twisted agenda.

July 28, 2010 1:22 pm

I don’t care what overly positive and negative people say. I’ll judge for myself when the time comes.

July 28, 2010 2:20 pm

SalPal is a f***ing joke. Everyone from Philly knows it. They love him at ESPN because he spews negative stereotypes about Philly, which is what ESPN’s national audience wants.