• March 8, 2025

Reid Is Sticking To The Formula That Has Won For Him

Andy Reid is consistent.  He has a formula for the Eagles football team and he’s sticking to it.  Normally after the final preseason game, Reid gives the team some time off, he’s staying with that formula.

This year after tonight’s final preseason game against the New York Jets, the Eagles will be off on Friday and Saturday then they’ll come in for a short workout on Sunday.   Chances are they won’t be in pads for the  Sunday workout.  They’ll be putting in the plays and defenses, they expect to run versus Green Bay.

After the brief workout, they’ll be off again on Monday and Tuesday.   On Wednesday, they’ll come in and get ready to start the season.

If I were in Reid’s position I wouldn’t want to give the first team offense all that time off after the way they played against the Kansas City Chiefs.   Timing is essential with an offense and especially a west coast offense and they surely didn’t have their timing at the workout I saw on Sunday.

I’m also wondering about their confidence.  I haven’t seen the confidence of the offense increasing, I’ve seen it decreasing. They haven’t put together one long  drive that has resulted in a touchdown.  This group will need to put some points on the board if they’re going to have any chance of beating the Packers.

I could be wrong, but it’s sobering to realize that the Birds number one offense will play the Green Bay Packers after having only three serious practices in the last couple of weeks.  And that’s after the debacle in Kansas City.

Reid has been outstanding at getting his teams ready to play over the years despite making a habit of getting off to slow starts.  He’s taken this team to the playoffs year after year but I don’t think I would treat this team like the more experienced squads he’s had in the past.


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September 2, 2010 9:11 am

Want to you mean by a system that has WON? Last time checked we have no rings and for 12 years we have the same problems with this team. He doesn’t change what he does is the reason why the same problems every year with different players.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
September 2, 2010 9:25 am

Perfect article for idiots to post garbage about the Eagles best coach..ever. Do any of you hater’s realize how incredibly difficult it is to win games on a weekly basis in the NFL? Every week we tune in to watch because we know our Iggles have a chance to win. Is Reid perfect?..Hell no! But no one has won more games in the last decade..period..You just cant blow that off cause you dont like the guy.

September 2, 2010 9:45 am

Gotta stick to established routines G. The coaches, training staff and veteran players are all part of this unit as well. Just like a pitcher in baseball….stick to the rotation. a bad game where a pitcher gives up 5 runs in the first and gets yanked in the second doesn’t land him back on the mound 2 days later. There’s something to be said for routines.

September 2, 2010 9:45 am

jimmy mac, couldnt have said it better, each year we have root for a team that always has a shot to win. we are never the bengals or lions or the chiefs, during the AR era we have never been in the pits of the division like the boys, gmen, and skins have. When healthy we have been the best team in the division over that span. I am going to keep rooting bc i am a true fan, no matter what, and we will get our bit of luck one of these days, and thats what it takes these days. every team needs a little luck on their side for that trophy.

keep 5
keep 5
September 2, 2010 9:49 am

Without a doubt this is going to be the toughest year for Andy to coach. Not taking any success away from him but he’s had a pro bowl quarterback to help him through 11 years. With no McNabb this season is his true test. Will he pass? Or will his flaws get exposed?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 2, 2010 9:54 am

My Biggest complaints about AR are the following, the tinhg that’s most disappointing is that these are the same issues that have been around since he’s been coaching where there’s been no improvement
#1) His his lack of “Game-day” adjustments , anticipating and changinf on the fly is part of today’s NFL as a Coach, you can have th ebest schemes,game plans, but most times you have to adjust to what the other team is doing or not doing..
#2) The teams continual poor Time Management – No explanation needed
#3) Poor use of Time-Outs and Challenge Calls – No exlplantation needed
#4) His continued lack of commitment on having a real Running game or at least a threat of one.

I admit AR is a good talent evaluator, good at game planning and preparation and obviously knows his X’s & O’s .. He is known as a Player’s Coach and cares about his Players and Assistant Coaches, I do think he gets a little too close to them at times and sometimes stays with them too long and hasn’t held some accountable. His record is a good one and in fact, the best in Eagle History. Overall, he has been a very good coach,but without truly addressing the above mentioned items, they will have a very difficult time winning a Super Bowl..
Todays NFL game is about making adjustments and creating or taking advantage of mis-matches.. and most times, these have to be prepared,anticipated and used during a game while it is unfolding, which is not AR’s strength..

September 2, 2010 10:11 am

awful coulda added a couple words to the post title
like either add formula that wins mostly meaningless games
or formula that loses majority of big games after the reg season of course
i agree with pmans assesment of andy good captain horrible on gameday
also by the comments i hate 2 say it but dam songs is right
if we lived in most other major cities especially where thay have won sb’s fans would be calling for this guys head
imagine coughlin being ny coach 11 yrs and no sb’s
he just won a sb and is on the hot seat
like seriously i think alot of people r content knowin their team can compete most weeks
thats very sad i have alot of friends from ny and they make it a point to let me know all the time that they wouldnt have this nonsense in ny
no coach would have an 11 yr tenure and no chips but its not a prob here
here andy’s the best we r going in on sunday only 3 pt dogs to greeen bay o thanx andy for giving us a team that will compete every yr
we wont ever be the best but thnx andy for us not being the worse
its a horrendus philosophy adopted by this town a losers philosophy

September 2, 2010 10:17 am

we arent bengals lions chiefs but we arent indy new england pitts either
so give andy a cookie

September 2, 2010 10:28 am

Why do the Front Office Groupies need to come on here and personally insult any of us who thinks this coach and FO stinks. I am just expressing my opinion and i do not take shots at anyone on here. So if you guys like watching this team get pushed around and not win under this regime then fine but do friggin insult me personally.

September 2, 2010 10:35 am

Andy Reid has been very good with game planning for game day. I’ll give him all the credit for that. However, the problem has been the adjustments during game time, which has been either inexistent or ineffective. He is not good at improvising and that is reflected on the field.
Case and point, in the last preseason game against the Chiefs the spin as to why the Eagles looked offensively horrible has been that the team did not practice for all the blitzes the Chiefs employed during the game.
It’s fine that the Eagles did not prepare against all the defensive scheming, but once the coach recognizes what is going on during the game then he has to “put his guys in a better position”. And judging what happen after that 1st quarter, we can conclude that the adjustment was ineffective.
Maybe we shouldn’t get worked up by a preseason game, but logic tells me that the last thing the coach wants is for his QB to get hurt so when you see Kevin Kolb getting hit most of the time, you have to wonder on how prepared is this team.
My advice to Andy: change it up. Do the unexpected so that you and the team get used to handling unexpected situations.

September 2, 2010 10:36 am

BTW Mac…Im a pretty smart guy. I can even count ..0 rings. Cowboys 5, Giants 3, Redskins 3. So since the Eagles won more games then these franchises in the last 10 years thats an accomplishment? I dont care about winning Regular season games unless it leads to a Super Bowl. If you dont win the Super Bowl your season is a failure. did you also use that excuse for 5 when he got traded? No you shat on him because you hated him.

September 2, 2010 10:48 am

i agree ozz attack my opinion all u want not me
very good example with d5 thats the reason he’s gone cause he cant wint the big 1 but apparantly somewhow big red can
maybe we chould hire holmgren make andy qb coach and we could get a chip
thats seems like only formula which has worked for this guy
thats the formula G put em at qb coach

September 2, 2010 12:27 pm

Reid’s “system” above all. For years, Reid didn’t need quality receivers, running backs or linebackers because of his “system.” I wish Reid were a little more flexible with his system. for time changes all things, nothing remains the same.

September 2, 2010 12:30 pm

Ozz, so you really care about what happend prior to the past ten years more than the past ten years? Like you said, you’re certainly entitled to that opinion, but it seems strange to me. You’re more concerned with the 80s and 90s than the present and past 10 years? And as for winning regular season games – you said you don’t care about winning regular season games, just the SB – dude you HAVE NO SHOT AT THE SB if you don’t win your regular season games. That means that Reids teams have had way more shots at the superbowl than any other NFC East, and most other NFL teams. That’s the point, it’s not just that we’re impressed with stacking up regular season wins. It’s that it implies more chances at the superbowl. Would you rather have 7-8 shots at something, or 1, and know you’ve accomplished it last century?

September 2, 2010 12:41 pm

“That means that Reids teams have had way more shots at the superbowl than any other NFC East, and most other NFL teams.” AND HAVE FAILED EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE HAD MORE SHOTS.

September 2, 2010 12:54 pm

I’m proud too have the Bigguy as the coach of my squad. We haven’t brought home the tresure yet. But he keeps us rollin and with hopethat we will put all the pieces together. I always try and remember these guys no twice as much as us and we’re not average fans in the tri-county,Illadelph ,and countrywide Birdbrains. We have more knowledge then most.Come on,my mom knows what a Cover 3 robber is and knows a Sam backer needs too jam the tigh end and a corner needs too have fluid hips. You cant f with that.AND IM SURE YOUR MOM DOES TOO!!And im not talking about your mom in a bad way.

Fact is we’re all chomping at the bit for FOOTBALL!!EAGLES FOOTBALL! So we’re getting more debates instead of talking about this weeks battle. No more Sundays of making power breakfast for lil ones and then waiting for the Phills too come on. Give me BIRDGAME!!

September 2, 2010 12:58 pm

id rather make 1 and win it then 10 losses anyday
and again that loser mentality justifies this
o we used to be horrible be greatful that we make playoffs now
very sad glad phitans havent adopted this philosophy
we used to stink we dont have to win it all just be decent
this is what the eagles fo knows and this is what they have used for thier defense very sad u agree

September 2, 2010 1:26 pm

Schill- Dont get cute and try to make your own argument. For a guy that calls everyone stupid i find it hard from a man with so much intelligence to not understand what i am saying. We get shoved down our throats about how many 10 games win season Big Red has produced but they mean CRAP if you dont win the Super Bowl it was I am saying. For Example: 2007 NE Patriots undefeated regular season. First ever 16-0 team. Season IS A UTTER FAILURE BECAUSE THEY DIDNT WIN SB. Get it now? All i know is you sit there and defend a coach and FO that has brought you 0 champioships and make the same mistakes every year. The players have changed (YEs even last years best roster in the nfl) and still same problems. Pass happy predictable offense. Soft and small defense. So until i see a lombardi trophy , i have 0 confidence in the Ownership, FO and coaches. All your so called points about this FO and coach are Null and Void becuase they fail every year.

September 2, 2010 1:57 pm

Thats why I hate posting stuff on this site because everyone thinks they are an espn Sal Palantonio Analyst. I say it first hand I dont know stats but what I do know is this team has let me down for years and years and quite honestly if it wasnt for the phillies winning a championship I wouldnt even watch the eagles anymore because I would be so frustrated of this city not winning a championship that I would just throw my hands up and say forget it.

September 2, 2010 2:03 pm

One things about Andy and his play calling is that it has changed over the years…
remember when we had the trick plays? what happened to the onside kicks?
what happened to the flea flickers? what is making andy run the wildcat now?
Vick? cmon no one is scared of Michael Vick anymore. Its almost like he is experimenting
so when I hear Gary say he is sticking with what made him win I see otherwise.
This coach is MUCH different from 4-5 years ago

September 2, 2010 2:26 pm

Amen, Jimmy Mac.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 2, 2010 2:31 pm

C/mon guys lighten up.. It’s football and there is only 1 Champion out of 32 teams each season..
Life is still worth living if the Eagles don’t bring home a Championship, thu sun will still rise and fall..
From reading your above posts, maybe Lurie should just sell the Franchise to some rich guy in Memphis, Oklahoma City or Los Angeles.. Then what would you all have to complain about….

September 2, 2010 2:37 pm

OZZ – Yeah, I hear you about the Superbowl, we all know it. They are trying to win the superbowl every year, and fact is, we were cheated against in the superbowl. Fact is, superbowl championships are obviously the ultimate goal, but many of you are caught up in the pride thing. We all watch every year with the same goals, and then it’s a new year. If you ask me, the whole ‘dallas has a bunch of SBs, so does washington, giants got one….etc….’ thing is BS because SO FREAKIN WHAT. It doesn’t change anything at all except for trophies, rings, and pride, which is all BS. We want them to win one this year. They might, they might not. But what Dallas did a long time ago is so unimportant and irrelevant. You think the Dallas fans are sitting pretty right now saying – ahhhh, it feels so amazing to have one a superbowl in the early nineties. I’m so happy with my team right now that hasn’t won more than 1 playoff game in 15 years. NO, they’re not. Get over the SB shit, and get hyped for another season. If you can’t, fine, but Reid is going to be coach. And Kolb is going to play QB. And the rest of us are going to watch and enjoy the season. You in?

September 2, 2010 2:39 pm

Knowing that your team won a championship a few presidents back doesn’t make anyone’s life better. That is a fact. If you’re playing sissy five year old ‘look what I have and you don’t” pride games, yeah, maybe, but that’s just dumb. Its about this year.

September 2, 2010 2:48 pm


September 2, 2010 2:53 pm

First of all if we won a Super Bowl in the 90’s I would be alot happier right now. 2). Just because I dont like the FO and the coach doesn’t mean I wont root for the team to win and I have the RIGHT as a die hard fan to criticize whomever I want on the team. In the end I hope I am wrong and they I can come on here and eat crow. But you arent a better fan than me OR anyone else on here.

September 2, 2010 2:54 pm

Dianetics with Paulmandomis
12.99 paperback
16.99 hardcover

Paulmandomis exlains the lessons sports fans should be learning from him and gives a breath of fresh air too G.cobb posters.Insightful and inspiring reading for depressed Philly fans that still dont know its all about having fun and enjoying our squads with fam and bro’s.

Erocks review…breathtaking and tastelessat the sametime.

September 2, 2010 2:55 pm

Funny how none of you REAL fans, stuck for McNabb like this for all those years.

September 2, 2010 3:08 pm

its debatable a few of his performances are the reason we didn’t have a shot to win one. Not too many great performances in those games.

September 2, 2010 3:17 pm

A few of his performances are the reason we were even there….not too many great performances by the D. In reality the reason we’re such Birdbrains is because of Don and that entire era. Maybe the younger guys.I came up on the minister of defense. Had they one good o-line in those years we woulda had a title with that d. man they were nice.

Dons gone…..move on…PACK on the horizon…E-A-G-L-E-S.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 2, 2010 3:36 pm

Thanks Erock for those kind words,
I would like to mention a Boxed DVD/CD set for $19.99 and I will throw in the Paperbook Edition..
plus 4 oz of “Red Sensimilla”.. Ennoy and Happy Labor Day

September 2, 2010 3:39 pm

OK – just one question – what the hell language is that that Philly small willy writes in – is that 5th grade gibberish, yiddish or creole – should I be reading left to right, right to left top to bottom or bottom to top?

I understand the basic misspelling and am willing to overlook some grammer – but damn. I’m starting to think I should circle every thrid letter and see if it spells out a secret code –

Love Andy Ried – Loved Donovan McNabb – two weeks till we get this great season going – I have to find a good sport bar in Ohio to watch the game (got to get those college visits in!) Anyone know if the Pro Football Hall of Fame shows the games? (I will be traveling with my son from Ohio back to Philly that Sunday

Lastly – anyone know anything about Desales – heard they have a great Div III hoops team

September 2, 2010 3:58 pm

Navy, it’s called texting. I really think he posts from an iPhone or other mobile device.

ERock & Paul, Would I be able to get “audited” if I get the special edition commerative innagural edition of Paul-a-detics? perhaps the special underwear that I hear so much about?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 2, 2010 3:59 pm

DeSalles is in Youngsotwn,Ohio isn’t it Dave..

September 2, 2010 3:59 pm

Either that or PW is really a stenographer.

September 2, 2010 4:25 pm

Well well well…done…shippings free for you brothah. go birds!

September 2, 2010 4:26 pm

I’m an Eagles fan and you know what? I’ll cheer for the team even if we have not recieved that elusive Superbowl. My emotions have been adjusted to feel excitement for the season even when I know my squad have no chance of winning a Superbowl…Hell, this organization have made it competitive each week for 10 years giving us a chance to win. although other teams have had less chances and won Superbowls with their chances like the Giants ….knowing we were close gives me confidence in Andy Reid. I can live with the consolation prize. Who needs a Superbowl?… when I can look forward to being competitive for years to come. This formula have worked for years and I see no need for them to change routine. We have commited to the run one out of 11 seasons, so who need a running game anyway? Donovan Mcnabb and Brian Dawkins were in the way and we are better off with the money we are not paying them and shelling it out to more worthy Eagles like Stacy Andrews and Jason Peters….This organization is fine with the way they do business and I will stick behind this underachieving organization…… for I’m a Philadelphia Eagles fan.

I’m use to it.


September 2, 2010 4:57 pm

Pman – no – its north of Quakertown – up off the Northeast extension -lax coach really likes my son – I didn’t think anything of it becuase I thought Desales was up in New York.. – you can either turnpike it or go up the 309.. anyway OK lax program – but they had like an elite 8 NCAAIII team for hoops team

September 2, 2010 5:05 pm

Can someone explain why Reid is defended for his success yet Mcnabb is not…. being the quarterback during Reids successful years?

Is the team failure to et a Superbowl Mcnabb’s fault or is Reid more to blame?

September 2, 2010 5:09 pm


September 2, 2010 5:11 pm

Now all we need is a Church…and a mascot. Too bad Tom Cruise is taken.

September 2, 2010 5:17 pm

First Ozz – I agree 100% that you can express anything you want, and that I’m no better of a fan than you or anyone (did I I ever say that?). No fan is better than any other.

Songs – Nice post there, though I assume it’s sarcasm. Thing is that you claim that those who view the team with some optimism think that everything in the past is fine and perfect and that no changes should be made. That’s not the case. People with optimism see that Kolb is a change. That Shady is a change from Westbrook – much more of pure RB, less small scat back/wr. See that the WR corp is a strength with speed, elusivness. sure hands, playmaking ability, height, toughness, and diversity (that’s a change for sure). See that we have a great fullback who makes plays in the air and on the ground (change). See that we have a great TE that is tough and the real deal (different from LJ). See that we have potentially a dual edge rushing threat (change), depth at the DT position (change), a proven special teams coach (change), a proven head coach/secondary guru at secondary coach (change)…. but yeah, those who like the team this year think that no changes were needed from what we didn’t win the superbowl with right? No, we just think that there’s been A LOT of changes, and that many of them seem promising at this point. That’s all. Have a great day (or is that a pipedream for you too?).

September 2, 2010 5:25 pm

Whew! Ozzman is on point, today!!!

September 2, 2010 5:27 pm

Okay, Songs, in my opinion, you’re sometimes over the top, but I completely agree with this:

Can someone explain why Reid is defended for his success yet Mcnabb is not…. being the quarterback during Reids successful years?

Is the team failure to et a Superbowl Mcnabb’s fault or is Reid more to blame?

September 2, 2010 5:32 pm

Drummer, as for the blame thing, McNabb wasn’t traded just for blame and because ‘he’s the reason the team lost the superbowl’. McNabb was traded perhaps for some of that, but also a huge chunk of it had to do with his age, his mounting injuries, the buisness plan which makes more sense with a young QB on a young team, his contract, and the fact that the team already had the successor in place and thought it was time. The 04 superbowl and/or other missed opportunities at most played only a part of the decision to trade McNabb.

September 2, 2010 5:36 pm

Schill, I never said McNabb was traded for blame or because he lost the superbowl.

September 2, 2010 5:39 pm

Simply put, I believe Reid had more deficiencies as a coach than McNabb had as a QB, although both were very good at their respective crafts.

September 2, 2010 5:55 pm

So, Schill ..Do you believe a business move should be made that have no room for error and if it’s the wrong move it would place the organization in a worse case?

What would be the explanation if Kolb sucks and this team record is no where near last years record?

September 2, 2010 6:02 pm

its the same game on here everyday/every year. I havent posted in forever but….

Andy-Great leader as far as keeping the team in line, making our team look and act like champs but his gameday coaching is for sure flawed. He has relied on his “system” and it is broken. You need to be able to run in dec and jan. you need great WR’s to do what he wants. Finally he has realized the latter. Now… 2 years in a row…. we go into the season with broken down and banged up Oline.

Kolb-He’s our guy now. we have to back him. Songs…. im with you on alot of what you say but… it happened…. McNabb is gone. I think Andy was a good qb coach and he was right when he drafted McNabb…… we have to trust that he made the right call with Kolb. If Kolb flops…. Andy has to go.

i stand by what i said years ago on this site…. Fire Marty and hire a OC that wants to run. Have that guy beg and plead to run. Strip Andy of the HC job if you have to but you have to sustain drives and run.

As far as songs saying that they “sell us on guys”. THEY DO. its true…. Every FS, every LB, every “high motor” DE……. they do and we lap it up. I thought Sean Jones was the guy. I was sucked into it. I thought Demps was the answer. And yes…. every team has draft busts and FA busts BUT….. no team spins like the birds.

Spin….. they told us last year that they had the best team…. they told us this year that Kolb wont miss a step. They built it up again. I was fine saying they would go 8-8 this year if they were lucky but THEY said they werent rebuilding. THEY said they were “reloading”. so i expect 10 wins. Anything else is a failure as far as im concerned. They talk waaaaaayyyyy too much.

We all follow this team because we love it… we live it….. I just wish THEYd stop talking and win it. We have 0 Superbowls. I know its hard.. i know we’ve been good….. but i dont want to hear anything more about our roster or how good we will be from the FO until we win the whole damn thing.

September 2, 2010 6:56 pm

Schill, If Mcnabb was not traded just for the blame thing..then why is he not spoken when Reid is heraled for pass success?

Shouldn’t it be Reid and Mcnabb spoken in all successful accolades?