• March 6, 2025

DeSean Jackson Does A Nike Commercial With NFL & NBA Stars

DeSean Jackson has a Nike commercial coming out which also includes the Giant’s defensive end  Justin Tuck, Knick’s forward Amar’e Stoudemire, Celtic’s guard Rajon Rondo and USA Olympic sprinter Sanya Richards.

Jackson has a line in the commercial where he says to the students, “who’s been eating hummus”.

This is going to be an interesting year for DeSean Jackson and the Eagles.  Here Jackson here doing a commerical with Stoudemire who just signed a $100 million contract but Jackson isn’t even making a million this year.  In Superstar circles he’s making peanuts.  He’s probably the lowest paid national Superstar in in the nation.


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August 12, 2010 3:30 pm

Stop making mountains out of molehills. This guy will get paid. It’s just the dynamic of the contract he signed. So we have to mention he made a comercial, he probably didn’t do that for free. And is it necessary that we say how much Stoudemire makes in a different sport? It’s only a problem because stuff like this keeps getting written. I’m sure the Eagles and his agent are working on something. We don’t know because it’s none of our business and I’m sure the state of the league has something to do with it.

August 12, 2010 3:35 pm

Oh no, the man is so poor, he’s on a Nike commercial. Let’s all round up our laundry change and pool it together for him. Beyond making below the national minimum wage, this man is being forced to slave for a television commercial – we all know that celebrities don’t get paid for commercials. Or is it just that he’s cuaght up in a rare CBA thing, under contract for a few years, still doing quite fine for himself, and the only problem is that the media thinks that not coddleing star athletes with superfluous wealth – for a while until he actually gets it – is a crtical injustice. The commercial is just one example of how he IS doing quite fine, IS getting money, plenty to live on until he gets an extension or free agency deal, and meanwhile the media is whining about it ‘not being fair’. LIFE isn’t fair – duh. Get one and let’s enjoy the football season without worry about how much this guy gets paid. Huh?

August 12, 2010 4:25 pm

Yes he is getting paid peanuts to national star athletes but evening mentioning that his salary is less than a NBA superstar is definitely a bad comparison. NBA contracts are so inflated, its sickening. They are all over paid. Kyle Korver is making 5 million this year. Seriously?

August 12, 2010 4:36 pm

How many kids 3 years out of college are making what he is?

August 12, 2010 4:40 pm

I think DeSean made a HUGE mistake by not holding out…honestly. With the number of high probability of contact routes he’s going to have to run because of the offensive changes not only does he jeopardize his career earning ability, but he also jeopardizes his long term health in a more serious way.

August 12, 2010 4:40 pm

He will get a monster contract. It’s not like he hasn’t already made several million before 25 years old. I hope these early “poverty” years teach him to spend less than and budget his expenses. A little less in his early years may teach him money management and prevent him going bankrupt before 40 years old. It’s staggering how many athletes that have career earning over $20 million have gone or will be broke after a few years out of the league.

August 12, 2010 4:42 pm

“How many kids 3 years out of college are making what he is?”

How many kids 3 years out of college get run down by the biggest, fastest and most violent thinking athletes alive?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 12, 2010 5:21 pm

On D-Jax holding out..
I think most players and their agents realize the current economy and market for holding out is not going to help themselves or their clients, add in the unknown and a potential strike for 2011, and what player can take a chance of holding out this year, then a possible strke in 2011 and then you are out of sight,out of mind and not played a NFL game in 2 years which will jepordize your career…
Owners on the other hand are very unlikely to give out large bonus’s & guaranteed $$$ when there is a potential strike looming for 2011…

August 12, 2010 5:50 pm

Butch – nice comeback – but that’s irrelevant. NFL players get paid astronomically because of the market – and essentially all the money the NFL makes. Society doesn’t dole out salaries based on the merits/dangers of your profession, the market sets it. If it went your way, just staying in football, then the players who start at WR, but are much worse than DJax (we know there’s a bunch), shouold get paid as high as Larry Fitz and Andre Johnson, cause they get chased by the ‘biggest, fastest and most violent thinking athletes alive’ too.

August 12, 2010 8:02 pm

Schiller…great way to sound like a wanna be owner, but still no cigar. The guy that’s taking the physical abuse deserves a significant portion of the pie, that just common sense whether it’s a $100 dollars or $1B dollars.

anderson silva
anderson silva
August 12, 2010 8:42 pm

The guy taking the risk/abuse rarely gets the biggest slice of the pie, because he is just an employee. If DJax wants to make the really big money, he should save up and buy an NFL franchise. Until that occurs, he’s just another guy getting a check. By your reasoning, a Marine private should make $250,000 a year (and I would be okay with that), but we all know it does not work like that. What do you care what he makes anyway? He is not going to give any to you. As long as he makes plays, it is not my concern what he paycheck looks like.

August 12, 2010 9:06 pm

I tend to look at things relative to fairness just in general. It’s the same sentiment I have when a I see a blatant holding or other call that costs the team a critical first down or worse a TD. I honestly wish more people would do the same we’d all be a little better off. Obviously this isn’t a perfect world though and to expect ultimate fairness would be naive, but there again I didn’t say the most abused should get the “biggest piece of the pie” I only said the should get a significant portion which are two completely different things.

At this point Jackson is by far the biggest name on the Eagles team. His play keeps people in the stands in Philly and draws fans on a global scale that no one else in midnight green can at this point, yet he gets an insignificant portion of what he’s generating for the team. That’s called getting robbed without a gun and I just don’t see him putting in a 110% after getting robbed without a gun.

August 12, 2010 9:44 pm

I agree Butch, Djax is getting “robbed without a gun” by these CHEAP BASTARDS and it’s sickening to watch. They should throw some kind of bonus at him to carry him over for this year at least. It surprises me that most of the fans on here don’t agree with this concerning our star playmaker. Shameful and senseless.

anderson silva
anderson silva
August 12, 2010 9:50 pm

Excellent answer. The problem is the system in which he functions. Players other than first round draft picks tend to make the best money in their second contract. He has to sustain his high level of play until that time in order to recieve the big FA money. You cannot pay him for what he has already done, you can only pay based on his potential to help the team in the future. If his numbers do indeed go down based on the QB change, then he would not be worth the money that the Eagles would have paid him in renegotiating his deal. It is a risk vs. reward situation. Do like Asante did and wait until you hit unrestricted free agancy and cash a check. Or, take slightly less money, but guaranteed money, then try to whine your way out of town few years later. It is not ultimately fair, but it is the situation in which he finds himself.

August 12, 2010 10:16 pm

I think you guys have been eat’in humus.

anderson silva
anderson silva
August 12, 2010 10:47 pm

It is just that people seem to believe that the Eagles are the only team that has issues with players over money. It happens to every team in the league, look at the mess in San Diego, T Brady cannot get a deal done, neither has Peyton Manning. How would you like to be the Jets GM dealing with the Revis fiasco? Nobody is willing to commit to extended deals at this point, due to the impending lockout. The teams do not want to spend mega-bucks and get stuck in cap trouble when the new CBA gets done. The agents do not want to tie clients into deals that may be obsolete in a year. Do you really believe that Drew Rosenhaus would not be complaining like a little girl if the Eagles were not at least talking to him about a way to get Djax some more money? The Eagles get bashed for being cheap, when they have in fact frequently paid big sums to valuable players. The “financial apology” to the old QB. Jevon Kearse. Jon Runyan as a FA. Asante Samuel. They gave Celek more money just this off season. Lito wanted more money, he went to the NYJ, got the same amount and lost his job. He has since gone to Minnesota and dropped down the depth chart on a one year deal. Sheldon got a lil up front bump in Cleveland, but will never see the back end money on his new deal. Jackson is hardly being robbed, and will get taken care of in due time. And the truth is if Djax blows his knee tomorrow night, the stands at LFField will be full all year, he is a good player, but the league would go on without him. In a normal year with a salary cap, to give him more means taking it away from somebody else, and you need a full team, all the money cannot go to one guy.

Yo Mo
Yo Mo
August 12, 2010 10:47 pm

The Eagles will manhandle Desean like they have done to past valuable athletes. In the long run, Desean will end up leaving the Eagles. But serve him right for his BIG MOUTH (i.e., calling out Morningway publicly about being forced to play after concussion). He talks too much (i.e., comments about McNabb). He hasn’t learned the valuable technique of “Shut up and play”. Eagles secretly are trying to find a way to get rid of Desean and get value for him, but without offending the fan base. He is not as valuable in the short pass scheme of the Eagles with Kolb (ironic that he bad mouthed the very quarterback who made his straight line sprinting skills so valuable (McNabb). Stay tuned!! (p.s., maybe Dallas will take him… oh no, I did not say that!!!!). lolol.

August 13, 2010 4:51 am

You make great points Silva and I understand everything you’re talking about, It’s just sickening to have a star playmaker not get what he deserves – thats all.

August 13, 2010 8:44 am

say what you want about Desean and not being valuable in the short passing game. look at his stats when playing with Kolb. 10 grabs for 250 yds in 2 games. i think thats why desean wanted kolb and not mcnabb. allows him to use his speed for passing plays that arent all 9 routes. he will get his money bc he is so valuable to us. But he signed a contract and must live up to his word, or atleast thats how i feel. dont sign the contract if you think you’re worth more than it.

August 13, 2010 9:45 am

KTDawk and the bulk of those yards came on a blown coverage where he was wide open against the Saints and the other, bad tackling by the Chiefs. Jackson would prefer to catch 50 yard bombs and score 2 TDs than catching a bunch of short passes and getting nailed by LBs and safeties. People over react so much to 2 games. I don’t think anyone believe Jackson won’t be productive but his skills and his body bests suits a down-the-field passing games that will allow him to use his speed to outrun people and more importantly not be in harms way after catching passes.

I think he will still be productive but we will see him take a lot more shots and just getting tackled more. It will be be more catches and more getting hit. Of course he will have those times where he does get a couple deep balls but for the most part he should catch more passes less than 15 yards but we will need to see how that translates into TDs. Time will tell. Maclin is a much better fit for a short passing game. His size and speed make him ideal. I can see him shrugging off a couple DBs on a 5 yard curl and taking it 40 yards.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 13, 2010 10:36 am

I think D-Jax gets traded in the off-season to the Oakland Raiders and back close to his hometown.
Al Davis loves his speed, will pay him big $$, will utilize him in the deep routes offense that they like to run.. Eagles get a couple of high draft picks in return and in the end, everyone will be happy.
I really believe that D-Jax would prefer to be play out on the West Coast instead of Philadelphia

August 13, 2010 11:11 am

Scorp – He perfers not to catch the ball a lot and not to get hit? Then he should have picked a different sport! How do you know Jackson’s opinions/preferences? I think the guy believes he’s every bit the reciever as _____ (insert any name) – not just a ‘run behind them and catch a bomb’ guy. He likes Kolb because he’s more accurate and consistent than McNabb was (or maybe for some other reason, I don’t know). And if you think 2 games are too little to find out about what guys will do over a season (I do too), then how does Kolbs resume suggest he doesn’t throw the long ball well? The reports from training camp are that he can do it. There are many teams that have a good vertical passing game w/o a huge armed scrambler, so don’t think that Desean will have a hard time in this offense at all – maybe, but like you said, we don’t know enough yet.

August 13, 2010 11:13 am

Paulman, I think he doesn’t get traded because the incentive for the Eagles to do so is… uh…. NOTHING. Great player, under contract. Young. – why in hell would they trade Desean Jackson away? If Jackson wants to wait for free agency and then chooses the west coast, ok, but why would the Eagles make that move? There’s simply no reason.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 13, 2010 12:30 pm

After this season Schiller, His value will probably never be higher, add in the big $$$ it will take to re-sign or extend his deal may be more that Eagles are willing to pay since the WR Postion is an area of strength for the team right now. Add in the shorter,quicker routes that will most likley will be Kolb’s mode of operandi for the enxt few seasons and you can see where D-Jax’s #’s and productions will likely go down in all catergories making him an unhappy camper…
I am not saying that this is what I would do, but I have to believe the Eagles FO will look at all options after this season on how they can improve the club and I still have a hard time believing they would commit $30 million+ or whatever the huge amount will be to keep D-Jax an Eagle for life..

August 13, 2010 12:36 pm

I think the Eagles see the value of Desean Jackson as being on the football field. I don’t think they view the Kolb offense as any more restrictive/bad fitting for Jackson. But hey, I should know better than getting caught up in your predictioins paulman.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 13, 2010 12:52 pm

C’mon Schill,
I have predicted a lot of things that came true…
Time will tell on D-Jax’s situation and I will enjoy watching him play and hope he plays his entire Career in an Eagle uniform..

August 13, 2010 12:54 pm

Paulman, you have predicted a shit ton of things. A whopping shit ton. And some of them come true. Less than half, and that’s below chance. You’re seriously like the boy who cired wolf.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 13, 2010 1:28 pm

Paulman predicts Schiller will not lose his virginity this weekend..

August 13, 2010 1:47 pm

see you keep going with the easy ones to stack up your stats…. silly paulman. Schiller predicts Pualman will eat something this weekend. – See, anyone can do it.

August 13, 2010 2:13 pm

who cares what these dudes make when u want a raise at ur job i doubt djax has ur back
in fact im quite sure he could give 2 shts

August 13, 2010 2:14 pm

chicks only care what dudes make

August 13, 2010 2:23 pm

Schiller will have at least one alcoholic beverage this weekend and Andy Reid will eat more that three squares a day.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
August 13, 2010 3:05 pm

Apparently Songs and PW care what D-Jax makes too since they been harping on it all summer…