• March 10, 2025

Reid Was Raked Over The Coals For Benching A Legend Like Kevin Kolb

Earlier this year Andy Reid had to tell the first player he ever selected in the draft that he was trading him.  He had to tell the player who led his teams to the playoffs year after year for more than a decade, and who was most responsible for him getting promoted to team V.P. of Football Operation and getting multi-year extensions of million of dollar contracts, that he was shipping him out of town.

He had to tell this player the bad news in the off season after that player had again led his team to the playoffs while helping the offense break the team’s scoring record.

If Reid had the stomach to tell McNabb that he was going in another direction and was trading him to Washington, surely he can tell a young quarterback like Kevin Kolb who has very little if anything on his resume, that he’s being benched for a better quarterback, like Michael Vick who happens to be a former All-Pro.

Despite that background information,  today, Reid was raked over the coals for benching Kolb.

With a straight-face a media person asked Reid, if benching Kolb, a quarterback who didn’t play well this preseason or in the first game,  was the toughest in-season decision that he had ever made.   Think about that question.  Again, after having benched McNabb a couple of years ago, he was asked whether benching Kevin Kolb was the toughest in-season decision he had ever made.

Did I miss the last ten years when Kevin Kolb was leading the Eagles to the playoffs?  Did I just wake up from a decade long slumber?

Reid was then asked how he could tell the great Kevin Kolb that he’s the starting quarterback on Monday and then tell him he’s not on Tuesday.  Reid responded with, “Well, listen, there are things that I have to do in a leadership position and there are certain things that take time. I’m dealing with young men and their livelihoods. If there’s a tough situation, I’m going to make sure I think it through and I’m going to buy time to do that. I think that’s very, very important.”

He was then asked if he might be viewed as not being a man of his word and that the organization is very unstable, then he responded, “No, I don’t feel that it’s unstable. If I’m the bad guy, I’m okay with that. I think it’s important that the players – that I do what I think is right for them. How I’m perceived outside of them, that’s not my concern. I’ve got to take care of this football team, number one, and that’s what I’ve always done and I will always do.”

Reid was asked if Kolb had told him that one-half of football isn’t enough to judge him by when they sat down and talked.  Yeah like Kolb has a lot to argue about.

I never knew how important it was to be available at all times to talk to the media.  I will tell you this that Kolb did a great job of always being available for the media.  He answered any and all questions.  You can see that they all appreciated it, but I’m from a different cut of cloth.

What you do on the field is much more important than what you do in the interview room?  Kevin Kolb’s career has not been worthy of the reaction by the local media.  He hasn’t done anything yet for the Eagles, so his getting benched is not really a big deal.  At least as far as I’m concerned it’s not a big deal.


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Media Shocked The Eagles Players Aren’t Shook Up By Kolb Benching

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Kolb And Vick Are Sticking Together And Moving On After Decision

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September 22, 2010 3:22 pm

damn g u battin .1000 today
u took the words right out of my mouth
thk u

September 22, 2010 3:29 pm

Exactly G. The media didn’t roast him for getting rid of McNabb yet there’s supposed to be outrage because he benched an unproven guy. The hardest thing Reid had to do was bench McNabb and trade him. For them to think benching Kolb is anywhere in the same ballpark lets you know about how the media cares more than the team. They don’t care about that because they wanted McNabb gone. And the only care now because it’s Vick. If they were benching him for AJ Feeley or Jeff Garcia the outrage from the media wouldn’t be nearly as great. Wonder why people stop buying them useless papers.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 22, 2010 3:29 pm

It’s feed’s the frenzy that is the Philadelphis local media
AR is a big boy and can handle himself, it comes to the territory whether a questions is fair,accurate and even makes any sense.. As the HC , it’s why you get the big bucks to put up with bozo’s like them.
Now lets get to the other 51 players on the team and especially the 5-6 others that need some upgrading, if this team is going to many any serious playoff run…. .

September 22, 2010 3:30 pm

Honestly G, when I listen to WIP and read the articles from the local paper all you here is. Kolb is a leader. We can follow this guy. These media types have their own agenda. Its really not about winning. If it was then you wouldn’t have got all the extra about McNabb. Honestly what does smiling and someones mother and a long list of nonsense have to do with football. McNabb was tough as nails, but he was labled as a guy that was always hurt. This guy couldn’t even make it through a half of football without being knocked out of the game. I love football and sports in general because it lets you escape into a world of “fairness” At least that’s what you would hope. People can’t set their biases aside to enjoy a winning football team and thats sad.

September 22, 2010 3:32 pm

ah, the thing that we can all unite in, – the philly sports media hate. It’s a beautiful thing. Seriously though, good sports media in Philly would feel as strange as a Philadelphia without cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, wawa, tastycakes….etc…. it just wouldn’t be philadelphia if the media was respectable and of any quality.

September 22, 2010 3:38 pm

schiller you are right about that. 98% of them are jokes.

September 22, 2010 3:41 pm

we have been talking about this qb subject all summer. kolb was given the job he did not earn the position. that being the case he did not get the repect from the players in the locker room. meanwhile vick worked away at his craft and gained the respect of the locker room and played well when he got his shot. reid did not betray klob, he did what was best for his job and the team. winning in the nfl is the bottom line. kolb has no one to be mad at but himself.

September 22, 2010 3:41 pm

Wow I take a break from the NFL for a few days and Vick is the starter? hmmmm.. This to me sounds like a man (andy reid) that wants to keep his job. If Vick is starting Reid knows we will get more wins but again this is the eagles. They sell victory to their fans but know that this team will not win anything. Goal get a winning record this year and I keep my job. Well done Andy. Then again we beat the lions. who hoo all of a sudden we are going to the superbowl? cmon. eages record with vick 7-9 skins win the nfc.

September 22, 2010 3:46 pm

vr, you really think that the only incentive to win for Andy Reid is to keep his job? That’s pretty funny. They gave him a three year extension and more money. A gesture like that doesn’t suggest, you’re on the tight rope and we’re leaning towards firing you. Nope. He’s an NFL coach who makes decisions about how to win games, because he wants to win games, not because he want’s to keep his job.

September 22, 2010 3:47 pm

G continues to miss the point as he continues to get kick-backs from Mike Vick.

The point why the media and people with a brain is shocked is not because we think Kolb is a great QB. It’s because this decision sets back the franchise 2 years.

Vick is nowhere near a superbowl level QB, and the eagles are nowhere near a superbowl level team.

All this move does is delay the process of trying to find a superbowl QB. Next year when Kolb is playing and Vick is somewhere else, and we find Kolb sucks.. now it means we wasted 2 seasons to find out what we should have learned it 1.

September 22, 2010 3:54 pm

well look if the eagles stink with vick at qb then alot of u guys should be happy. then u bring ur project in with no pressure and see what he can do. its like the sixers they tried to make the playoffs once it was done they started jrue holliday the rest of the season. im not high on him either but i understood the process. same thing here nothing different its a win win if vick wins great if he loses then it actually makes it easier for the almighty kolb
i also believe this is part of andy’s thought process

September 22, 2010 3:56 pm

phillywill: What is accomplished if Vick plays well enough to get the eagles a wildcard and then bounced? Nothing but a wasted season.

September 22, 2010 3:59 pm

wow mugsybrown hahaha vick is no where near a sb qb
dam so kolb is no where near a regular season qb then i guess
lmao i laugh at these silly comments u say this like he is benching brady(a sb qb) for vick r u really serious ?
the franchise was setback when we traded d5 andy is trying to do the opposite of what u speak. he is actually trying to do what he said reload and not rebuild huge difference. if andy and fo sold rebuilding then maybe u get ur wish mugsy they sold us on reloading hence u get the better qb to start
u gotta love andy for not being the ny knicks and tanking every yr he is trying to win how can u hate on that

September 22, 2010 4:02 pm

phillywill.. have trouble reading? I never said kolb was any good, just that Vick isn’t a superbowl QB. We don’t know what kolb is. The point is they’re not winning a superbowl this year, and next year vick is gone, so you’re just wasting your time.

September 22, 2010 4:03 pm

ur whole entire eagles fanhood has been wasted then
when have we not been bounced
and u mean to tell me after what u saw from kolb and after what u saw from vick kolb’s the way to go lol ok enough said

September 22, 2010 4:05 pm

mugzy, I see your point, but your argument hinges on Michael Vick’s future play in the NFL being a known commodity. It has been years since Vick has played in the NFL, but you’re saying we know that he, and the team he’s playing for, will just replicate the falcons teams of years ago. It’s an unknown path either way. It’s unknown whether they will resign Vick. Whether Vick will get into more trouble and be out of the NFL for ever. Maybe he’ll lead the Eagles to a superbowl win. Maybe he’ll lead another team to a superbowl win. Maybe he’ll have a career ending injury this year. We don’t know. Same goes for Kolb. In the meantime, Reid and co feel that Vick is the better bet of the two unknown futures. Thats all.

September 22, 2010 4:05 pm

Dumb argument. Mcnabb was given 11 years to prove himself. Kolb was given a little more than 1 quarter. Mcnabb had worn out his welcome. You continue to show your bias with all things Mcnabb. Do you go over his house for Christmas or something?

September 22, 2010 4:06 pm

Your sarcasm with all things Kolb is getting tiring.

September 22, 2010 4:07 pm

if they dont sign vick i guess u can be right but we didnt think they’d sign vick in the 1st place i didnt think they’d actually trade mcnabb to start kevin kolb (ridiculous btw) and i for 1 though i played around with the idea never thought in a million yrs andy would have the balls to start vick
so basically we dont know what the eagles will do i think thats pretty obvious now

September 22, 2010 4:07 pm

Schiller: I agree. I cant believe it .. but I do.

September 22, 2010 4:11 pm

y r u a kevin kolb fan can i just ask u that lmao
i have 11 yrs of reasoning for liking d5
let me guess u like kolb’s moxy or something get tf outta here hahahahahahaahahahahahahaah well this is great i was sick we traded 5 for a scrub to start now u just be sick ur scrub got benched o well life in philly lmao how did www say it i didnt bench kolb hahahhahahahahaha
and for the record the bum ass falcons arent and have never been the eagles
u put vick on eagles and d5 on falcons during those yrs and i dont think much changes in our history except for maybe we beat carolina in nfc chip gm since they just wanted to play bump and run man to man all over the place lol #7 would have ran the ball

September 22, 2010 4:12 pm

schiller you’re exactly right. They are purely basing their opinions off of Vick back in 2006 when he was undiscipline, had poor coaching and could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. If they can’t recognize that he’s a different person on an off the field they will continue to make broad assumptions that don’t make any sense.

September 22, 2010 4:19 pm

y do yall keep saying it like vick was a scrub
he was on a scrub team omg
their d was half ass
they had no weapons
and if they dont call back a 60 yard scamper where bdawk drilled him into the endzone they may have beat us
i dont get it
u put djax maclin celek shady on that falcons team then yall can compare
this is utterly ridiculous though how u guys act like he is 10 x’s better
doing small things here or there better maybe but yall blwoing it out of proportion whether u liked him or not he was a top 5 qb in 2006

September 22, 2010 4:40 pm


September 22, 2010 4:41 pm

I think this article needs to be bronzed…just because Schiller and Scorp admitted that they agree with eachother…

September 22, 2010 4:46 pm

Wow this s the truth. I rearely post on here but G is on point here. and i dont always agree with him but be real we benched Kolb a guy G has said looked bad In practice ever since minicamp started. If G see this im sure AR and the coaches see this. Also Vick has looked great in practice and in the games minus the one bad preseason game he had. Vick has proven he is back to pre prison form and with the right coaching may be better then before. With his play making ability with those weapons (not to mention suspect line) it really is a no brainer to move forward with vick and maybe sign him for 4- 5 years that is enoug time to have a good run with Vick trade kolb to cleveland and get a pick u can groom someone else. Of course all this hinges on vick keeping out of trouble. Alot of the media has an anti McNabb and Reid agenda so whatever he does he will get roased for.

September 22, 2010 4:47 pm

PDub, I was asking myself the same question in reference to the Kolb nickname. I just hope he didn’t purchase his hard earned money on a jersey yet.

September 22, 2010 4:50 pm

Dparente – Why send Kolb to Cleveland? You want Kafka backing up Vick? I don’t. We need Kolb to be the backup.

September 22, 2010 4:53 pm

Schiller’s ok by me when he’s talking football. It’s the arrogant, self righteous attitudes towards others’ opinion that he displays sometimes that irks me. Other than that, he’s good by me. I can agree with anyone in one area and disagree in another. I’m not like some of the people on here to just disagree with a person because they are the ones that said it.

September 22, 2010 5:02 pm

amen G.vick has out played him to this point and deserves the starting role until proven otherwise. give vick a couple more games before offering a contract then ship kolb. sign a veteran backup…garcia maybe and call it vicks team…..on another note why did we let donovan go if we are not sticking with kolb.

September 22, 2010 5:06 pm

“How does Kolb get over this? And what does it say about his future in Philadelphia? A season that was supposed to be about developing the young quarterback has done just the opposite.”
Ray Didinger, CSN 22 September 2010.

“How does he get over it.” The same way the rest of us in the real world deal with being unemployed, spouse cheating, or being told no, you did not get the promotion after 20 years of service. You move on. Pain is a part of life.

“A season that was supposed to be about developing a young Quarterback”. Really!? Alls I ever heard was that he was ready to play! Developing? What was he doing for the 1st 3 years?

Every season is supposed to be ABOUT WINNING!

Mr. Ray Dickinger, I feel your pain. I felt it the day they sent a 6 time Pro Bowl QB to a division rival. After he had 2 bad games behind a center that couldn’t block LEGOS. Forget playing on a broken leg. Forget playing with broken ribs. Forget setting the team scoring record. Forget making him go 8 years with total garbage at WR only to finally draft the weapons he needs then ship him off to a division rival. It’s a business Ray. Sooner or later the boss gives us all the foot up the rear. It’s what bosses do.

Ray some people freeze to death in the winter and other people ski. By season’s end Kevin Kolb will have figured out how to spend some of the millions of dollars that the Eagles are paying him. While we are sweating are butt’s off trying to make ends meet, he’ll be on a beach in Hawaii laying next to ms. hotness worrying about…absolutely nothing.

September 22, 2010 5:19 pm

This should have been a post bsm lol good stuff
On another note any1 c the irony in this. D5 gets hurt u play kolb in 2 gms he played great in 1 sucked in the other but that was enough to make him a starter over a franchise qb who had been here forever. But now kolb gets hurt vick gets the basically the same 2 gms played his ass off but to start him is foolish by guys like diddy whom i firmly respect btw, just seems very hippocritcal.

September 22, 2010 5:31 pm

Schiller, that was one of the best points you have ever made! Excellent reasoning in regard to Vick pre 2006 against Vick now.

September 22, 2010 5:54 pm

We need to get Garcia in here to bak up Vick and ship kolb to cleveland or minnesota.

It’s time for the Vick experence…..Eagles will finally win Big

September 22, 2010 6:09 pm

*sigh*, I had to comment here. No one knows what the Vick experience will be. Everyone is an expert here. Last week Big red was a rat. Now he’s a genius. He put his neck on the line here. Will the Eagles make the Superbowl this year? Probably not. Vick played Detroit and an unprepared Green Bay. Hopefully he can get some experience and more familiarity with the offense. Soon he come up against a real defense with some tape to watch on him. Then he will have to adjust. The Prior Vick experience was a failure. Here’s hoping this one isnt. Whatever you think about Kolb or Vick Its the team that matters. Regardless of How Vick is QB he is the qb now. Reid showed a lack of integrity by the way he handled the situation. IMHO

September 22, 2010 6:10 pm

Espn is about to show the evolution of a philly fan. I know they gonna disrespect us. Its on sportscenter right now

September 22, 2010 6:17 pm

Yall boy sal pal reports multiple teams have called about kolb. Who the hell is calling? I dnt buy it

September 22, 2010 6:20 pm

O u mean like kolb . Playd good vs chiefs then got introduced to saints. U coulda kept ur comment to urself.

September 22, 2010 6:25 pm

actually Saints won the first game, and then it was the chiefs. Yet again show your lack of knowledge 😀

September 22, 2010 7:21 pm

Talk about going from the Penthouse to the Outhouse; check out this quote:

Reid also would not guarantee that Kevin Kolb will remain with the team after the Oct. 19 trade deadline, despite touting Kolb’s “bright future” in the NFL.

“I can’t predict anything down that far, nobody in this league can do that, that’s ridiculous,” Reid said. “The future, we’ll just have to see.”

September 22, 2010 7:25 pm

bsmvideos, stop it! You’re scaring me. You are ALL OVER IT, man!!! That was a great post!

September 22, 2010 7:30 pm

Still, it appears to me that the emperor is naked. Reid earned a lot of wins on the backs of McNabb and Westy, and now he’s trying to do the same with Vick. The problem is that there are many holes on this team.

September 22, 2010 8:21 pm

The philly media is pissed off because Andy Reid, by pulling this little switcheroo exposed them for the bloodsucking divas they are. They all hopped aboard the the Kevin Kolb express, drinking the kool aid in big gulps and now they’re mad that the train has been put out of service. Now they have to figure out how to justify the inevitable flip flopping they will all be doing for the next few weeks a la Angela Cataldi.
No doubt Reid’s handling of this situation was questionable but he did the right thing in the end. This move lets us know that no matter what the media says, Andy’s job is tied to the success of this team regardless of who the qb is. If Reid thought he had a grace period with Kolb maybe someone whose name rhymes with Bo Schmanner let him know that wasn’t so. Andy is no idiot except when it comes to game/clock management but he does have common sense. If you gonna gamble bet on the talent and always bet on the know quantity. Who cares about feelings? Those are reserved for chicks and blind people. This is football damn it! Go Birds!

PS WTF happened to WIP? Its a shame what that station has turned into. It was kinda nice hearing Howard squirm today. I really hope Ike slaps the p%ss out of him one day….

September 22, 2010 8:33 pm

Hey Vricc, the reality of the Fan-Team relationship is this: We fans by supporting our team with our time, hearts and cash have a very clear and certain right to expect and demand a winning season, we can complain, and rant about losing and would be justified, every owner of a sports team understands this right of the fan. It is every teams goal…no obligation to provide its fans with a winning season, and by that I mean a winning regular season, to not do so is failue to provide a service.

The other side of course is that no fan has a right to a championship, being that there can only be one champ, no fan can obligate a team to give them a championship. We have the right to want a championship however. I want a couple Superbowls… just like everyone on here, and every other fan. I like this site becasue the views are so diverse and always someone makes a strong case for something or another. Well this is my small step into the land of keeping it realism.

For all our ranting the Eagles organization has for the most part filled its sole Fan-Team relational obligation to us, that being to win games, and win seasons. We send our children to school to to be educated and get good grades, not to demand they be the valedictorian, or in the upper percentile, to do so would be foolish, to hope would be acceptable, to demand would not.

Any team that does not thrive to win or desire the championship each year is a farse. I don’t know when the Eagles have not attempted to win a championship, for they have. Our anger is in the mistakes and lack of attention to detail at times of our coaches and FO when we had the oppourtiny to win and come so close that we could touch it.

To be clear I am not complaining or pointing a finger at not one single person who comes to this site or any rant, complaint, or pure anger about not winning a superbowl, i’ve been there and am there, just thought that from time to time we all take a sniff of reality, and the business of the NFL and the nature of the beast, so that at some point the most frustrated fans in the league can take a break, and enjoy our past and embrace our future. LONG LIVE THE EAGLES, now go get us a Superbowl.

I am armour plated up so you guys can beat me down if you want, still….GO EAGLES

September 22, 2010 8:35 pm

Good point Concrete, good.

September 22, 2010 8:46 pm

According to Anthony Gargano of 610-WIP, the Cleveland Browns placed a call to the Eagles last night about the availability of quarterback Kevin Kolb….

September 22, 2010 8:56 pm

Thanks Mono….. I doubt the birds move Kolb this year unless some one blows Andy and Joe away with a high first rounder. I think Kolb gets traded in the offseason if Vick plays well, but you never know with this team. Win or lose its always interesting to be an eagles fan. I’m glad sites like this exist where we can share our opinions. I hope G recognizes he has a little community here. I would love to have him be part of our debates sometime. Make it happen G!

September 22, 2010 9:08 pm

It was the right call. And I think Big Red showed some real football instinct, and leadership in doing it. I’m looking forward to Vick at QB. I still think Kolb can be a good QB, and I’ve defended him on these very pages when he was just an arm at Lehigh – a nobody. But, as reluctant as I might have been to waiver from the decision to stick with a new young QB, and nurturing him to become a player in the league; Vick played way above what I’ve seen a lot of QB’s do in this town. This will be a toothache of an experience for Kolb – so what – grow a pair, or rediscover ’em. If he has any grit, he’ll replace Vick (if he gets injured,) with a boulder on his shoulder.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 22, 2010 11:27 pm

I heard Kolb to the Browns for Back-up QB S Wallace and 2nd Round Draft pick in 2011
S Wallace very familiar to the WCO and could be a viable back-up to Vick for 2-3 years whjikle Kafka gets groomed. meanwhile Kolb will start in Cleveland with J Delhomme backing him up…

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 22, 2010 11:30 pm

I also heard the Vikings were interested in Kolb for 3rd Rd pick and QB Tavaris Jackson
the Jaguars & Bills like Kolb a lot